Until Kelly by Vera Quinn

Chapter Thirty-One


I have been walking the floor since I have been at Haddie’s. I know that Kelly is here somewhere, and I want to see her but Botie has been put on guard dog duty until it’s time for the wedding. It better start soon, or I am going to find my woman. I hear a tap on the door. I open it, but it’s not who I expected.

“Son, can I come in?” I look at my dad. I should have known he would find out.

“If you are here to try and stop this wedding, then no,” I tell the man that I used to respect and still love.

“I’m not here to stop you but I would like to have a word with you.” I step back and let the man in. I look at Botie.

“Give us a minute,” I tell my friend.

“You have about ten if we are starting on time.” I look at my watch and he is right. Botie walks out the door and I close it after Dad is inside.

“Nine minutes and counting,” I tell Dad.

“Very well. Kelly came to see us today at the house. She said we were welcome today if we behave as adults should. I don’t want to miss your wedding, Son. I don’t want to miss any of your life. I have behaved dreadfully, and I am sorry. I know you are an adult and have every right to marry who you want. I guess that parents always want the best for their children. I was blinded by what I wanted for you instead of listening to what you want.” I’m not sure my dad is being sincere, but I hope he is. “I should have already told you about your grandfather’s will. I know you are the stronger of my two sons and I have always taken that for granted. I was trying to straighten your brother out the best I could, but nothing helps. I was taking those frustrations out on you. I was taking your mother’s wants out on you, too. I have warned her that she better reel in that attitude of hers today or I will cut her off without a penny. Your mother loves you, Son. She just hasn’t shown it in the right ways for a while and neither have I. She feels like she is losing both her sons and she isn’t dealing with it very well. I’m sorry and I would like to be able to watch my oldest son get married today. If you will let us.” Dad stops talking and looks at his feet. “I won’t say I agree with your choice in a wife, but I will admit it is your choice. I will try to get along with her for you and I won’t disrespect her again.” I consider what my dad has said, and I hope he is telling me the truth.

“Kelly had her reasons for including the two of you and you should be grateful for that. Don’t make us all regret it.” There’s a knock on the door. I go to it and open the door.

“It’s showtime,” Botie tells me.

“I’ll get back to your mom.” I nod at Dad and he leaves.

“Everything good?” Botie asks.

“I hope so. Kelly invited my parents. That woman doesn’t know the havoc those two could cause,” I tell Botie.

“Maybe she just wants all the people that you care about here today. Lyric has done everything she can think of to try and help me and my brother, Hawkins, to mend fences. We’ve made some headway but nothing in our relationship will ever be perfect, but Lyric tries and I love her for it.” Botie has that goofy look on his face he always gets when he is thinking of his woman.

“We are both lucky to have women that can overlook our screwed-up families. Come on, man, it’s time for me to get hitched.” My smile stays on my face for a long time.