Base Hit by Haven Hadley



What the hellhad I been thinking? There was no way I could go out and be seen with Vander after he and Callen went to war in the locker room while they were away. If Spence saw us out and then Callen... Fuck, I dreaded what would happen. But what did that make me? I wasn’t any better than someone hiding their relationship because they weren’t ready to be out. Exactly what Callen and Spencer did. I was already out and so was Vander. This was for a completely different reason but still. I had to keep everyone happy, including myself.

Those thoughts and others had been ruling my mind since I agreed to the date. We texted more while Vander was gone and talked on the phone twice, though it was short since he was exhausted. It was nice getting to know him a little. And with every conversation, I wanted to hear more about him. My hesitation over dating him eased a lot. Except for the whole keeping him secret from my best friend and his partner.

My phone vibrated with an incoming text.

Vander:I’m home. Are we still on?

I saw what happened during the last series before they returned to Espen. The first two they won. The last one they lost. Horribly. I watched the games. It was summer after all, so I didn't have to worry about teaching, and since Vander was away, no need for me to be at the stadium.

My heart broke for the Emperors. No, they couldn’t win them all, but they lost spectacularly. Ayden Thompson was off his game. Couldn’t get the strikeouts he needed. The other pitchers weren’t great but better. The closer, as good as he was, couldn’t help get the wins. Then, add in those in the field. Callen missed a ball hit his way by diving too late. Vander tripped over grass for all I knew, falling on his ass, missing the ball coming his way. It was as if Mercury was in retrograde and everything went to shit. Hell, it probably was for all I knew.

Me:I’m sorry about the series.

I wasn’t sure what else I could say.

Vander:It’s okay. At least we won the other two.

Me:That’s the spirit! Plus, you get the company of yours truly tonight.

There was more excitement in my text than there was in me. I was nervous. How was I going to pull off going out on a date with Vander with no one seeing us? I already committed to us going out. Yet, I wasn’t ready for the conversation with Spencer and Callen if they found out.

Vander:Do you mind if we stay in tonight? I’m not really in the mood to go out where the media can watch me lick my wounds.

Hell fucking yes! Thank you to whomever was looking down on me. Praise the best friend gods. There was no way I was getting photographed tonight with Vander. And no one gave a shit where I lived. I was sure Vander could get in and out of his hotel without being seen.

There was this part of me that wished he were renting somewhere. At least then I’d know he’d be around for a while. Why that bothered me so much, I couldn’t say. I hardly knew the man. Yet, as the thought of him possibly leaving soon entered my mind, it was enough to make my stomach churn with unease.

Me:That sounds good. Do you want to come here? I can cook. I think I have food.

Shit. I jumped up and rushed to the fridge to wrench the door open so I could take stock of what I had inside. Fresh pork chops, already mashed potatoes that I could throw in the microwave. Those I could work with. I opened the cabinet nearby and saw I had a can of green beans. Nice. Dinner for two.

Vander:Are you sure you want me to come over? I'm probably not going to be the best company. I can stop and get food on the way over if you still want me there.

I didn’t like this sad Vander. I liked the cocky one who texted me and was so light and full of life.

Me:I’ll cook. You’ve had enough to deal with. Bring nothing but yourself.

Vander:I’ll be there in a half hour or so. I want to change and shower. I smell like plane.

Me:Take your time. No need to rush. I’m not going anywhere.

I sent him my address then set my phone down, flying around the kitchen to get the pork chops seasoned and in the oven. As soon as they were, I stripped like a virgin on prom night and hauled my ass to the shower to freshen up. Not that I was necessarily planning on hopping on Vander tonight. He had a rough few days and it was up to me to cheer him up. If that meant us eating and watching TV, so be it. If it meant we went to bed where I swallowed his cock, I could get on board with that, too.

I mentally slapped myself. No, this wasn’t going to be a hookup. I didn’t want that. This was the new Evan. The one who ruled his land and didn't just want someone to service him. I chuckled. I so wanted that, but I also wanted someone who would cuddle up with me at night, too. Who would wrap me in his arms and hold me close. Not someone who fucked and ran. I’d had enough of that. I’d done enough of that. Besides, Vander was different. I knew that from the first time he touched me.

I showered and dressed quickly, all the while my mind on the left fielder who’d arrive any minute. The pork chops were still in the oven. They would be done shortly. I had to microwave the potatoes and the green beans. I was a bachelor, not a gourmet chef. If I wanted healthy, I went to Spencer’s. If I wanted to indulge, I took my ass out with my friends.

Friends. I scoffed. I had them. A lot, as a matter-of-fact, but the majority weren’t settled down. They were very much part of the club scene and using apps to hookup. Spencer wasn’t, obviously. Kasper wanted to find someone to love. They knew me best. I needed to surround myself with people who thought like me or I’d never find what I truly wanted. As much as I loved my other friends, I was tired of the nightlife. I was fucking tired period.

As I pulled the mashed potatoes out of the microwave, and stirred some gravy on the stove, the buzzer went off by the door. After telling Nick, who was manning the lobby tonight, to let Vander up, I went back to the meal I was making. I should have called downstairs to tell him I was expecting someone but got too wrapped up in getting dinner in the oven and showering.

Once the green beans were spinning around the microwave, I darted into the bathroom one last time to make sure my hair was sexy and my outfit was hot but not slutty. I decided to go with a pair of khaki shorts and a plain olive T-shirt. Nothing fancy. It was a night in after all. The shirt was on the tighter side, showing off my lean body. I wasn't massive, far from it, but I carried enough beer and ran around enough during the school year teaching gym to stay in shape. I wasn’t close to the caliber Spencer or Callen were. Hmmm... I wonder what Vander looked like under his clothes. I bet he was gorgeous.

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts. With one last check on dinner, I went over to let Vander in. The door swung open and holy mother of left fielders; Vander Devlin was delicious. His dark brown hair was still partially wet and fell onto his forehead. He had on a pair of dark jeans and an Espen Jetties T-shirt, which surprised me a little.

“Welcome.” I grinned. “Come in.”

Vander smiled, causing my dick to pay attention. Apparently, that’s all it took with him. One smile and I was lusting after the man. Lovely. Should make getting through dinner interesting, especially watching him as he ate mashed potatoes. The thought of him licking the fork made me shiver a little.

“Are you cold?” he asked as he stepped in.

“What? Oh, a little. The air-conditioning is turned cooler because I have the stove running.” What the fuck was I talking about? The central air was the same temperature it always was during summer. It never made me cold.

I shut the door behind him and when I turned to face him, he was right there. Only six inches separating us. I gasped at his closeness. Then he smiled again. I was so close to melting into a puddle on the floor.

“Hi,” he said, all dreamy like. I was so screwed. It wasn’t a hookup, but I was for sure on board with riding this man.

“Hi,” I replied, grateful I was able to produce more than a moan at his nearness.

Vander leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek. It took everything in me not to turn my head and taste those delicious lips of his again. However, my stomach took that moment to demand food in the form of a loud growl.

“Well, that was sexy,” I said and blushed.

Vander laughed. It was deep and hearty. He seemed lighter than he had been when we were texting before. Although, I didn’t miss the dark circles under his eyes. I wondered if he slept at all the past few days. And here I was making him leave his hotel room where he could have rested.

“I’m sorry,” I rushed to say.

He cocked his head to the side. “What could you possibly be sorry for?”

“I should have told you to stay in tonight. You have to be exhausted. I’m sure you need your rest.”

“I’ll rest later. I wasn’t about to pass up an evening with you, regardless of how shitty the last few days have been.”

Smiling, I carefully moved around him, not wanting to brush against him. Okay, I wanted to strip him bare and touch every square inch of his body, but I wasn’t about to do that. At least in person. My mind was a different story. It already had him naked on the couch, condom on, me starting to straddle him with my hand lining him up.

“Dinner’s done,” I blurted, smooth as ever. “I just need to get it out of the oven.”

“Smells good,” he said as he followed me to the kitchen.

“It’s hot and edible. I’m nowhere close to being a chef, but I can cook without burning everything. I’ve lived on my own long enough.” I realized my mistake the second the words left my lips. I loved my family. I did. But I got the hell out of their house as soon as I could. I left when I started college and never moved back. I had enough money to get a place of my own.

There were so many people out there who had it way worse than I did. As much as my family tried to push me into a job I didn’t want, I didn’t doubt their love for me. We spoke weekly on the phone and I saw them once a month. I knew if I needed them, they’d be there for me, and I’d do the same for them. I was closer to Brystol than I was to my parents.

Vander and I sat and ate, talking about almost anything. I said almost because Vander specifically didn’t bring up baseball, so I avoided it as well. Though the sight of the Jetties shirt kept my interest piqued.

After dinner was over and the dishes were in the sink—I’d deal with them later—we sat on the couch with the TV off. I didn’t have a clue what he liked to watch, and I was enjoying the time with him. We didn’t need the distraction.

“So what’s with the Jetties shirt?” I asked.

He smiled, though it was obvious he was getting sleepy. He yawned and leaned heavily into the couch. “Believe it or not, I’m a fan. Have been for years. The fact that the owner is gay has made me look up to him a lot.”

I nodded. “Makes sense. Kasper never did hide who he was or who he chose to be with.”

“Kasper? Do you know him?”

Uhhhh... fuck. I didn’t mean to let that out. Whenever it came to Kasper, he wasn’t just an uber rich guy who was openly gay. He was one of my closest friends. I was one of the lucky ones who got to see multiple sides of him. The one I loved the most was when he was relaxed and let go of the business side of things to chill with me.

“You could say that.” I couldn’t lie. It wouldn’t do me any good. If we decided to have any sort of relationship, I wasn’t going to hide Kasper. Yet, wasn’t I doing that with Callen and Spencer? Shit.

“Get out!” He brightened. “You seriously know Kasper Wilder? How? Give me the details.”

I laughed. Stories about how Kasper and I met, fun things we’d done, and other interesting parts of our friendship fell from my lips. It was easy talking to Vander. And it was how we spent the next half hour until he fell quietly asleep beside me on the couch with his head on my shoulder. Nothing more. Nothing less.