Rural Romance by Alexa Riley

Chapter One

Rural Romance

By Alexa Riley

Chapter 1 Wess

There are pluses and minuses to living in a small town like Pink Springs. For example, the big news this week was the opening of a pizza place downtown. I’m not sure if that’s a minus because there’s only one pizza place in town, or if it’s a blessing that the opening of it was the big news all week. It’s slower here, and everyone knows all your business, but it’s safe and peaceful too. Like I said, pluses and minuses.

I moved here a couple of years ago to take care of my grandmother, Ophelia. It was only supposed to be temporary, but as soon as I got here and saw all the work that needed to be done on her place, and her declining health, I knew this was going to turn into a long-term situation. So I sold my house in the city and took up residence with her. I ended up buying the historic house next door and fixing that up so it was handicap accessible for her. After that, I fixed up her little house and made it into a rental property.

My grandmother is able to get around the house now and work in the garden as she pleases, but my house now is much safer for her. I think she also likes spying on the people that come in and out of the rental property. Whatever it takes to keep her busy and gossiping.

One thing about small-town living is that dating in town is dangerous. I’ve had a few casual hook-ups and some that didn’t end so well. A lot of women here date for marriage, and that just isn’t on my radar. Ever. My dad ran around on my mom, and my mom did the same to him. Neither of them was faithful during their short-lived marriage, and for years they made each other pay for it. No thank you.

My dad took off when I was thirteen after dumping me at my grandmother's door. I haven’t seen my mom since then either, and good riddance to the both of them. They’re both toxic people with addiction records a mile long. Ophelia was the only constant in my life, and she’s been my rock through it all. She moved to Pink Springs after I went off to the city for my tattoo apprenticeship. She always encouraged my art, and it didn’t matter what form it came in.

“Long day?” my grandmother asks as I walk up the front porch steps.

“Nothing too crazy.” I lean down and kiss her on the cheek before I take a seat beside her on the porch swing. “Did you eat?”

She nods. “Sarah made me a plate before she left. I think she put you one in the microwave as well.”

“I’m going to have to give her a raise.”

“You really should.” My grandmother winks at me, and I smile over at her.

Sarah is a retired lady in town that comes by and helps with Ophelia during the week. She’s recently widowed, and I think it makes her happy that she has someone that needs her. Sarah usually does way more than I ask her to, but I get the feeling it makes her feel good.

“Are you doing a show tonight?”

“Yeah, it starts in about an hour,” I say and check my watch.

“Good luck.” Ophelia taps my knee and then goes back to reading her romance book.

When I get up and go inside, I see the note Sarah left letting me know everything is taken care of and there is indeed food in the microwave for me. I sit down and eat the homemade chicken and dumplings while I go through my messages.

Since moving to Pink Springs I’ve had to get creative about my art shows and how I do my work out here. I run a piercing and tattoo shop downtown, but most of my clients drive out here to see me. I also sell canvas art in a gallery back in the city, and I’ve recently started doing virtual art shows with them. I create my art and have it shipped to the gallery. From there they stage it in their gallery and do the showing online so that more people have a chance to view it. Last time they even did an auction for me, and I was able to sell all of my pieces.

This week I’m featured alongside another artist named Shelly O’Neal. Shelly is an incredible tattoo artist, but her canvas art is fantastic. I’ve seen her work in ink displayed on social media, but her canvas art is so realistic and beautiful. It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, and over the past year she’s become my best friend. Through emails.

Shelly’s sense of humor is a lot like my own; she’s dry and straight to the point. She’s always so supportive of my work, and while getting to know each other, we’ve talked about what’s happening in our lives. She’s knowledgeable about art and the tattooing community. It’s nice just to talk about shows we’ve enjoyed and places we’ve traveled to. Once I tried looking up a picture of her, but her online life is private, and I decided to respect that. I’ve run across that in artists before so I decided to give her that space and not pry.

Our emails might be my favorite part of the day, because it’s always the first thing I check when I get home. I don’t know how it happened that the person that knows me the most is someone I’ve never met, but I think we just have this deep understanding of who we are through our shared love of art.

When I see her name pop up in my inbox, I excitedly click it first.

From: [email protected]

I’m so excited for tonight! Here’s hoping we clear the gallery walls. If so, we’re celebrating!

Cheers in advance,


I smile as I read it over again and quickly reply

From: [email protected]

You’re on! And I think you should come out to Pink Springs to do it. Maybe you can flash those tattoo skills on the one blank piece of skin I’ve got left.

I have no doubts the O’Neal originals are going to go fast!


She must be at her desk, because the reply is instant.

From: [email protected]

Don’t tempt me. It’s been too long since I’ve laid down some ink. Plus my water pipe broke this morning and my landlord just told me it won’t be ready for a week. A WEEK. Do you understand how smelly I’m going to be in a week? Maybe my next art installation will just be scratch and sniff.

Am I throwing away my career?


From: [email protected]

I’m completely serious. I’ve got a rental house here in town, and it’s been vacant for the past three weeks. Do me a favor and use it to take a shower. It's for the good of your neighbors and the community in general.

We’ve got five minutes before the show starts. Say you’ll visit so we can spend a few days talking about art and you can use my shop. Pretty please? I’ve got literally no one in Pink Springs that will understand my obsession with the new Dragonhawk Mast Pen.

The address is below. Don’t make me celebrate alone.


I get a notification that the exhibit has begun, and I click over to watch the art curator discuss the event tonight and introduce the new pieces. I’m always amazed at how well the gallery represents my art and that of the other artists that it features. It doesn’t take long before the digital room is full and the bidding has begun.

Within the next hour, two pieces of mine sell for over six figures. I’m grateful for how popular my work has become and that this will help me continue providing care for my grandmother while concentrating on my art. Tattooing is my fun hobby that gets me out of the studio, but my art has given me the financial freedom to keep at it.

When I check on Shelly’s pieces I see I’m already too late and they’re sold out. “Damn,” I whisper in awe because she’s absolutely blown it away tonight in record time.

There’s a ping on my inbox, and I see it’s from Shelly.

From: [email protected]

You’re on! See you tomorrow with a bottle of champs to celebrate.


My smile is so big I can feel my cheeks stretch, and damn if I can remember the last time that happened. Over the past year, Shelly has become an essential part of my daily life, and I can’t wait to hang out and talk in person. It will be good to have her here even if it’s just for a week. I would never admit it to Ophelia, but sometimes it’s lonely out here in Pink Springs. Sure the people here are nice, and I’ve got acquaintances, but no one as close to me as Shelly. I tried dating for a while, but nothing was ever meaningful.

There’s one girl in town named Juno that I like, but even with her it’s only been as a friend. I tease her about going on a date, but that’s mostly because I know for sure she’s not interested in me. Juno has been hung up on Sheriff Cooper Cross since she knew what love was, and he’s finally gotten his head out of his ass to see it. I’m thrilled for her, but if I’m honest a part of me is jealous of what they have.

In my experience women see me as the dark-haired bad boy covered in tattoos. They think I’ll be a thrill, and I guess I look like someone who could shock their strait-laced family. Deep down all I want to do is watch Harry Potter movies and play board games. Maybe that sounds boring to other people, but to me that sounds like the perfect Friday night.

Shelly coming to Pink Springs will be a nice break from thinking about all that dating crap. When she gets here, I plan on kicking back and ignoring that part of my heart that’s looking for love.