Rounding the Bases by Jaqueline Snowe

Chapter Twenty-Three


Touring the potential house for my business should’ve been the best moment of my life, but, on a stupid whim, I’d thought inviting my parents to join me would be good idea. Almost like an olive branch. They’d shown up to the adoptathon. Now they could be a part of my future, even if they didn’t like it.

The silence gutted me. Not one comment from my opinionated mother as we walked the upstairs. “The windows face north and south, so you don’t get direct sunlight into the house. That’ll help with the bills for sure,” Mel said, laughing and doing her best to not acknowledge my silent parents.

“Can we see out back?”

“Of course. Come on.” She led the way down the stairs and I could already picture what type of decorations I could use. Frames of rescues who’d found forever homes. All sorts of dog outfits or bones or vintage dog signs. Cartoon versions of dogs. God, it would be wonderful to pick whatever I wanted to showcase the place. I ran my finger over the kitchen counter before following Mel to the backyard. The hot August air roasted my face as I scanned the back, but it was worth it.

“Yes.” I smiled and took a huge breath. “Put an offer together. This is the place.”

“You’re sure?” Mel asked, grinning and pulling out her phone. “I can let the seller know.”

“Do it.”

“You don’t want to look at other places, sweetie?” my dad asked, assessing the yard with a subtle nod of his head. “This is great, really, but it’s the only place you’ve looked.”

“I’ve been stalking places on Zillow. I knew I wanted this place. This is it.” I could hardly contain my excitement and sent texts to Megan, Ethan and Brigham. “Holy shit.”

“You’re bursting with energy, Sarah. This is exciting!” Mel said, clapping her hands. “Take pictures of everything, because you’re going to want to take a look again between now and November.”

When I could be living with Brigham.A thrill went through me at the mere thought of sharing a bed with him, the beautiful huge man who was a softie. “Good call, Mel.”

I went around the property, snapping pictures and shrugging off the judgment that would surely come from my mom. Her silence was telling enough, but I refused to let that bother me. This was going to be Blue Bells Boarding. “I’m giddy,” I said, unable to stop myself from laughing. “This is crazy.”

“I’m thrilled for you, Sarah. I love your vision and concept for your business, and I think, with a few simple renovations, you will have your dream location.”

“Gah!” I threw my arms around Mel and hugged her. “Do what it takes for them to accept the offer. Please.”

“Will do. I’ll call you once they accept. Mr. and Mrs. Blue, nice to meet you.”

“You as well,” my dad said, winking at me over Mel’s shoulder. “Shall we?” he said, motioning with his hand for us to leave through the front door. I needed to add a gated area, so owners could unleash the doggos before coming in. I wrote it down before taking one more look at the place. I could throw up, I was so excited.

“Would you like to go out to lunch to celebrate?” my dad asked as we walked to our cars. The heat beat down on us. “Something casual?”

“Why don’t we wait until the offer goes through? I need to let the pooches out and Facetime their owner.” I laughed and a sliver of the joy left when I saw my mom’s displeased expression. “Why did you come, Mom, if you’re going to be so unhappy?”

She flinched like I’d hit her. “I was reading about Brigham and he is bad news. He is not the kind of guy anyone in our family should be seen with. The way he talked to us at that brunch? And strutted around at that event? No. He’s not like we are. He’s crass. Plus I don’t like the fact that drug money was used to help fund this dream of yours. Drug money, Sarah Bell. Really makes me question how ready you are for this step in your life when you’re seeing someone like that. A drug user.”

Mom!” I warned, clenching my fist at my side. “You don’t even know him. You damn well made sure not to.”

“I know you’re a fool.”

Rose,” my dad scolded. “Now is not the time for this.”

“No, by all means. It’s just solidifying why I knew it was a bad idea to even try to involve you two. Brigham is a good man. All that shit about his life is false, and I’m old enough to take care of myself, all right? When you do this shit, it makes it really easy to walk away.”

“When this ends, because it will, Sarah, you will come crawling back to us. I know it,” she said, sticking her nose up in the hair and looking at the house. “You will see sense that this business venture is not a career and that school is the right answer. Not this ball player or his drugs.”

Tears prickled my eyes again and I looked at my dad, feeling so hurt and upset. But he would always side with my mom. Always. “I’m not the daughter you wanted. I get that. But I’m done trying to appease you. I’m going to do what I want and see who I want. Either be in my life, as I am, or don’t.” I took a deep breath and looked them both in the eye. “This has been the most exciting day of my life. I wanted to share it with you, but you ruined it. So thank you for that.”

I got into my car, slammed the door and backed out of the driveway before heading back to the condo. I blared my music and hit the steering wheel three times before parking and finally crying. It was an anger cry. An I wish my parents were different cry. They couldn’t accept me for who I was and I wasn’t going to fit into their mold. Did I have to lower my expectations for them? Never talk to them again? Hide my business from them?

There wasn’t a right answer, because them not being a part of my life was the hardest to accept. With one final sigh, I texted Brigham. He would cheer me up.

Sarah: Are you available?

Brigham: For sex? Always. Food? Always. To see you? Always.

God, I grinned so hard at my phone that I must have looked like a stage-five creeper. Just sitting in a parking garage, smiling at my lap, like a weirdo. Not a good move.

Sarah: I’d like option D. All the above.

Brigham: D. that’s what she said.

Sarah: Eyeroll. I need to let the dogs out so let’s meet downstairs in ten minutes?

Brigham: Or I could go with you?

I was already heading into the building and trying to hide evidence of my crying fest. He could comfort me, but he had enough to worry about until his lawyer called him, and if I could keep my mom’s comments about him to myself, it would be best. I walked in, disappointed that Fernie wasn’t there so I couldn’t tease him. Ugh.

The elevator opened and I got in, excited to see Brigham and tell him about the place, but I needed to get my shit together. I got off on the floor and took a few steps before he walked out of his apartment, all smiles, until his gaze landed on my face. “Blue Bell, what happened?”

“It’s nothing.” I sniffed and tried to ignore the ball in my throat. It grew the harder I tried to stop it. “It’s stupid.”

“Baby, it’s not stupid. Come here.” He pulled me into a hug that felt so damn right, I wanted to stay there like that forever. My face pressed against his red shirt, the smell of his cologne and soap tickling my nose, the way he rested his chin on my head… It was perfect. “I was expecting you to be geeking out over the house. Did it not go well?”

“It was great.” I closed my eyes. “I invited my parents, you know, as an olive branch, and it was disappointing. They…well, my mom. I just…maybe I have to accept they don’t want to be a part of my life.”

“I’m so fucking sorry. That sucks.”

“It does.”

He squeezed me tighter and picked me up off the ground, using one arm to reach around me. “What’s the code?”

“Eight seven four three.”

He pressed it, walked into the place and kept me pressed against him. “What’s your go-to pick-me-up thing? Mine is Cheetos.”

“What? That’s awful.” I laughed and wiped my eyes. “You need something sweet.”

“Nope. I want Cheetos and chips and Cheez-Its. I might have a thing for salty snacks.” He set me on the counter so I was still face-to-face with him. “Ice cream? Cookies? Cupcakes? What do you want? I’ll go out and get it.”

“You’re wonderful.” I sniffed again, so overwhelmed by my strong feelings for him and the disappointment from my parents. “Stop it.”

“Stop being wonderful? Nope. I can’t help it.”

I shoved him and found myself smiling at his charm. I pointed my finger at his chest and tried to look as tough as I could. “You’re dangerous for me, Brigham Monaghan.”

“As are you to me, Blue Bell.” He smirked and leaned down for a quick kiss before patting my thighs. “You walk the dogs. I’ll get the treats. Let’s go to my place tonight. I have something I think you’ll like.”

“We can have sex here, you know.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Blue.” He wiggled his eyebrows and bit down on his bottom lip. “It is sexy, though, that you’re already thinking about getting me naked.”

“It never leaves my mind.”

“Atta girl. Okay, my place, twenty minutes. Go team!” He high-fived himself before leaving, and despite the unsettled feeling in my stomach about the day, he’d already improved my mood.

* * * *

An hour later, filled with ice cream and chocolate brownies, we sprawled out on his bed with The Office running in the background. Watching a shirtless Brigham let ice cream drip into his mouth was my kinda porn. He hummed in delight and gave me a wicked look. “You’re drooling, Blue.”

“It’s easy to, watching you eat.” I took a bite of my own mixture, ninety percent fudge with the rest ice cream. “It makes me thirsty.”

“Unintended benefit.” He set his dish on the side table and dug into the brownies. “I’m gonna pay for all these calories tomorrow.”

“Worth it.” I held up my fist for a bump and he obliged, chuckling and making my heart pitter-patter in my chest like a teenage girl seeing her crush in the cafeteria. “So you leave tomorrow for six days?”

“Yes. Three-game series in Miami then Atlanta.”

“I was thinking.” I paused, almost backing out. What if he said no? Or that it was dumb? My palms sweated but I had to finish. “No pressure, okay? You can say no.”

“All right.” He sat crisscross and placed his chin on his hands, watching me with a half-smile. “I’m curious because you’re so nervous.”

I half-laughed, kinda snorted and blew out a breath. “Maybe, after you get back, I could try coming to a game?”

“To see me play?” he asked, slowly and in a deep voice.


“Holy shit!” he yelled and clapped his hands twice. “That would be fucking awesome. Yes. I’d love for you to come.”

“Are you sure? I don’t have to.”

“No. You definitely need to.” He leaned over, grabbed my face with his hand and kissed me right on the mouth. “I’m so happy you want to come.”


“Yes, really.” He looked down at me with so much warmth in his eyes that it was easy to assume he felt the same way I did. Love. But the fear took over and I pushed the comment deep down. “It’s a huge part of who I am and it would mean a lot if you came. Let me know what day so I can reserve you seats.”

“Oh, like, good seats?”

“Yes.” He laughed again. “God, it’s cute how innocent you are.”

“Hey.” I flicked his wrist. “You’ve made sure I’m not that innocent anymore.”

“And I’ve loved every second of it.” He grinned, but it died when he stared at my face longer. “Hey, I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it, but your smile is one of my favorite things and it’s been a little forced. I love teasing you, but I’m also a good listener.”

Ah shit.His sweet tone was harder to keep at bay than his playful banter and flirting. My mood brightened because he was there, but my parents’ behavior still felt like a heavy weight on my chest. It wouldn’t do any good to give him specifics, especially since his lawyer had been quiet, but I could still talk about it. “It just sucks because I feel like me, for the first time in a while, and instead of enjoying it, they tear me down.”

“I’m sorry you have to go through that.” He reached over and squeezed my forearm. “I know what you mean about being the real version of yourself. When others don’t see that or care enough, it hurts.”

“Yes.” I hung my head for a second and met his eyes. “I’ll get over the hurt. I really will. But I want to spend my last night with you naked. We can talk feelings over the phone.”

“Sarah,” he said, backing up when I started crawling toward him. “We can gab all night if you want.”

“I’d prefer you between my legs, actually.”

“Fuck me,” he said, sighing. “Then I guess we better remove some clothes, huh?”

“Guess we better.”