Red Handed by Jessa Wilder

Hey! Thanks for getting this far, and for reading the author’s note. Or in this case, authors’ note, since there’s two of us.

We really hope you enjoyed Red Handed, and that you don’t want to strangle Nico too much. We’re not going to apologize for that cliffhanger, but there’s more going on here than it looks like, we promise. The second book in the series, Thieves’ Honor will be out in October, and we’re planning to have the whole series out by early 2022.

If you liked this book and want to support indie authors, the best way to do that is by leaving a review. Just a few sentences makes a tremendous difference.

While we’re here, there’s a few people we need to thank:

Thank you to our husbands who are extremely tolerant and supportive. Not only of our writing, but of the fact that we voice text each other all day, every single day. Thank you for ignoring that loud conversation about bathtub sex and snakes during dinner on Memorial Day weekend.

Thank you to Emily, our first fan and the third member of K’s real estate agency.

Shout out to all our betas and ARC readers, and Wildfire marketing, we couldn’t have done this without you.