Rounding the Bases by Jaqueline Snowe

Chapter Nine


Why was choosing a name so hard? It wasn’t for a child or a pet. It was for my business, but still. Every option I came up with was too basic or dumb or stupid. “Ugh!” I tossed the pad of paper on the floor and had instead regret, because it involved me bending down to retrieve it. Pico attempted to attack the paper, and the sight of the little dog pouncing made me laugh.

“Pico, chill, boy. Don’t use all your energy before our call.” I patted his head and brought him up for a snuggle. The warmth and color of his fur reminded me of Brigham’s eyes and I about smacked myself in the forehead for thinking about him. He was away on business and it had been three days since he’d tried texting me. My phone felt like a ticking bomb and it was hard not checking it every hour to see if he’d responded to my lame attempt at reaching out.

I sent it one full day after he’d announced he was gone, and not a peep. Not one little sound. It was fine. Totally fine and cool. It was one night, a couple kisses that were probably interchangeable for him. I’d see him when I saw him and be so chill.

And the cycle continues.

I stood up, stretched and jotted down a few more ideas for names.

Blue’s Buddies and Boarding.

Blue’s Boarding Babes

Board your babies at Blue!

My devil device buzzed and I assumed it was Megan calling to complain about her hot TA who was an asshole to everyone. It was her favorite thing to do, and I told her she needed to bone him and move on, but no one listened to the virgin. “What up, Megs?”

“Blue Bell.”

“Shit damn.” I sat up straighter and glanced at the door, like he would appear. He wasn’t a genie and out of town. Deep breath. “Brigham. How’s sports?”

“What are you doing? I need a distraction.” He sounded tired and sad, and it didn’t sit well with me. There wasn’t the quiet confidence in his voice, or the pep that made me giggle. Everything was off.

“I am coming up with names for my super-savvy business and having no luck.” I picked up the pen and twirled it around my fingers like I always saw people in movies do. It fell three times before I gave up. “I’ve had four Pop-Tarts today and am wearing purple shorts and a red shirt which don’t match.”

“Fuck. I’ve missed you.” He sighed into the phone. “I apologize about not calling you the past two days. Stuff came up.”

“Totally coolio, man.”

Oh my god, what the hell did I just say?

He snorted and a ping started going off. Worried I’d done something, I checked my phone and saw him Facetiming me. “Oh, hi.”

His face appeared on screen and my toes curled in my slippers. I’d somehow forgotten how much I was attracted to him and I was so damn glad I’d washed my face that morning. “You are a goddamn sight.”

“You’re being awful complimentary today,” I replied, hugging my arms around my legs and holding the phone at a good angle so he didn’t see eighteen chins. “Are you okay?”

He frowned. “Sure. Why do you ask?”

“Your voice sounds…off. And your eyes look sad.” I swore I felt his melancholy mood in my bones. “Want to talk about it?”

“No. Not at all.” He wiped a hand over his face and gave me a quick view of his bare arm. Bare arms with muscles were like cleavage was for guys. It enticed me and I licked my lips. “Tell me about the naming process. Let’s see if I can help.”

I nodded and went through the four options I had, and his only response was a measly huh. “Right? They suck.”

“I like the use of your last name. Blue. Blue Bells Boarding. Blue’s Boarding. Board at Blues.” He got a pensive look for a second before his face lit up. “Have you reached out to any of the contacts you made from our date?”

“I emailed one but chickened out. There still needs to be a website, secure location, an app to even request appointments. The lady, Vee, said she would sponsor my website, which is cool. I reached out to her but haven’t heard back.” I moved from the table toward the couch and flopped on my belly. “It’s wild that people are willing to help me pay to get started.”

“Keep me posted on it. I’d love to help any way I can.” He moved and I got a glimpse of his surroundings, and my mouth dried up. He was on a bed, shirtless, and pillows were all around him.

“What time is it where you are?”

“Eight at night. Why?”

“You look like you’re in bed.”

“I am.” His tone turned seductive and his heated expression made my stomach flutter. “It hasn’t been ten days yet, but have you thought about our kiss, Blue Bell?”

“I’m human. So yes,” I squeaked out. His grin grew wider and I fought my own. “Have you?”

He laughed. “Uh, yeah. More than I should be.”

“What does that mean?” I frowned, not liking what his comment meant. Like I wasn’t worthy of thinking about in that way? Or that he regretted it?

“My life is in a weird place and I shouldn’t have distractions, BB, and you are the perfect distraction. Your kiss… Mm. I want more when I get back.” He ran a hand over his jawline, and it entranced me.

“I liked how your beard rubbed against my face,” I blurted out, feeling silly and somehow irresponsible to admit something big. It was too personal and telling. “You know, because it’s rough.”

Sure, that makes it better.

His expression turned more seductive that I could’ve asked for when he smiled. “Imagine how it would feel in other places.”

My answering squeal was embarrassing.

“You’re bright red and, fuck, it’s cute.” He shifted his position against the headboard. “Are you thinking about it between your thighs?”

“Brigham,” I said, holding up my hand as though that would stop the thoughts overtaking my brain. Dirty thoughts. “Brigham.”

“Answer the question, BB.”

“Yes, okay? Yes. And on my face. You’re my first.”

“First…what?” He sat up straighter and a line appeared between his eyebrows—which was not a good sign. We were talking sexy and concern took over. “Sarah, I need you to respond.”

“Uh.” I hesitated. Shit. He’ll lose interest. “You are the first man I’ve kissed with a beard.” I took a breath and found the courage I’d buried deep. “And you would be the first to ever…you know.”

“Go down on you? Fuck you?” he said, the serious look in his eyes changing to curiosity. “Feel free to be as explicit as you want.”

“Okay. Yes to all of it. I’m a virgin, okay? It may or may not be a surprise to you, but it’s true, and I’m getting another call so I have to go.”

“No, you’re not. Don’t run away, Blue.” He spoke with a softness that hadn’t been there before. He was always kind and a little bit too flirty for his own good, but the softness made me feel…special?

Or pathetic? Like he’s handling me with kid gloves?

God, I was all over the place. I groaned and set the phone on the table, letting him see the pleasant view of the ceiling fan rather than my face. Megan and Ethan would tell me to take charge, demand he help me out in that department, but they’d been born with the confidence needed to make those requests.

I was not.

I loved myself, but not my lack of sexual experience. It was a weird pickle to be in.

“Sarah, I want to see your face.”

I picked up the device and made a bleak expression. “There. Happy?”

“Yes. I really am when I talk to you.” His hazel eyes warmed. “I might be going about this the wrong way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Taking my time with you. You said I make you nervous. Can you tell me why?”

“Uh, besides the fact your looks are startling? And you ooze sexual prowess? And you have arms that I want to bite into?” I rambled and hated my lack of filter. If I could purchase one to wear inside my brain, I’d one-click that shit instantly. “You’re also really nice and thoughtful. It’s mixed messages.”

“How is it mixed? All of your reasons sound okay to me.”

“You would say that, since they are all compliments!” I spat out, sweaty and wishing he were here while also being glad he wasn’t. I needed to get my hormones in order. “Look. Why don’t we just talk when you get back?”

“How about…we talk about anything that doesn’t make you nervous? We can talk about your business, your dream vacation, or you can give me much-needed updates on Fernie. Tell him I miss him.”

I giggled, and just like that, we were back to our pre-sexy talk and everything was normal. It was crazy that I’d known him a week when it seemed like so much longer. “I will not tell him that. He will know it’s a downright lie!”

“Not if you make it sound genuine. It’s all about delivery, Sarah. Duh.” He rolled his eyes and was so playful that I couldn’t help but smile. He was about to say something else when the doorbell rang and I frowned, a little nervous at who’d got up to this level. “You order food?”

“No.” I stood while the dogs went crazy. They sounded as terrifying as a baby goat with their high-pitched yelps, but I was glad they were there. “Hm.”

“Keep me on the line when you answer.”

“So you can fight a burglar through the phone?”

“Yes. I’m really good at it.”

I snorted and made my way to the door, checking the hole to find a very handsome younger version of Mr. Alexandre.

“Who is it?” he asked, his tone a little impatient and I hoped it was worry.

“Some good-looking man.”

“Oh, that’s promising. Do you know him?”

“He looks like Mr. Alexandre.”

“Hi,” a deep voice boomed from the other side of the door. “I can hear you. I’m Peter Alexandre. My brother has some of my stuff.”

“His brother,” I said, smacking my forehead. “Right.” I laughed and opened the door, trying not to stare at his shiny good looks. “I’ll talk to you later, Brigham.”

“I can wait if you want,” he said, just as Peter frowned. I hung up and let him into the condo.

“So what do you need to get?”

“Brigham Monaghan was on the phone? How do you know him?” he asked, moving toward the bookshelves and giving me a great view of his butt. His pants were almost too tight. They showed every curve. Literally.

“He lives across the hall, actually. We’re…friends,” I said, watching him gather a few books and set them in a bag. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all. He pursed his lips and sat on the arm of one of the fancy chairs.

His look wasn’t one of joy and it sent a shiver through my body. Something was off about it.

“You’re aware of his reputation, yes?”

I chewed on my lip instead of answering his question and he took that as a sign I did not. His tone softened and he gave me a pitying look. “Brigham is a drug-abusing playboy. Google him, honey. Know what you’re getting into.”

He clapped his hands and got up, leaving the apartment and downright taking the wind out of my sails. His words were worse than a slap to the face. That would sting but fade over time. This bomb of information was different. The sting grew and grew and my stomach rolled.

No. It’s not true.

My phone buzzed in my hands and I knew it was him. I couldn’t answer like this. My thoughts were jumbled and my heart hurt. I had to rationalize this truth bomb before talking to him. And that meant talking to my confidant. Megan. After ignoring Brigham’s call, I Facetimed Megan and found her in the middle of putting groceries away, this late in the evening. She said it was her favorite time to go, because no one was there and she hated people. It made sense.

“How’s my favorite human? You good, girl?” she said as a greeting. Her cheery freckled face paled when she saw my expression. “What happened?”

“You know I’m…friends with that sports ball guy across the hall.”

“What did the asshole do? Sports ballers are never good news.” She set a carton of soy milk on the counter and sighed like she carried my own sadness on her shoulders. “Tell me.”

“The weirdest thing happened. Mr. Alexandre’s brother came over for books while I was Facetiming Brigham and…” I faltered, hating the dryness in my throat. “He said he’s a drug-abusing playboy.”

“Woah.” Her brown eyes got wider. “Okay, don’t overthink it. You figured he was way of your sexual league, right?”

“Yes. It’s obvious.”

“The playboy thing shouldn’t be a big deal. You guys kissed. So what? I know it means a lot to you, but to someone who plays sports for a living, they have fans throwing themselves at him.”

“Are you a closet sports fan, Megan? I had no idea.”

“I’ve recently enjoyed following a soccer team from Spain. The men are delicious. Plus, the Women’s US soccer team is badass and it’s time I can watch one sport. Just one.” She laughed and the knot in my stomach loosened.

“Wow. I’m shocked. Does Ethan know?”

“No. Don’t tell him either. He’ll think I’m going too mainstream.” She crossed her eyes and flipped her hair over her shoulder before getting serious again. “Blue, why don’t you look him up online? Put your mind at ease.”

“Drug abuser? Why would Peter know that?”

“Who the hell is Peter?”

“Sorry, the brother. He knew Brigham’s reputation just by name. That must mean he’s really big.” I gulped. “Looking him up online seems like a huge invasion of privacy, right?”

“Sure, but, dude, you’re the one who is going to get hurt out of this. Not him. Not the uber-rich athlete living in a penthouse. I’m going for it.”

“What?” I asked, worried about what she meant. Megan could mean breaking into his condo or getting a tattoo. She was my wonderful, unpredictable friend.

“Googling him.”

“No!” I yelled, waiting to see if my thought would finish. Then doubt came in. Why shouldn’t I look him up? We went on a date. Mr. Alexandre warned me from him. Peter accused him of those things. I should know. “No, do it. You do it.”

“Okay. I’m getting my laptop. Pour yourself a drink, Blue.”

I obeyed. It wouldn’t be good news. I felt it in my bones. Things like this didn’t happen to me. The handsome man who brought flowers and had manners and kissed the thoughts out of me. The Moscato wouldn’t last long, so I poured half a glass and took a generous sip. Okay, three of them.

The sound of Megan typing on her computer carried over the speaker and I tensed, waiting for her to say something. Anything. My nerves were fried and she groaned, shaking her head before looking at the camera. “Dude, this guy is smoking hot. Like, what the hell?”

“I know.”

“There are pictures of him clubbing with tons of different women. Tons of them. All tall, busty brunettes.”

“The opposite of me,” I said, damn well accepting that truth from the get-go. “Anything about drugs?”

“Yeah. He was arrested a while ago for cocaine possession and attempting to sell it. Oh shit. There’s a tape out now saying he tried bribing cops? The dude got suspended for fifteen games and is still under investigation.”

I digested the information and separated it into categories in my mind. The women…that wasn’t great, but it didn’t matter. The drugs, though. His trouble with his job. He liked that I didn’t know he played baseball. He said as much. Was it because he wanted to hide the arrest from me?


“Where you at, Blue? You’ve gone silent.”

“Heavy. This is heavy. He’s under investigation. Wow.” I finished the rest of the glass and remained silent.

“You want me to come over?”

“No. No.” I shook my head like she could see me, needing to figure out my plan. “I should go.”

“Blue, listen to me. You need a little fun in your life. We’ve both said it. Maybe he’s a decent guy who let fame get to him. Maybe not. But do you want to see him again?”

“That’s the question, hm?” I mumbled a goodbye and turned my phone off.

Do I want to see him again?