It Started with a Crush by Piper James

Chapter Eighteen


“Ineed to talk to you guys for a minute,” I announced.

My text messages with Sage had left a wide smile on my face, and with her blessing I was determined to clear the air with my brothers. Noah and Ethan were slouched on the couch watching television, and Daniel was stretched out on his twin bed, watching cartoons on his tablet with headphones on. I’d shut the door when I left the room, just to be safe.

While I trusted my brothers to keep my secret, my son was a different story. He’d happily tell anyone who’d listen about Miss Barlow and me. Of that, I was certain. He loved Sage and would be ecstatic at the idea of her being more ingrained in our lives. And regardless of whether or not he’d keep quiet, it was way too soon to tell him, anyway. I didn’t want him to be disappointed if this thing between us fizzled out.

I frowned at the thought, and Noah said, “That bad, is it?”

“What? No. Sorry, I got distracted,” I said.

“That’s been happening a lot, lately,” Ethan mused, cocking his head to study me. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything is fine. Better than fine, actually,” I said. “I have something to tell you both, but first, I need your solemn vow that you’ll keep it to yourselves.”

“Did you rob a bank, or something?” Noah asked. “No. That’s not it. I know! You’ve killed someone and hid the body in the basement. Don’t worry, brother. I’ll take this secret to the grave.”

“Shut up, Noah,” Ethan said. “What is it, Chase?”

“I’m seeing Sage Barlow,” I said, tucking my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

“Nice,” Noah said, waggling his eyebrows. “She’s hot.”

“Shut up, Noah,” Ethan repeated before I could react. “There’s obviously more to it, since he asked us to keep it a secret.”

Noah’s brow furrowed. “Why don’t you want anyone to know?”

“Sage wants it that way.”

A boisterous laugh barked out of Noah, and he slapped his thigh. “Classic. She doesn’t want anyone to know she’s slumming it with the likes of you.”

“Ha, ha,” I said sarcastically. “She doesn’t want anyone to know because she’s Daniel’s teacher, asshole. She’s afraid it will lead to problems with the other parents and possibly even damage her reputation. Apparently, she’s always had a no-parent rule, and she’s breaking it. For me.”

“How are you planning on keeping this from getting out?” Ethan asked. “Red River is a small town, and it seems like everyone knows everything about everyone else around here.”

I shrugged. “We’re figuring it out as we go along. Meeting for dates in nearby towns, not being seen alone together. Stuff like that.”

Ethan nodded, but his expression was still skeptical. When I raised my eyebrows at him, he shrugged.

“Things like this always get out, eventually. But I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy.”

“This is why you’ve been acting so goofy lately,” Noah said like he just had the epiphany.

“Yeah,” I admitted. “I haven’t felt this…alive in years.”

“That’s great, brother,” he replied. “I’m happy for you, and I won’t breathe a word to anyone.”

“Thanks, man,” I said, then looked at Ethan.

“Yeah, congrats. I hope it works out just the way you want it to,” he said, offering me a smile.

I really hoped so, too.

* * *

I leanedagainst the side of my truck, my pulse accelerating every time the rumble of a car engine echoed in the distance. I was waiting in a public parking lot in Oakley, the spot Sage and I decided to meet so we could ride to Saddleback together. I got here ten minutes early, and I was a bundle of nerves as I watched car after car pass by.

I couldn’t wait to see her. I’d thought of nothing but kissing her since our text conversation on Wednesday. She told me I could kiss her whenever I wanted, which was always. Including right now.

I heard a car coming and looked up, my body tensing as a pair of headlights flashed in the dusky light. The vehicle slowed, and my heart flip-flopped as Sage’s small sedan pulled into the lot. As soon as she pulled into the spot next to mine, I rushed around to open her door for her.

A long, tanned leg was the first thing I saw, and my eyes widened as saliva filled my mouth. A second bare leg joined the first, and she stood, whispering a breathy greeting that barely pierced my foggy brain. I met her eyes and nodded, unable to speak.

My gaze raked over her. The black dress she wore hugged her in all the right places, accentuating the curve of her breasts and waist before flaring out slightly to swish around her upper thighs. Thin straps left her shoulders mostly bare, and the v-shaped neckline showed off the upper swells of her breasts.

“You okay?” she whispered, and I realized I’d been staring in stunned silence for what was probably far too long.

“You look gorgeous,” I said as I took her hand and pulled her forward.

I kissed her gently, doing my best to hold back the passion boiling inside me as my tongue slid against hers. Pulling back before I did something stupid like slide my hand underneath that short skirt, I gave her a warm smile.

“I’ve been dying to do that all week.”

“Me, too,” she said, returning my smile.

I pushed her door closed, and she pressed the button on her key fob to lock the car as I pulled her toward my truck. Opening the passenger door, I helped her inside while somehow managing to keep my cool. My hands itched to brush over her skin, to see if it was as soft and supple as it looked.

But I was determined to be a gentleman, even if it killed me. I hurried around the hood to jump in behind the wheel. I looked over at Sage and caught her eyes roving over me the same way mine had over her.

My dick twitched, and I prayed the soft material of my slim-cut black slacks would keep the movement hidden. Suddenly glad I’d left my button-down shirt untucked, I discreetly adjusted the hem so it covered my lap.

I had a feeling I was going to be hard as a rock by the end of this drive.