Rounding the Bases by Jaqueline Snowe

Chapter Sixteen


Megan and Ethan hugged Sarah goodbye after four more hours. Four hours of laughing and planning their business, four hours of seeing Sarah smile so fucking much it made my chest all light, and four hours of thinking about sliding her tiny shorts off her body and licking her until she screamed.

“Hopefully we’ll see you again, Brigham,” Megan said with a wave as she left. Ethan followed. Sarah locked the door and leaned against it. She looked at me with nothing but want in those clear blue eyes.

“They are gone,” she said, licking her bottom lip and checking me out. “I hate you a little bit.”

“Oh really, why?”

“I decided I don’t like being turned on for hours. It doesn’t exactly feel great.” She breathed heavier the closer I got to her, and if I could capture Sarah in one moment, it would be this. Wide-eyed, red cheeks, lips parted, with a dazed look in her eyes.

“You are beautiful.”

“Enough sweet talk. I’m gonna get myself off if you don’t take care of the mess you started.” She marched past me, toward the bedroom, but I caught a loop of her shorts with my finger and yanked her back to me. “Woah, hey.”

“Now that, I would like to see,” I said, letting my lips brush her ear. She trembled against me and I reached around to graze my hand over her hardened nipples. One thing I learned about Sarah was that she sometimes didn’t wear a bra. Like now. “Mm. You are definitely turned on.”

“Yes,” she said in a greedy tone. “Your fault.”

“I love hearing that.” I bit down on her ear, her back to my chest, and pinched both nipples before going lower. She hissed when I dipped a finger into her shorts, but I stilled, hoping to drive her wild. “Feel good?”

“Brigham,” she begged, and it was like a shot of whiskey, lighting me on fire. My girl was needy for me and I needed to take care of her.

“What do you want? Do you want to get off, right here in the middle of the living room, standing up, looking out of the window? Or do you want to go on the counter? Or in the bath? Tell me.”

“I’m going to die if I don’t get a release. Die.”

“Then here it is.”

I moved us closer to the window and unbuttoned her shorts, sliding them down her long legs until they pooled on the floor. Her black panties came next, followed by her shirt. “Is this turning you on, knowing someone could see you if they had a telescope?”

“Y-yes.” She trembled when I teased her breasts again, slowly moving my hands down to her center. She wasn’t lying about being wet. That was for damn sure. I slid into her with two fingers and used my thumb to give her what she needed.

“Put your hands on the window and spread your legs apart,” I commanded.

She did, and I almost fell apart at having all her trust. She wanted me to fingerfuck her, hard, letting me hear all her sounds and the way she tensed and thrashed when I finally brought her to orgasm. She panted and leaned back to my chest, her body heaving. “Holy holy holy.”

“Take that as a good sign?”

“Dead. Me. My body,” she mumbled, totally putting all her weight on me. I picked her up easily and carried her to the bedroom to lay her gently on the king mattress. Her blonde and blue hair went in every direction and I kissed the hell out of her. I loved how she clawed at me and tried to increase the pace. I rocked my hips into her, letting her feel my cock through my shorts, and my hand fucking shook when she squirmed beneath me. “Brigham,” she said, a question on her tongue. I stopped kissing her neck and forced myself up on my elbows. “Can I…explore you?”

“Oh, baby, yes, you can.” I grinned and bit down on her lip before rolling onto my back. “You can do any goddamn thing you want to me.”

She licked her lips, going shy for a second, before demanding I take my shirt off. I did. She slid my shorts to the floor and climbed on top of me. My dick was inches from sliding into her and I ground my teeth. “Blue, god, I’m needing to be good here.”

“I know. I just want to feel our bodies together, like in the shower.”


“I’m going to lick you. Is that okay?”

Is that okay? Fuck. Fuck yeah.“Of course,” I croaked, barely able to control my lust for her. I gripped the sheets on either side of me as she kissed my neck, collarbone and moved over my chest. She was timid and would bite here and there, not quite ready to make an aggressive move. But somehow, each awkward fumble was hotter than any sexual encounter I’d had before her.

I lost all rational thought when her breasts hit my dick. I arched my hips involuntarily, and Sarah gripped my shaft in her hand and started pumping. “Fuckkk,” I said, opening my eyes to find her staring at me. “So good.”

She gulped and looked at my dick for a second, before lowering her face and taking it into her warm mouth. She sucked, swirling her tongue around to the point I was losing my fucking mind.

It felt so goddamn good. “Sarah, baby, shit.”

She brought her hands into it and pumped and sucked and brought me to madness. I reached down and fisted her hair, on the verge of floating from pure pleasure, and the orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightning. Hard. Fast. Hot. She didn’t stop, though. She continued until every spasm stopped and she released me, licked her lips and looked at me with a glint in her eyes. “So?”

“So?” I laughed. “That’s what you have to say after blowing my goddamn mind?”

She giggled and I hauled her up so she lay on top of me. She rested her face on her hands, right on top of my chest, and I could just stare at the playfulness on her face. “It was good?”

“Uh, yeah. Fuck yeah.” I rubbed my hands up and down her back. “I was not expecting that.”

“Well, I figured it was time for me to enjoy third. You’ve been enjoying it for a week now.”

“I really do like eating you out. It’s in my top three favorite activities.”

She blushed and hid her face in her hands. “That was my first one. Don’t laugh, but…I looked up some ways to do it.”

Oh my god, she’s so fucking cute.“Yeah?” I couldn’t stop smiling. Maybe it was the post-orgasm bliss that was like a drug, or the fact that this most innocent woman enjoyed being with me. Maybe it was a combination.

“Want to know something else?”


“I liked it,” she said, blushing even redder, and I could see myself with her for a long-ass time. The new experiences, the way she liked trying new things, the baking and the smiles and blushing. “I wasn’t sure if I would, you know?”

“Well, I certainly liked it too.”

She giggled and sighed before resting her head on my chest again. “There’s a problem, though.”

“What is it?” I tensed, waiting to figure out what it was so I could fix it.

“It got me all…hot again.”

Fuck, this chick was the best. “Oh, so you want me to play with you some more?”


“Do you have a vibrator here?”

“What?” she asked, her voice rising. “How did you know?”

“It was a wild guess, but holy shit, I want to use it on you.” I sat up, bringing her with me. “Fucking hell.”

“You seem all excited.”

“Sarah,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Where is it?”

She squealed, ran to her suitcase and brought back a purple one. “You look like an insane person right now.”

“I want to fuck you, I won’t lie. But you aren’t ready and I will wait as long as you want to, but this?” I took it from her. “Can I use it on you?”

Her eyes went glassy and she nodded. She climbed onto the bed, legs spread wide, and trembled with need. “I don’t think… I’m so turned on. It’s overwhelming.”

“I agree.” I repositioned myself so I could easily slide it in and out of her. My hands shook at how fucking hot this was. “What do you do before you fuck yourself with it, Blue Bell?”

“I spit on it.”

I spat on my hand and rubbed it up and down the plastic device. She panted at this point and I placed it right between her thighs. I had never done this with a woman, and my god, it was so hot I couldn’t see straight. I pushed it into her, watching how she arched her back and moaned so loudly that the dogs made a sound from the other room. I took it out slowly and repeated the process a few times. She bucked against it, so I went harder. In and out.

“Yes,” she moaned, grabbing the pillow and shoving it over her face. She hadn’t come yet, but she was close. I was transfixed, put under a spell by her body, and I went harder. Faster. I couldn’t stop myself. I reached down with my other hand and stroked myself. I couldn’t remember another time I had rebounded so quickly, but there had never been anyone like Sarah.

“Fuck,” I groaned, causing her to look at me, and when she saw what I was doing, she lost it. Legs in the air, body-shaking, lost it. Her reaction set me off, and I too came a second time. “Holy shit.”

“Uh.” That was all she said.

My ears rang and my blood pounded. Time lost all meaning as I used my shirt to clean myself up before climbing into the bed next to her. We lay there, unspeaking, catching our breaths, until she turned onto her side and looked at me. I mirrored her position and smiled at how pleased she looked.

“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen or done in my entire life,” she said, taking a deep breath and shaking her head. “I’m in shock.”

“Baby, that was the hottest fucking experience I’ve ever had. So I understand.”

“Really?” Hope blossomed in her voice.

“Yes. Yes,” I reiterated. I trailed a hand down her side. “I’ll never be able to get that image of you screaming out of my head.”

“Ugh.” She nuzzled her face into my shoulder and I pulled her against me, not quite ready to get her go. She smelled like dessert and was warm against me, and the restlessness I felt at my own place was gone.

“Do you have plans the rest of the day?”

“Nope,” she said. “I mean, maybe more of this if we can squeeze it in.”

“I can find time. Don’t worry.” I closed my eyes and was so relaxed, I didn’t even mean to fall asleep. It just happened.

Without any idea how much time passed, I found her clock and almost laughed. We’d napped for two hours, skin to skin, and that wasn’t something I had done in years.

She stirred against me, making cute little sounds in the back of her throat, and I kissed the top of her head. “We slept,” she said, all throaty and cute.

“Those orgasms will do that to you.”

“Wow. Can we do that and nap every day?”

“God, I wish.” I groaned, sat up and stretched, wishing I could not go back to my place. Alone. I wanted more time with her. “Want to grab some dinner?”

“Like, delivery or going out?”

“Whatever you want.” I smacked her ass and found my shorts on the floor. “You decide, Blue Bell. You deserve it after that.”

She blushed, pulled the sheets up to her face and sighed. “Thai food. That’s what I want. All the fried rice and flavors and beer.”

“It’s a date. Let me change and I’ll be back in ten minutes?”

She ran her teeth over her bottom lip before smiling. “Can’t wait.”

God, I couldn’t either. There was something about her that I could not get enough of, and for the first time, there wasn’t the hanging feeling like shit was going to go wrong.