Legacy by M.A. Foster

Six Months Later



Dylan and I arrive at Private Affair, and the hostess leads us to the VIP section, where Vanessa and Liam are already seated.

“Hey,” Vanessa cheers, holding up a martini glass as we approach the table.

Liam stands and greets me with a kiss on the cheek, then pounds his fist against Dylan’s as I slide into the half-moon-shaped booth beside Vanessa.

“Who’s got Cameron tonight?” I ask.

“Emerson,” Liam answers, shaking his head.

“Ignore him.” Vanessa flicks her wrist. “He hates leaving her.”

“Before you know it, little Cameron will be all grown up, married, and popping out little babies of her own,” Dylan teases.

“Haha,” Liam shoots back with an eye roll. “Wait till you—”

“Liam,” Vanessa cuts him off with a backhand to his bicep, and his face pales.

“Shit—fuck!” His wide eyes bounce between Dylan and me, his expression pained. “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, dragging a hand down his face. “I’m sleep deprived and stressed out.”

Vanessa offers a tight smile. “Cameron hasn’t been sleeping much the past few nights.”

“Actually.” I shift slightly, turning my body to face her. “Dylan and I have decided we’re ready to start a family.”

Vanessa’s face lights up, and her eyes gloss over with unshed tears. “Really?”

I nod excitedly, a wide smile stretched across my face. My entire body is buzzing with so many emotions, I feel like I could burst. Telling my best friend makes it all the more real.

“Congratulations,” Vanessa squeaks as she curls an arm around my shoulders and hugs me the best she can, given our seating situation.

Liam stands from his seat and moves over to Dylan, pulling him to his feet and into a man-hug. “Congratulations, bro. Anything you need, just ask.” Liam turns his eyes on me and nods. “Whatever you need, Katie.”

“Thank you, Liam.” I look over my shoulder at Dylan to catch him wiping away a few tears and curl my hand over his. “I love you,” I mouth.

“What’s the first step?” Vanessa asks.

“First we want to find a surrogate. Being that we’re Mackenzies, we need someone trustworthy.”

“I’ll do it,” Vanessa offers without hesitation, prompting Liam to jerk his head toward his wife.

“Vanessa,” he chides. “That’s something we’d have to talk about.” He turns his attention to Dylan. “No offense.”

Dylan winces beside me. “None taken.”

“She’s my best friend, Liam, and you just said if they needed anything….”

I smile. “Yeah, that’s kind of why we wanted to talk to you first. I told Dylan you’d be the first one to offer, and I want you to know how much I love you for it.”

“But…,” she hedges.

I look over at Dylan to see him and Liam locked in a stare-off, wearing matching smirks.

“Dylan doesn’t want my dick anywhere near his kid,” Liam says with a smile, keeping his eyes locked with Dylan’s.

I almost laugh because those were basically Dylan’s exact words this morning when I mentioned Vanessa would be the first to offer. He was joking, of course.

“What?” Vanessa asks with a laugh.

Heaving a deep sigh. “It’s just—”

“I appreciate your offer, Vanessa,” Dylan interjects, “but you’re still adjusting to being a new mom, and we feel like it’s too much.” He gestures to Liam. “You guys are exhausted, and we don’t want to burden you.” He holds up his hands. “And yeah, the thought of you two having sex while you’re carrying my kid kinda weirds me out, but that’s just me being a guy.”

Vanessa leans back against the booth, crossing her arms over her chest. “I think you should reconsider,” she argues. “I’m healthy. I’m trustworthy. And most importantly, I’m family.”

Dylan nods. “You’re all of those things and more.” His gaze flicks to Liam, then back to Vanessa. “I’m not saying no. I’m just worried you’ll get overwhelmed or frustrated and lash out at Katie or me. Because we are family.”

“I would never do that,” Vanessa defends.

“How about we table this conversation for now,” Liam says. “Let’s order some dinner, because I’m starving, and maybe another drink for Vanessa.” He points to me. “You want a drink?”

I chuckle. “Yes, please.”

Liam gestures to someone who I assume is our waiter, then turns his attention to Vanessa. “After dinner, we’ll go home and have a discussion. Then tomorrow we can continue this conversation. Everyone good with that?”

We all agree as the waiter arrives at the table and we place our drink orders.

Shifting closer to Dylan, I lean my head on his shoulder. “I love your heart, Dylan Mackenzie.”

“I love yours, too, Katie Mackenzie.” He leans over and places a chaste kiss to my lips. “And I’m going to keep my promise, wife. You’re going to be an amazing mom.”

* * *

Four months later...

The door swings open, and Dr. McNichol steps inside holding an iPad. At the sight of all of us crowded in one exam room, he raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, we’ve got a full house today,” he says with a friendly smile before closing the door behind him.

Stepping forward, he extends his hand to me, then to Dylan. “Good to see you again.”

“Dr. McNichol, these are our friends, Gabbi and Kennedy.” I gesture to the two of them standing behind us. It’s a tight fit with all of us in here, but this is what we do. “And, of course, you already know Vanessa and Liam.”

Vanessa is lying on the cushioned table with a paper gown. Liam insisted we all stand at her sides or behind the table.

“Yes, of course.” He extends his hand to Liam, who’s standing on the other side “Nice to meet you all,” he says with a nod before moving over to the machine. “Let’s see how we’re doing so far.”

He turns on the machine and moves it closer to Vanessa. “This might be a little cold.”

“I remember,” Vanessa murmurs, and I grin.

Dylan’s arm tightens around my waist as Dr. McNichol inserts the transducer into Vanessa, and a moment later the sound of a heartbeat fills the room. Not just any heartbeat—our baby’s.

“You hear that?” Dr. McNichol grins.

“The heartbeat?” Dylan asks.

“Two heartbeats,” Dr. McNichol clarifies, and my breath catches in my throat. “Twins,” he adds as he points to the screen.

“How?” I ask, reaching for Vanessa’s hand.

“The embryo split,” Dylan tells me, and Dr. McNichol nods.

“That’s correct. They’ll be identical.”

Liam turns his glare on Dylan and me. “I’m gonna start charging you two rent,” he deadpans.

I burst into laughter and tears, turning my face into Dylan’s chest.

I don’t miss the sniffles coming from my friends as Dylan rubs a soothing hand down my back.

I lift my teary gaze to meet his watery eyes. “You’re gonna be a dad.”

“And you’re gonna be a mom, just like I promised.”

I’m gonna be a mom.

Seven and a half months later, two beautiful raven-haired boys, Kellan and Kace Mackenzie came into the world kicking and screaming.

In Dylan’s words, he wouldn’t expect anything less from a Mackenzie.

They’re healthy and strong.

The first boys in a new generation to carry on the Mackenzie name.

To carry on the legacy.

The End


I hope you enjoyed Dylan and Katies story. If any Heritage Bay couple deserves a happily ever after, it’s these two.

There are so many people to thank for accompanying me along this journey.

First and foremost, thank you to my family for all your support.

Thank you to my alphawhores and beta bitches, Angie, Polly, Rebecca, Amy, Stephanie, Kelly, and Lynn.

Thank you to my street team and to all the ladies who share my work, Katrina, Toni, Mandy, Stephanie, Sonia, Shannon, Christine, and Tawnya.

Thank you to Andrea Adams at Bookend Designs for this hot af cover and sexy teasers. And for putting up with my squirrel moments.

Thank you to Kristie Leigh at Vanilla Lily Designs for formatting.

Thank you to all the ladies in my Mayhem reader group for your daily encouragement.

Thank you to the ladies at Hot Tree Editing, Becky, Donna, Kristin, and Mandy.

Thank you Chantal Baxendale for your proofreading services.

Thank you to all the bloggers, bookstagrammers, and booktockers who have read, reviewed and shared my stories. I’m forever grateful.