Vengeful Soul by Emma Creed


First off I want to say a huge thanks to my readers for sticking by me and coming along on this wild Dirty Soul ride. I appreciate every single review, comment, post share and private message I receive from you and want to say a huge thank you for taking the time to read my stories.

Secondly, I want to thank my amazing betas Sharon, Sarah and Lucy

Also to my fabulous friend Andrea for proofreading for me and always providing me with plastic sheet worthy inspiration ;-)

Angela and Karen at North and South book blog thank you so much for being the best cheerleaders in the world. I can't wait until we can all meet up.

And to Apryle, Aliana, Lana and Corrine for always being prepared  to read whatever I send you.

To my author buddies. Sharon, Liv, Emily, Erin and JJ thanks for always being there for me and having my back. You are all amazing, beautiful people and I love being on this journey with you all.

And as always I have to give the biggest thanks of them all to my amazing husband and our little tribe. You guys are my everything, and the fact that you all show me so much support means the world to me. I love you all unconditionally xxxxx