Used by Marlee Wray

Chapter 17


It feels strange to wear the two-piece pink dress to the dinner party the next night, but Trick insists. I return the borrowed necklace to Zoe, and she does my makeup again, giving me tips so I can re-create the look myself because Trick says he loves it. I also wear the bracelet because he asks me to.

Rachel and C are both in C’s suite at first, but Zoe thankfully waits until they’re gone to ask me how things went. I wasn’t specific about what was going to happen, but she guessed because of my questions.

“The first time was really good. I liked it.” My face flames as I stare straight ahead. “The second time was very intense.”

“The second time,” she says knowingly. “Rougher?”

“A bit,” I say, thinking of the soreness and of the impossibility of saying no. “He didn’t hurt me, but… he has a dark side.”

“Mmm. Yes, they all do. And it’s both sexy and scary.”

“Yes,” I say emphatically. “I know logically that he’s a very dangerous person, but he doesn’t feel that way to me most of the time. He’s funny and charming, an absolute heartbreaker when he decides to be. But during sex, he feels very dangerous.”

“Trick is complicated.”

“Yes.” I glance over. She’s wearing a red snakeskin dress with a deep plunge between her breasts. She looks incredible. “Does C ever get jealous?”

“Of Trick?”

“Yes, since you guys were together and are still close?”

“First off, Trick and I aren’t that close, not compared to how close Trick is to C or I am to C. And second, I think jealousy comes when you’re afraid someone else will take someone away from you. I get jealous when other women come on to C because I don’t want anyone to replace me. But I think deep down Connor thinks we all belong to him, me and Trick and Anvil and now Rachel too by extension. And he doesn’t get jealous because he doesn’t believe any of us will ever leave him by choice.” She laughs. “He might be worried about you though because of the way Trick loves you. Anvil was surprised that Trick chases you, since he’s never done that before. But Trick shrugged and said, ‘That girl was my very first addiction. All it takes is one hit, and the only thing I think about is when I’ll get my next fix. Of course I chase her.’”

I smile, shaking my head. “That’s flattering… I guess?”

We exchange looks and laugh.

“But as for taking him away, I’m not trying to. It’s clear you guys are his family.”

The door to the suite opens, startling us.

“Come on. Time for everyone to be downstairs,” C says.

Zoe laughs and I smile, standing up.

We head down, and there is a Hummer limo waiting. This crue does like its large vehicles. Trick stands behind me, his left hand sliding down to my lower stomach.

Looking over my shoulder, I tease, “Is your baby where you left it?”

He winks at me.

We arrive in the Hamptons to have dinner with a rap artist and his entourage, but before getting out Trick stares at his phone, then swipes the screen to lock it and drops it in my purse.

“Is something wrong?”

He kisses my temple and then shakes his head, but I know him. Something’s wrong.

* * *


The light’s fading when we arrive. ‘Vil and I each do a sweep around the house, and I ask C to pull the other C Crue guys in tighter.

“What’s up?” C asks.

“I send Mangia emails to fuck with him, and I hacked his email account so I know when he opens them. Last one he forwarded to Enzo Palermo and Leone.”

“People are worried. We killed the last of the Palermo Coins businesses without ever firing a shot. They can’t have you out there destroying them digitally, Trick. If you’re not willing to make them truckloads of money, you’re too dangerous to leave alive.”

“He’s not so special,” ‘Vil says. “The Palermos and Leones want Rachel dead too, and she never hacked anyone’s computers.”

Anvil’s very ready to end Enzo Palermo and anyone else who’s a threat to his wife.

“I hear you, ‘Vil,” C says. “New York thinks it’s clever, so to hell with them. Literally. Those mountains of cash we need to clean we’ll put through Joe Sullivan. You good with that, Trick?”

We need help laundering money until I can shift over to that side of things. “I think Sullivan’s all right. I don’t want him thinking he can hang targets for me to practice on, but otherwise, I’ve got no objections to working with him. He knew the Callahans helped us and told everyone else to leave them alone.”

“How’d Sullivan get so lucky that you don’t want him hanging targets?”

I smirk. C’s been saying for a while that none of us should be involved directly in wet-works anymore because we’re all too valuable now.

“Where’s Enzo right now? You know, Trick?” Anvil asks, loosening his tie.

“According to his IP, he was in Jersey at Leone’s house earlier. Maybe they’re sitting next to each other at a roll-top desk writing checks to whoever they’re sending here to kill us. Tronex and J Skuff both posted on social media that we’re coming to dinner. They’ve posted pictures of the house all week. Gotta assume anyone who’s looking for us knows exactly where to find us, and it’s no Waldorf or Wolfram hotel out here. Once the sun’s down, the approach is easy.”

“What do you say, C?” Anvil asks.

“We’re not running. But yeah, we need to be ready. If we move the girls it’ll divide us because someone has to cover them. Settling in here and pulling our guys closer seems like the best strategy.”

“I’ve got two night scopes, a laser, and a long gun in the case. From the roof, I can sight anyone who comes and either take them down or point them out.”

“The second you use a pointer, it comes back on you,” C says.



“Trick on the roof? Unless he slacks off, I don’t expect to set my coffee cup down. How many of our crue can be here within the hour?”

“Four are already here, standing by a mile away. Six more within the hour. And more on the way in case we need them.”

My brows rise. I’d suggested to C we might bring four or five. “Thirteen of us on hand, and more on the way? We’re not playing.”

Anvil smiles. “Of course we bumped your number. Four or five to cover us in three states when we’re meeting up with five serious families? You’re so fucking cocky, Trick.”

“No, I’m not. I brought two night scopes. Cocky is when I just bring one.”

C smirks.

“Stand watch out here, ‘Vil. I gotta get something from the house,” I say.

“Like what?”

“Food, plus none of your damn business.”

I go inside and glance around. C will need to veto dinner in the dining room because the room’s all windows. If guys with guns get within range it’ll be open season. I pile a plate with food and join the crowd around Zoe and Laurel.

“I’ve gotta go out for a bit. I’ll take a kiss.”

Her brows draw together. “What’s going on?”

I shake my head. “Gotta do a little work.”

She studies my face for a moment, then leans close and kisses me. She tastes like strawberries and Canada Dry. And Laurelyn. I let the kiss last until I can feel eyes on us, and then let it go on a little longer.

Laurel raises her head, a small smile playing on her lips. “That enough?”

“Yes.” I lick my lips. “And no.”

Her smile widens.

“Gotta go.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

I brush my knuckles over the bare skin of her belly, tracing the slight swelling. Then turn and walk out.

* * *


There’s a rainstorm outside, and I wonder again what Trick and Anvil are doing. C’s been watchful and another member of C Crue’s standing on the porch, also watchful and seemingly waiting. C’s given the three of us several instructions, including to stay away from the windows.

The house is louder than the storm outside. Lights flash and the beats pound, with brash men in brightly colored tracksuits and serious bling vying for attention. The downstairs bathroom is in use, so Rachel heads upstairs and I join her. Upstairs is nicer because it’s quieter.

Since becoming pregnant my sense of smell is heightened, and the scent of a noxious men’s cologne slows my steps in the hall. It could definitely be from someone downstairs having been up here recently. But when she steps toward the bathroom, I grab her because the scent’s increasing.


She stiffens, staring at the shower curtain.

“Back downstairs,” I whisper.

When we turn, we see Pauly Mangia approaching fast from down the hall.

Rachel grabs my arm and yanks me into the bathroom. We throw our weight against the door to get it closed and locked. She flips her purse upside down over the sink as the door cracks inward, knocking us down and sending things flying onto the floor. He lunges in on top of us.

My eyes scan the floor for a weapon and see a small gun. Next to me, she’s lying on the floor and he leans over her, choking her. Twisting, I lunge for the gun and get it. I point it and pull the trigger but nothing happens. My mind remembers the safety thing.

Rachel’s face is purple.

I can’t get it to work quickly enough, so I rise and hit him in the head with the gun, slamming him with my body. We fall, and he pins me down. He’s on my back, and I’m pushing my hand against Rachel. I can’t see and I can’t breathe. Then there’s a cracking noise, and Mangia’s weight collapses on me. Blood drips next to my head. I look over my shoulder, my ears ringing and see his bloody head.

“Close your eyes,” Rachel says, her small hand reaching out to block my view.


Her voice is soft and soothing. “It’s okay. Close them.”

I turn my head toward the tile floor, seeing an expanding circle of crimson, and then close my eyes.

“Christ,” C says in a low voice. “Who’s hit?”

Then the weight on my back is gone.

“Just him,” Rachel says softly. “You’re doing good, Laurel. Keep your eyes closed.”

“Here, Rachel,” C says, and her body moves away.

Then I’m being lifted.

“You hurt?” C asks softly as he sets me down in the hall.

Opening my eyes, I find I’m sitting on the carpet just outside the bathroom. “No. Not hurt. He tried.” My eyes search the area until I find Rachel a couple of feet away. She’s standing in the hall, leaning against the wall.

Her eyes are bright, but she blinks the tears away.

C walks over and kisses the top of her head. Then he holds out his hand for the gun.

She closes her hands around it, clasping it tightly for a moment. “Sasha gave it to me. It was—in the box with a diamond pendant. Six-month anniversary present.” She smiles ruefully and hands it to C. “I only let him give me four shooting lessons because I was too busy.” She glances over at me. “The first thing he taught me was how to engage and disengage the safety.”

“Lucky he did,” I murmur.

“How did you know?” she asks, looking around.

“Don’t you smell his cheap cologne? It reeks.”

After a beat she laughs, and then nods. “‘Cause you’re pregnant.”

C looks at me, his eyes appraising me. “No pain anywhere?”

My hand goes to my stomach and I shake my head. “Doesn’t seem to be.”

C exhales, looking grim.

“It’s good we followed the rules,” I say absently, noticing blood on my forearm. I try to wipe it off, but it doesn’t all wipe away.

C grips me under the arms and pulls me up.

“Rules?” Rachel asks.

“C said to stay together. None of us was supposed to go anywhere alone, remember? So when you decided to go upstairs, I came with you. I—didn’t want to break the rules and get in trouble with Trick again.” My laugh is nervous, but becomes easier when C laughs too.

“No, you’re not the one in trouble. Here,” C says, grabbing a wet washcloth from the bathroom. “Get cleaned up.”

“Who’s with Zoe?” Rachel asks, straightening up and starting toward the stairs.

“About twenty people. She’s the center of attention as usual.”

“No crue?”

“The new guy, Miller. Zoe’s good.”

“Oh.” Rachel stops again and leans against the wall.

“Rachel, go downstairs and tell Miller to get someone else inside to stay with you and Zoe and then he’s to come up here. And don’t say anything else.”

“Okay, C.” Rachel goes downstairs without another word.

“How you doing?” C asks me.

“Not sure. All right, I think.” I grimace and shrug. “We didn’t have a choice. He tried to kill us.”

“I’m gonna grab some things. You all right to sit here by yourself?”

I nod.

“Good girl.” Then C goes into a bedroom.

It’s not Derrick Miller who ascends the stairs. It’s Trick, and he’s soaking wet from the rain. His eyes lock on me, but he slows as he passes the bathroom and looks in. He squats next to me, peering at my face and then scanning my body. His hands move over me, stopping to rest on my stomach.

When C reappears, he’s got a blanket and a jersey. “Put this on over your dress, Laurelyn.”

“Where’s the gun?” Trick asks.

C points to the weapon tucked into his belt.

I pull the jersey on over my head, and Trick hugs me.

“You’re getting her all wet,” C says.

Trick lets me go hesitantly.

“Is downstairs secure?” C asks.

Trick nods.

“Laurelyn, baby, you go down and stay with Rachel. We’re coming in a minute.”

“I’ll take her,” Trick says.

“Trick, we’re low on time. She’s good. Right, Laurel? You’re good?”

I nod, giving Trick’s arm a squeeze. “I’m okay. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

“Don’t wander. Stay right next to Rachel.”

“I promise.”

He nods, and I walk past him.

“Hey,” he says.

I look back.

“I love you.”

I smile and blow him a small kiss, then I descend the stairs.

* * *


C and I get Mangia’s body out the window and clean the blood quickly using bleach wipes from under the sink. We bag them and toss them out the window. The job we do wouldn’t stand up against forensics, but we shouldn’t need it to.

“I gotta get back out there,” I say. “You’ll sweep the house to make sure Enzo hasn’t got anyone else hidden in a closet, C? With the guys I brought inside, you’ve got five counting you. Enough?”

“More than. Go.”

I climb out a bedroom window and haul myself up onto the roof. C closes the window behind me.

Using my scope I check out the landscape. Three hired guns are down, plus Mangia. I got two of them and ‘Vil got the other. They got through the holes in our perimeter guys, which means our guys need more training. That’ll be a top priority after this.

In the distance there are two more inbound and one outbound. Outbound means a big man came to inspect C Crue carnage but finding none has decided to retreat.

We need to clean up the mess, but we’re not losing the big fish who I’m figuring is Enzo. I whistle. Anvil doesn’t signal, so I know he doesn’t hear it.

I hang from the corner of the roof and drop to the wet ground. I divide the guys as I move forward, sending some behind me to get the bodies loaded on a boat we’ve grabbed and others to wait for me to drop the rest. Another ten feet, and I drop behind cars for cover. Two shots in quick succession take down the incoming hit men.

I cross to Anvil’s location, but he’s gone. Raising the scope, I tag the fleeing fish, but not ‘Vil. Sprinting between houses, I make an arc to intercept the guy before he can reach the road where I’m betting there’s a waiting car.

Running was how I managed my recovery, but it’s been a while since I’ve run flat out for half a mile. I reach the road with my hands shaking and need a second to recover. Taking a knee, I look for my shot, but then ‘Vil steps out from behind a house and grabs the guy.

I jog over, still catching my breath. He’s got Enzo in chokehold. Scanning the surrounding area, I move in. The three of us are alone for the moment. When I’m close enough, I hear ‘Vil.

“I warned you when she reached out last year.” Then Anvil says something in Italian. The only word I recognize is bastard, but I get the gist. Rachel tried to befriend her brothers, and they reminded her she’s a bastard who married an enemy bastard during a blood feud. They think that makes her unfit company for legitimate Palermos. In private, Enzo’s big on name-calling. We hear he’s even used the word whore, which is ironic considering his father was in the midst of bartering Rachel’s virginity to the Leones when ‘Vil interrupted the proceedings.

Palermo’s eyes are wide as he tries to claw Anvil’s arm off, but he’s got zero chance of out-muscling ‘Vil. Enzo dangles, his feet off the ground, until he loses consciousness. Then ‘Vil grabs his skull in his massive mitts and jerks. I don’t hear the snap of Enzo’s neck over the storm, but I see it well enough.

Anvil drops the body and looks at me, running a hand over his head to sweep the excess rain from his hair.

Looking from the body to Anvil, I raise my brows. “You know that old playground proverb, ‘sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me’?”


“Just checking.”

Anvil’s mouth forms a grim smile for a moment, then he shrugs and hauls Enzo’s body up.