Legacy by M.A. Foster



Three years and eight months ago


There were three loud knocks on my bedroom door before it swung open and Danny, our former president, stuck his head inside. His eyes darted to my suitcase quickly, then to me. “You have company.”

I rolled my eyes. He only acted this way when Jade came over. Douche.

“While I appreciate the warm welcome, Danny, I know my way to my boyfriend’s room,” Jade said from behind him.

Danny raised his brows in surprise, and I was pretty sure I wore the same expression. I hadn’t been anyone’s boyfriend since high school, but the idea of being Jade’s didn’t freak me out. Much.

It’d been a month since the party over Thanksgiving break. I called Jade when I got back from California, and we met for coffee on campus. I apologized for being a dick, she accepted, and we moved on from it.

Closing my suitcase, I walked over to the door and yanked it open. “Why are you still here? I thought you graduated,” I said to Danny.

With a grin, he raised both hands and flipped me off. “Don’t act like you won’t miss me, Mackenzie.”

I shook my head as I watched him stroll down the hall and disappear into his room. He was right. I would miss him. He was my fraternity brother. We’d shared a lot of good times in this house.

I turned my attention to Jade.

“Merry Christmas,” she sang, holding up a shopping bag and a drink carrier with two cups. “I’ve got hot chocolate.”

She looked like an adorable elf. Her long, wavy dark hair hung loosely around her shoulders beneath a Santa hat. She wore an oversized red sweater, green leggings covered in a candy cane print, and a pair of red ankle boots that looked more like slippers.

“Well, aren’t you festive.” I stepped back, opening the door all the way and gesturing for her to come in.

Stepping over the threshold, she stopped in front of me, lifting up on the balls of her feet. She was a petite little thing. I dipped my head and met her lips for a chaste kiss.

“Hi.” She smiled, her green eyes twinkling with affection.

“Hi.” I closed the door, locking it. “Whatcha got in the bag?” I asked, swatting the little ball on the end of her hat.

“You’ll see.” Placing the drink carrier on my desk, she moved over to my bed and set the bag down. Reaching inside, she pulled out a skinny box about two feet long.

“What is that?”

“It’s a mini Christmas tree.” She smiled as she opened the top and dumped its contents on my bed. Removing the tree from the cellophane wrapping, she fixed the little plastic stand to the bottom and held it up. “Where can we put this?”

“There’s room on my desk.” I pointed, amused as she moved over to my desk and set the two-foot tree on the corner, then bent down to plug it in. The tree lit up with colored lights, and she spent a several minutes adjusting the little branches. Walking back over to the bed, she shoved her hand inside the bag, pulling out two smaller boxes and a mini Santa hat, then stepped back over to the desk, reminding me of a little hummingbird the way she fluttered back and forth.

“What do you think?” She gestured toward the tree.

I nodded in approval. “It’s cool.” The little Santa hat sat atop the tree, and below it, two metal ornaments—a J and a D—hung adjacently.

“Cool?” She backhanded me in the stomach playfully. “You’re supposed to say it’s beautiful.”

Grabbing her by the arm, I tugged her to my chest, and she tilted her head to look up at me. “You’re beautiful.” I pressed a kiss to her lips. “The tree is cool.”

“I have a present for you.” She smiled.

I pulled back with a smirk. “You do?” I drawled suggestively.

We hadn’t had sex yet, but I wanted to.

“Not that.” She giggled, pulling from my arms before turning to reach inside the bag.

“How much stuff do you have in there?” I chuckled.

“Just one more thing.” She turned, holding a small square box. “It’s not much, but it reminded me of you.”

“Thank you.” Taking the box, I set it on the desk and held up my finger. “Hold on. Let me grab yours.”

“You got me a gift?” she asked as I stepped inside the walk-in closet.

“Of course I did,” I called out, grabbing the box from the top shelf and reentering the bedroom. “I’d be a pretty shitty boyfriend if I didn’t get my girl something for Christmas.”

Her eyes widened with excitement, and she did a little happy clap. “Oh, a big present.”

Taking the gift with both hands, she sat on the edge of my bed and placed it in her lap.

Leaning with my backside against the desk, I gestured to the box. “Open it.”

“Aren’t you gonna open yours?”

I nodded to her present. “You first.”

“Okay.” I grinned as she tore at the wrapping paper like a little kid.

While trying to find the perfect gift for Jade, I realized I didn’t know much about her. It’d only been a month, and the handful of times we’d spent together were stolen moments between classes, studying, and work. I worked weekend nights, and by the time I got off, she was already home in bed.

One of my fraternity brothers had a girlfriend who was also a nursing student, and she helped me pick out a few things. I started with an oversized leather bag. Then I filled it with a bunch of nurse stuff: A personalized stethoscope ID tag. Nurse badge reel. A tumbler engraved with “Nurse Jade.” A sweatshirt with “Nurse Life” scrolled across the front and a pair of matching sweatpants.

“Dylan.” She looked up at me with watery eyes. “This is the most thoughtful gift I have ever gotten,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Hey, don’t cry.” I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her.

“Thank you.” She sniffed.

“You’re welcome.” Releasing her, I took a step back. “You good?”

She nodded and swiped at her eyes. “Open yours.”

Grabbing the square box from my desk, I tore off the gold shimmery paper before lifting the lid. Inside was a braided leather bracelet with a single silver bead. It was definitely something I’d pick for myself.

“It’s not much, but it’s so you.” She shrugged. “I hope you like it.”

My heart skipped a beat. “I love it.” I smiled as I picked up the bracelet. I tossed the box on the desk behind me and held out the bracelet to her. “Will you put it on?”

“Of course.”

Once the clasp was secured, I brought my wrist up to inspect the bracelet. “Thank you.” I leaned over, sealing my mouth over hers. Cupping the back of my head, she parted her lips, deepening the kiss.

Tearing her lips away, she pinned me with a look I was all too familiar with. Desire. She leaned back, grabbing the hem of her sweater, and pulled it over her head, then tossed it to the floor.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she breathed, scooting back on the bed. “I’m sure.”