Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



MY FINGERS ENTWINED with Tara’s as we drove through Bastion Township on our way to the compound. It was cold as hell, twelve below according to my temperature gauge.

“I already miss Santa Monica.” Tara played with my fingers. “And the sun.”

“Yeah, me too.”

It was almost ten o’clock at night. We were getting back later than I’d hoped. The Bang in the New Year Orgy would be in full swing by now. I wanted nothing more than to bang my woman all night.

I smiled, raising our joined hands to kiss her engagement ring.

“It’s crazy how after only nine days of sun and fun, I’d forgotten the gloomy, frigid Minnesnowta weather.” She sighed wistfully. “But it’s good to be home. What a day. Phew.”

“Ten hours of traveling.” Our flight home had been delayed in Colorado. Then with the fresh snow and ice, I had to drive slowly once we left Minneapolis. Out on these country roads, they weren’t maintained like the ones in the city. Visibility sucked. When everything was white like this, it made it hard to see the ditches on either side of the road.

“I think I’ll call Willow tomorrow and wish her a Happy New Year.”

“That’d be good. See how she’s doing.” When Roja called her at Christmas, Willow talked a little. My woman was determined to form some kind of relationship with her half-sister.

“Do you think it’s weird? I mean that I didn’t ask her to stay with us.”

I glanced at her, noting the concern in her voice. “No, baby. It’s not weird. You two don’t know each other.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I hope she decides to come out during summer break. I want to get to know her better.”

I squinted my eyes, seeing faint flashing yellow lights.

Roja leaned forward in her seat. “Do you see that?”


“I think a car is in the ditch.”

“Probably.” I slowed my truck as we approached it.

“Do you think anyone is in it?”

“Don’t know. At this time of night, they were probably rescued.” In sub-zero temperatures, a person wouldn’t last long stranded in a car.

“Or not. Why would the lights be flashing.”

“Because they forgot to turn them off.” I couldn’t see anything inside the car as I went by it.

“Hero! Aren’t you going to check it out? Someone could be inside. Freezing to death.”

“Baby, we’ll call a tow truck.”

“No. You need to check it out. Someone could be dying.”

I growled, slowing down, then backed up. I was careful not to get too close to the edge, or I might get stuck in the ditch too. Then where would we be?

“Wait here,” I told her.

“Be careful. Don’t slip on your ass. You’ll be no good to me if you throw out your back.” The amusement in her voice had me shaking my head. She was as horny as me.

I rounded my truck, my boot slipping a bit. Welcome home…

Using the flashlight on my cell phone, I peered through the window. The car wasn’t running, so there was no heat. I couldn’t see through the icy glass.

Banging on the door, I shouted, “Anyone in there?” I felt like an idiot. Of course, nobody was in there. It was fucking twelve below and dropping. Someone had to have come along to help the poor schmuck out. Ya know, Minnesota Nice and all that.

I banged again for good measure. Roja was most likely watching me.

I couldn’t see anything and shrugged my shoulders as I turned toward my truck, putting my phone back in my coat pocket.

I swung my door open. “Nothing.”

“Really? I was sure someone might—”

A horn made us both jerk in surprise. It came from the ditch.

“Oh my God, Hero!”

“Oh fuck!” I slammed the door and skidded back to the cage.

The door was stuck. I worked it best I could, my heart racing as I wondered what I might find. Who I might find.

What if a kid was in it?

Or a baby.

Jesus Christ, what if they were hurt? Or worse…

“Fuck! Come on! Open!” I yelled, tugging as hard as I could. Suddenly, it creaked open. I took my phone out to use the flashlight.

It was so dark inside I could hardly make anything out. I felt around in the driver’s seat and felt something… someone.

A faint moan told me they were alive.

“Hey, can you hear me?” I nudged them. “Are you hurt?”

No response.

As I felt for the person, I could tell they were curled into a ball with the seat reclined all the way. I smelled perfume. It had to be a woman. The body was small from what I could make out.

I lifted her into my arms. “Everything’s going to be okay. You’re okay.”

She didn’t make a sound. I hoped to God I wasn’t too late.

I went to Tara’s side. She was already out of the truck with the door opened to the back row.

“Oh my God! Are they alive?”

“I think she is.” I carefully put the woman inside and strapped her in.

Roja must’ve turned the heater on full blast. It was stifling.

Christ, I was worried about this lady. I couldn’t see her face with her scarf wrapped around most of it. She obviously was trying to keep warm. Dammit. There was no telling how long she’d been stuck there. In these parts, there weren’t many cars out on the road at this time of night. And on a holiday, no less.

Roja touched my arm. “We need to get her to the hospital.”

“N-n, no…”

“You need medical attention,” I told her. Slurring her words and confusion were signs of hypothermia.

She shivered, teeth clattering. “N-n… no.”

Tara and I looked at each other, both stumped.

I shut the door. “Get in, baby.” I helped my woman into the truck and went around to my side. It was too damn cold to argue with this woman. She needed help. I would get her some whether she wanted it or not.

As if I’d let some injured female tell me what to do. Hell no. I didn’t need another death on my hands.

I settled into my seat and looked back at her. She’d lowered her scarf, pleading green eyes staring back at me.

She opened her mouth. It shook like crazy. I never saw someone struggle so much to speak. I could tell she was a fighter. Whatever she was trying to tell me, she’d get it out.

“What is it?” I encouraged her, glancing between Roja and the woman.

“H-he… k…k… kill m-m… me.”


I KNOW, dear reader.

That totally counts as a little cliffhanger, doesn’t it? At least Hero and Tara are happily in love!! I should get bonus points for that! LOL

So who’s the woman? Do you have any ideas? Are you dying to find out? Hop onto Facebook and join Naomi’s Knight’s Legion MC to get the scoop on this series. I’d love to see you there!

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