Rural Romance by Alexa Riley

Chapter Eight


Imoan and stretch out on the bed as I feel every muscle in my body ache. Every part of me has a sweet soreness that’s nothing like the time Lux made us try out for the cheerleading squad. We practiced all weekend and then her ass changed her mind. Needless to say I was too tired to throttle her but glad she backed out. My body hurt for a week after that, and I didn’t have anything to show for it.

Waking up and feeling the imprint of where Cooper loved my body is something I’m ready to sign up for. I had no clue sex could be that intense, but when it comes to me, everything about him is over the top.

As I slowly open my eyes I try and remember the number of times Cooper made love to me last night. If he’s trying to make up for lost time he’s doing a damn good job at it. He’d been insatiable, but I do remember the last round of sex was when the sun was starting to peek in through the windows. Now the room is flooded with light, and I have no concept of time.

I roll over to my side and see that Cooper isn't in the bed with me. He is, however, sitting in a chair close by staring at me. His gaze is unreadable, but honestly I never know what that man is going to say or do. One day that possibility could be exciting, but right now it’s a little scary.

“Are you watching me sleep?” I ask, resting my head on my hand. The sheet that’s wrapped around me moves down, exposing my breasts to him.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Juno?” He leans forward in the chair, and his elbows go to his knees.

“I’m a late-night eater. Sometimes I wake up in bed, and there are cookie crumbs everywhere and I don’t remember even getting them.” His lips twitch for a moment, but his ghost of a smile drops away quickly, and he goes back to grumpy.

I watch as he holds up my phone, and I can see the screen is unlocked.

“What kind of cop shit did you do to unlock my phone?”

“I put your finger on it.” His tone is hard, and there’s no apology in it. Aren’t men supposed to be happy when they get laid?

“Sorry to tell you there aren't any naked selfies in there. But if you like pictures of kittens or of my art, you’ve hit the motherload.”

“Knock it off,” he snaps and then stands suddenly.

If I didn't know better I might actually be scared of Cooper. Instead I roll my eyes and sit up on the side of the bed. He walks over toward me, and I reach out, resting my hands on his hard stomach. He’s built like one of those football players he and Luca yell at on TV. He’s giant compared to my small frame, but at my touch he relaxes a little.

“You have got to start using your words, big guy.”

“Wes Holland ring any bells?”

“He pierced my nose.” I try to wiggle it, but Cooper’s not finding me very cute at the moment. Even as aggravated as he is, his eyes keep dropping to my breasts, and there is no missing that he’s hard in his sweatpants.

“The date,” he grits out.

Crap, it totally slipped my mind that I’d agreed to it in the heat of the moment.

“Ah shit,” I huff, falling back onto the bed. “I forgot about that.” Gosh darn it. I never should have said I would go out with him. There is no spark or anything with Wes, and I would only be leading him on.

“Why would you even agree to go on a date with him?”

I sit up again, but this time I pull the sheet partly over me. “Why wouldn't I? We”—I motion between him and me—“weren't together when I did agree, and I’m not even sure we are now. If I recall, you said you’d never be my boyfriend.”

He tosses the phone onto the bed before ripping the sheet away from me. I try to grab it back, but he’s already on top of me, pinning me to the bed. I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t moan as his cock presses into my sex right where I need it.

“You’ve always been mine, Juno, and you fucking know it.”


“Don’t pretend you didn’t know. Deep down you know the truth.”

My heart always hoped that because I’ve been so drawn to him from the start. It’s a pull I don’t understand. I don’t feel whole without him.

“I’m not going on a date with Wes. Anyway, it’s your fault I agreed. You better keep that in mind, big guy. If you’re not my boyfriend, I can date whoever I want.”

Something that sounds like a growl rumbles in his chest and vibrates through me. His hand locks around both of my wrists and pins them above my head. He tightens his hold on me, and damn if my hips don’t jerk up in desperate need of his dominance. I’m finding out that being under his control is a big turn-on.

“Is there anything about me that’s boyfriend?” he asks as he pushes his hard length against me.

I blink a few times to clear my thoughts, but nothing comes to mind. “Ah, I suppose not?” When he puts it that way, I understand what he’s saying. Cooper is not a boy in any sense of the word, and to call him a boyfriend would be so small compared to the space he fills inside me. Boyfriend isn’t enough.

“You’re mine.” He stares down at me. He’s making it clear he’s not messing around, and I soften under his gaze.

“Just like that?” I hold my breath.

“Just like that.” His mouth comes down on mine in a possessive kiss, but then he presses his forehead to mine and closes his eyes. “I’m going to have to remind you what this is because last night I thought I made that pretty damn clear.” My only response is a moan because his fingers brush against my clit. “I think your pussy wants a reminder too. She’s begging for it.”

“Yes,” I agree. I’d gotten turned on the moment he pinned me to the bed, so I’m already wet for him. It never takes much when Cooper is close, but after last night my body knows what he’s capable of.

He shifts and yanks on his sweatpants so his cock spills free. I gasp at the pressure from the head of his dick as it demands entry. With one hard stroke he fills me with his thickness, and we’re connected so perfectly that I’m not sure where I end and he begins.

“You too sore, baby?” He stops moving as his hard muscles strain on top of me.

“No, don’t stop.” He stares down at me, waiting for more because I’m not sure he believes me. “I am. It only hurt for a second.” I lock my legs around him, not letting him go. “The pleasure is so much better than the ache.” I lift my hips, urging him to move, to thrust.

A deep groan comes from him. “I’ll never get enough of you.” He rocks against me and then slowly withdraws. “Not that I have to worry about that, because you’re mine.” When he plunges back inside, I throw my head back and cry out.

“Yes,” I agree, my nails digging into his back. My body is so attuned to his touch that my orgasm is close to the edge. It’s like now that I’ve had sex, it’s primed and ready to get off.

“No other man asks you on a date, touches you, or even gets near you.” I’d laugh, but the only thing coming from me is agreement.

“Cooper,” I call out as I start to cum, and every muscle in my body goes tight.

I clench around him, and he groans my name as he starts to cum with me. His warm release fills the space deep inside of me, and it feels like this is how it was always meant to be. Our heavy breathing echoes in the room, and I cling to him, never wanting this feeling to stop.

Cooper presses gentle kisses on my neck as he starts to pull out of me. His hand releases my wrist, and I wince at the sting when his cock slips out of me. He lets out a curse that would get my ass slapped if I said it.

“It’s fine,” I reassure him as he helps me sit up. “It was worth it.”

His thumb strokes my cheek, and he looks at me with such tenderness. “I’m sorry. I got pissed when I saw the messages. I shouldn't have taken you again, but damn it, I couldn’t help myself.” He shakes his head, but I’m not mad about it. I enjoy his jealousy over me—not that I would ever tell him.

“Cooper.” I grab his hand. “I really am fine. Besides, a warm shower will help.” He relaxes some, and I can see the tension in his shoulders leave his body.

“You want some coffee?” he asks, and when I sigh at the mention of it, he chuckles. I love when that sound comes from him.

“I’ll talk to Wes,” I tell him, and the smile drops from his lips.

“I’ll talk to him.” His tone is firm as his hand drops from mine, and he heads out of the bedroom like the conversation is over.

“What? No, he’s kind of a friend.”

“Friends don’t date,” I hear him say from the hallway, and I huff.

This discussion isn’t finished, but for now I roll out of the bed and go for the shower. I’ve woken up in this house so many times, but never did I imagine it would be in Cooper’s bedroom. I love some of the changes he’s made already, and I can’t see what he has planned for the future.

“Yeah, send me over whatever you got,” Cooper says into the phone as I walk into the kitchen after my shower.

He points to the counter where he sat my coffee next to a couple of Advil. I don’t think I need them, but it’s a sweet gesture, so I take them.

“I really appreciate all the help. I owe you one,” he says before ending the call.

“Everything okay?” I take a sip of my coffee as he walks over to me and places a kiss on top of my head. The act is so natural that it sends warm pleasure to every inch of my body.

“Yeah, I’ve got some reports being sent over. Hopefully it will give me some insight as to who busted out your window.”

“I kinda forgot about all that,” I admit, leaning into him. A cocky smile pulls at Cooper’s lips. “Don’t even.” I slap at his chest, and he grabs me by the hips, making me squeal with laughter.

Gosh, this is all too good to be true with Cooper, but I want this every day of my life. I might get everything I ever wished for, and Lux might actually be right.

Dreams can come true.