Owned By the Prince by Tristan Rivers

Chapter 15

Prince Maximillion

Iwatch her storm off down the hallway. The girl I thought I loved. Who just wanted a piece of me, like everybody else.

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, cuz,” Freddie pipes up, “but I did warn you. You can’t go picking up stray cats from your sex party and expect not to be consequences.”

I snatch the newspaper from his hands, wishing I could wipe the self-satisfied grin from his face. “She wasn’t at the sex party. She was hostessing.”

“And she just happened to fall into your lap. Very convenient. You’d better have a good think about all the things you’ve been revealing to her during all that cozy pillow chat.”

“I-I-” I start to stammer something and break off, and a triumphant grin spreads across Freddie’s narrow lips. Because the truth is I’ve told her everything. I opened up to Blair—Staycee. Whatever. Like I’ve never done with anyone before. She knows everything about me.

“You’ve really surpassed yourself this time, old boy. This is going to be a real mess to clear up, you know that, don’t you?”

“I’ll fix it!” I bellow. “Give me a couple of days, and I’ll fix it.” I charge into my room, slamming the door behind me.

I go into my playroom where no one can hear me, close the door, and roar like a wounded animal. I loved her. But she’s not real. She’s not Blair. She’s someone else completely. I scan the ugly newspaper article again and again, the words blurring in front of my eyes. She told me all about her childhood in Boston in plenty of detail. And it was all made up. Every single word. Because she was actually growing up in West Virginia. My stomach roils like a pit of tar. I can’t stand being lied to. Every word in the piece is foul, but none worse than the “questions” that she worked as a hooker. Did she lie about being a virgin, even? But she was so tight. Clenched around my fingers, begging me to go slow because it was her first time. My cock gives an involuntary jerk. I snort, force the image of her lying there, looking at me so innocently, out of my mind. She’s a skilled liar. Maybe she faked the whole thing, made her muscles tight, or whatever it is women do.

I shouldn’t have let her leave the palace. I should’ve dragged her in here and whipped her until I got her to admit to every damn thing. I clap my hand over my mouth. But I couldn’t do that. Because she made me soft. I even lost interest in disciplining her. All I wanted to do was lavish affection on her and make her happy. I bite down on my knuckles. And all I want now is to never think of her again. Once I’ve tidied up all the loose ends.

I return to my quarters and call James.