Hope on the Rocks by Annabeth Albert


Rainbow Cove is a fictional town on the southern Oregon coast. Any resemblance to real places, people, or events is entirely coincidental. Many thanks to my amazing beta readers. Melinda Rueter made Adam’s mom a better person. Layla Noureddine is always so insightful and finds the heart of the romance for me. Edie Danford pushed me to make a more swoony book, and I so hope I delivered. Abbie Nicole did an amazing edit for me as well. I’m so proud of this finished book. My family puts up with my crazy hours, and I love them for their understanding. Writing and publishing is a journey, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has helped me along that journey. My Facebook group, Annabeth’s Angels, has been so supportive of this project, and I treasure all my readers. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, tweeted, shared, and cheered me on—your support is priceless.