It Started with a Crush by Piper James

Chapter Six


“Stop laughing, asshole. Daniel got in trouble because of your shit advice.”

“Oh, please,” Noah chuckled, disregarding my scolding tone. “His teacher is our sister-in-law’s best friend. No way he got into any serious trouble.”

“The girl slapped him,” I reminded him.

“It happens,” he shot back, shrugging. “Better he learn that, now.”

“No one has ever slapped me. Or Ethan.”

I couldn’t be sure about Ryder, so I left his name out of it. He’d never been as bad as Noah, but he was a little bit of a ladies’ man before Belle locked him down.

“Irrelevant. You guys have zero game.”

“Noah,” I gritted out between clenched teeth.

“Fine,” he said, throwing up his palms in surrender. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t trust that promise for a second. He was still grinning like a fucking idiot as he made it.

I opened my mouth to say so, but my phone chimed with a text message alert. I stood up from my seat next to Noah on the couch and pulled the device from my pocket. My brow furrowed as I started to read the message, which came from a number I didn’t recognize.

903-555-5827: Hi, Chase. It’s Sage Barlow. Sorry to bother you with this, but I thought you should know. Madisyn’s parents are upset about the incident and threatening to go to the school board. Nothing should come of it, but I just wanted to give you a head’s up in case someone were to call you.

My eyes widened in disbelief. The school board? What the fuck?

Me: Are they insane? All he did was kiss her cheek. She’s the one who physically assaulted him.

Me: Thanks for letting me know, by the way.

903-555-5827: They are claiming sexual harassment. It’s ridiculous, I know. They are going to call the school principal first, and I already gave him a rundown of what happened. Don’t worry. It’ll blow over, but I just didn’t want you to be blindsided if anyone contacts you.

Sexual harassment? Were they fucking insane? Daniel was an eight-year-old boy. There was nothing sexual in his actions. The kid hadn’t even hit fucking puberty, yet.

“Thanks a fucking lot, Noah,” I mumbled.

“What?” he barked, reminding me he was still sitting behind me.

I held up my phone and waggled it. “That was Sage. The little girl’s parents are on the warpath, claiming sexual harassment because of that little peck on the cheek you advised Daniel to give her.”

“Bullshit,” he grunted. When I just stared at him, his face paled. “Are you fucking serious?”

I just shook my head and texted Sage back.

Me: Thanks for having his back, Sage.

903-555-5827: Of course. I’m really supposed to remain impartial, but Mr. and Mrs. Turner are total assholes. You wouldn’t believe the shit they complain about, from the quality of the cafeteria food to the colors I had Madisyn use for an art project last year. They’ve always been ridiculous, but this is insane.

Me: So, you’re saying I don’t want them as my future in-laws?

I reverted to humor, because if I didn’t laugh about this, I was going to scream.

“Man, I’m sorry,” Noah said quietly, his voice tempered with real apology this time.

I shook my head. “There’s no way you could’ve predicted this bullshit. Just don’t give him any more advice. Okay?”

“Sure thing, man,” he said, and I looked back down at my phone as it chimed again.

903-555-5827: Ha! I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. Run. Far, far away.

Me: Noted. I’m sorry you’re stuck in the middle of all this.

I quickly programmed her number into my phone as I wandered into the bedroom I shared with Daniel. He was stretched across the bed, working on a math worksheet. His little face was screwed up, his pencil clenched between his teeth as he read the word problem printed on the page.

Closing the door softly, I headed to the front porch and sat down on the top step.

Sage: You don’t have to thank me. It’s part of the job. Plus, Daniel is a real sweetheart. I’m sorry he picked the wrong girl to crush on.

Me: That, in addition to some piss-poor advice he got from his Uncle Noah.

Sage: What? Noah told him to do that?

Me: Yep. Apparently, Noah has more game than me when it comes to women, so Daniel went to him for advice.

Sage: And he told an eight-year-old to say she’s pretty as a peach and kiss her? Yeah. Real slick, dumbass.

Sage: Oh, sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said that. He’s your brother.

A laugh barked out of me.

Me: No worries. He is a dumbass, and he’s kicking himself right now after finding out how the Turners reacted.

Sage: Good. He should be. But don’t go too hard on him. No one could have predicted the parents would go bat shit crazy.

Me: You really think this will all blow over? I don’t want Daniel being scarred by this.

Sage: I do. We have set protocols for dealing with issues between students, and I followed them to the letter. Mr. Walsh will take care of it. Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine.

Me: Thanks, Sage.

Sage: Of course. See you tomorrow night?

My breath hitched, and for a split second I thought she was asking me out. Then it hit me. Tomorrow was Friday, and Ryder and Belle had arranged for a group outing to The Watering Hole. Belle and her friends frequented the bar, and Ryder had been a few times, but I’d yet to visit the place. We were all going there so Ethan, Noah, and I could meet Belle’s friends.

Me: Yep. See you there.

I ordered my heart to stop beating so fast as I sent that last text. It wasn’t a date. She was Daniel’s teacher and Belle’s best friend. Nothing more.

So, why was I suddenly so excited to go?