Rounding the Bases by Jaqueline Snowe

Chapter Four


They posted our fucking picture. Blue Bell with her fanny pack and hat, and me, pushing the stroller with a dumbass smile.

“This is brilliant. God, the dog stroller kills me, dude. Kills me.” My agent paced around the kitchen island in the apartment, wearing a scary-looking grin and an equally terrifying glint in his eyes. “It could work.”

What could work?” I tensed. Charles Fox was one of the best at negotiating deals to make sure players got paid a lot, but that didn’t mean he always used the kindest tactics. “I’ve trusted you for four years, and every time you have that creepy-ass look, it doesn’t mean good news.”

“Your reputation is shit. Shit. Total shit.”

Each word was like a punch to the groin. He wasn’t wrong, and I didn’t hide my flinch. There was no apology on his face at all, and he continued. “You got arrested for drug possession and resisting arrest. Los Soles haven’t had this much bad press since your pal Gideon Titan went off against Tate.”

I rubbed the heels of my hands into my eyes and groaned. He was right again. Talk of me, and our team, was brought up on MLB TV every other day, asking what the team would do. If they would offer me another contract, if I was worth the investment…

They weren’t even my fucking drugs.

“My reputation sucks. We get it. So what are you talking about then?”

“Dating this Tinkerbelle.” He pulled up the latest photo on his phone and zoomed in on her face. “She’s not a bombshell, but she’s cute. Innocent-looking. She’s walking a froo-foo dog and wearing a fanny pack. I doubt this chick has seen a drug in her life.”

An unexpected, ugly urge to hit him in the face rushed over me. “Dude, chill.”

“What? I’m not offending Sarah.” He stretched his arms over his head and the tightness of his suit stretched with him. The dark colors of the material combined with the shadow over his face, reminded me of a shark. He was not someone I ever wanted to cross. “You disapprove of my comment.”

“Well, yeah.” I frowned, trying to pinpoint what pissed me off specifically, since his words were true. She was cute, but not a bombshell, and she did look innocent. “We aren’t dating. We’ve been together three times.”

“Semantics, Brigham. Haven’t you learned anything about this high life? It’s about perception. The public will think what they want.” He made an obnoxious sound with his mouth and plopped down on the island chair. “Continue seeing her.”

“Charles… I’m not…not gonna use her.” I shook my head and hated the tone. “She’s nice and uninvolved in all of this.”

“You don’t have to do anything with her. You said she’s staying across the hall?” He jutted his chin toward the front door. “Dog sitting?”

“Yes, why?”

“Walk with her. Be seen. That’s all I’m asking. She is the furthest thing from the cleat chasers you liked having around your arms, and it wouldn’t hurt to let others think it’s more.” He typed something out on his phone without looking at me and abruptly stood up, dragging the chair along the tile so it made a grating noise. “I gotta head out. Walk with her. Get photos. Stay out of the fucking clubs.”

“As always, it’s great chatting with you.” I gritted my teeth as I walked him out and let the door slam behind him. Maybe it was shame, or resentment, or a combination of way too many feelings, but I needed to release energy. There were three more days of the All-Star break, and despite Charles wanting me to use Sarah, the thought of seeing her again helped rid me of the negativity. She was a breath of fresh air and I wanted to cleanse my mind.

It was noon on Wednesday and I hoped she would be home. With a quick check to make sure I didn’t smell—I didn’t—I grabbed my keys and made the short trip to her door. As soon as I knocked, the dogs started yapping, and after a full minute of waiting, someone opened the door, but it wasn’t Blue Bell.

It was a dude.

He had shaggy black hair and only wore sweatpants, and there wasn’t a rational explanation for the instant dislike I had for him. He nodded at me. “Hey, man, can I help you?”

I searched over his head to see if Sarah was in the background and felt a stab of disappointment when an empty foyer met me. “Is Sarah here?”

“Yeah, let me get her.” The dude kept the door cracked, which I didn’t like, but it made sense since he had no idea who I was. “Yo, Blue, someone’s at the door.”

“Is it our food?” she called out, and the relief was instant.

“Some guy.”

“Hm.” Soft footsteps approached the door and her face lit up when she saw me. “You.”

“Hello, Blue Bell.” I smiled and was so damn happy she was there. She wore another tiny dress, but this one was bright red and showcased her long legs. “I see you’re busy.”

“Am I?” She frowned and looked at her hands. “I’ve had a particularly lazy day, actually. I’ve done zero productive things besides letting dogs out and talking to them. In fact, I should put do nothing on a Post-It just so I can cross it off.” She put her hands on her narrow hips and shrugged. “You’re looking at me like I grew two heads.”

“No,” I said, fighting the urge to laugh. “I really get what you’re saying. My day has been pretty similar. Nothing to report.”

“So what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Wanted to see if you were talking the dogs for a walk again.” Not because of Chris. Because it’ll get her away from the guy. “I was hoping to tag along.”

“Getting restless?” she asked. Her large blue eyes softened and she leaned against the doorway. “Any update on the whole job mess?”

“No.” A wave of self-disgust ran through me. Charles’ plan mocked me in the back of my mind. I shook my head, hoping the self-loathing would disappear. Just thinking about it made me want to punch something, and I changed topic as fast as I could. “How are the divas?”

“Them.” She grunted. “One decided to shit in the bathroom. So that was fun.” She ran a hand through her long hair and sighed. The gesture made her chest rise and strain against the tight dress, and she brought her hand to play with her necklace. She moved the silver charm back and forth and it took all my effort to look away when she started talking again.

“They aren’t due to walk for another two hours, but you are more than welcome to hang out if you want. No pressure. You can go back into your place and I can knock when we’re ready. It could be a code, like three knocks. Long ones. Or, you know, maybe another day, too.” She moved that damn charm again, and the motion combined with the slight reddening of her cheeks charmed me.

“I’ll hang out.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Unless that was a pity invite,” I teased, regretting it when she frowned. “What are you up to?”

“Baking. Mr. Alexandre has a large double oven and I love it. If I could live in it, I would. Honestly, it’s bigger than my studio apartment.”

The thought made me laugh and I followed her into my neighbor’s place, enjoying the light lemon scent that trailed behind her. She seemed to bounce when she walked and her ankle bracelet and bright orange toenails popped out. It was cute. No other word for it.

“Hey, man, my name’s Ethan.” The guy without a shirt joined us in the kitchen and held out a hand. I shook it and introduced myself, but didn’t try to hide my annoyance. “How do you know Blue?”

“Met her when she was yelling at our doorman.” I caught her gaze and she smirked. It felt like our own inside joke and I liked it.

The guy laughed and looked at Sarah with nothing but fondness. “That’s my girl.”

“You’ve met him. He is way too uptight. I should make him cookies. That man needs some dessert in his life,” Sarah said.

“Or to get laid,” Ethan said, causing Sarah to chuckle. “He yelled at me for bringing in a cup without a lid.”

“You did spill it, Easy E.” Sarah nudged him with her hip. “Ethan here is messy. Not like a normal mess-maker. Like a shitshow, destroys things all the time messy. He’s gone through two couches in four years.”

“Dude, one wasn’t my fault and you know it, punk.” He tried hitting her with a paper towel roll and it was clear they knew each other well. Really well.

“You two know each other long?” I sat on the barstool and didn’t hold back the comment that came to mind. “You remind me of my sister and me.”

“Might as well be related. We’ve known each other, what…twenty years?” Ethan said, counting on his fingers. “My twin sister is her best friend.”

“And you came with the deal even though I’ve tried returning you.”

“Shut up.”

I laughed then. They were just like me and my sister, and now that I knew he wasn’t with Sarah, my mood brightened. “It smells good in here. What are you making?”

“Slutty brownies.” She wiggled her eyebrows and went to a baking pan. “The best dessert ever.”

“Uh, forgive me.” I moved closer to her and looked over her shoulder at the dish. “What are in these slutty brownies?”

“Cookie dough. Oreos. Brownies. Here, you mix this while I start crumbling the Oreos.” She didn’t wait before shoving the brownie mix at me and, in the pass-off, she moved too fast and spilled the batter all over my shirt.

Not in a subtle, ‘just a towel will clean it up’ way.

A full-on brown goo covering my white T-shirt.

“Oh no no no.” She covered her mouth with her hands as she eyed me and burst into action, grabbing a towel and starting to wipe my stomach down. “I’ll get this off. I promise. Here I was, telling you all about Ethan, and damn, I spilled.”

“It’s okay,” I said, trying to still her rapid movements. Her limbs went everywhere and she dabbed the towel against me over and over. “Blue Bell, it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, Brigham.” She hung her head but kept her hands on me and a beat passed before she flung her hand off me like I’d caught fire. She set the towel in the sink and grabbed another. Ethan looked on, highly amused, and a part of me felt bad for how flustered Blue Bell got. Her entire face was red and she bit down on her bottom lip way too hard.

“I’m not mad. No need to stress.” I pulled the edge of the shirt off my skin a bit and pointed to the door with my other finger. “I should go change.”

“Right. Right.” She hit her hand against her forehead and got some mix on her sun-kissed skin. “I’ll drop off whatever I bake for you.” She put her hands on my back this time and guided me toward the door. For a tiny thing, she was sure acting strong now. I barely took two steps outside before she slammed it shut, leaving me alone, covered in batter and confused.

I wanted to knock and reassure her it was fine, but thought better of it. Something was going on for her to have that reaction to some spilled batter. With a quick shake of my head, I went back into my place and showered. It was lonely.

I couldn’t call my sister. Most of the guys had partners or families to occupy their time with and my goofy temporary neighbor had kicked me out. I slipped on some loose shorts and decided to clean. What a way to pass the time. If the tabloids could see me now. Brigham Monaghan cleans microwave. How scandalous!

It took a good thirty minutes to find a groove, and soon enough, my entire kitchen was cleaned. It felt therapeutic to wipe everything down. Like a literal clean slate. The urge to reward myself with a beer made it hard to grab a plain bottle of water, and I took a long swig just as a soft knock captured my attention. Blue Bell.

She carried a tray of sweetness and had a goofy grin on her face. “Your slutty brownies, good sir.”

“Ah, yes. I like my desserts extra dirty,” I said, motioning her into my place. She waltzed in and stopped as soon as her gaze landed on my bare chest. Her eyes widened and her entire face turned red. It was too easy and I should’ve been nicer, but goddamn, it was cute. “Want me to put a shirt on?”

“Uh, um, maybe?” She stared hard at my pecs and down to my happy trail. She gulped and cleared her throat before setting the dessert on the island. “Here. Your food. Slutty food.” She backed up to the door without looking at me and I reached out to grab her wrist gently.

“Hey, you don’t need to leave.” She slowly turned around and stared at everything but me. “Do I make you nervous?”

“Um,” she said, scrunching her nose and closing her eyes until she angled her face up to stare at my head. “No. When I look at your face, no. Your chest. Strong naked chest. Very much so.”

“I can put a shirt on.”

“That would probably be better. Words are hard when you look like that.” She gritted her teeth and snuck another glance at my pecs. “I haven’t seen a lot of chests in my life. Yours is…extraordinary.”

Damn, my ears got hot at her compliment. “Thanks.”

“Really. All the curves and shadows from the strength.” She gulped and moved closer. “You’re not too bulky or a meathead.”

She took another step closer and she twitched her hand before reaching out. “Can I touch you?”

“Yes.” My voice came out rough and deeper than I’d expected. I had been with lots of women, but her touch was softer. She sucked in a breath when she feathered her fingers over my pecs, tickling down my stomach and splaying her entire hand. Blood went south, fast, and I cleared my throat. It made her jump, and she yanked her hand back and turned as red as a tomato. Her breathing hitched, and for the life of me, I didn’t want her to stop.

“Blue Bell,” I pleaded. She looked up at me with curiosity and heat in her eyes. The air seemed heavy as I closed the distance between us. Her full lips parted, and just as I was about to do something stupid, my phone rang. The disturbance changed everything and Sarah ran toward the door. She stopped before completely exiting and laughed.

“I’ve never been so bold in my life. I’m terrified and proud.” She shook her head and pointed to the tray. “Enjoy your slutty brownies.”

Charles’ face popped up on my phone. He was the last person I wanted to talk to and our conversation earlier tainted everything. Sarah was innocent in this and I needed to remember that. It wasn’t fair to get involved with someone like her when I was a mess, and it couldn’t happen again. With a sour taste in my mouth, I called my agent back and prepared, I hope, listen to an upcoming opportunity that could clear my name. “Hey, Charles.”

“Got news for you, bud. You need to sit down for this.”