Pretty Broken Dolls by Jennifer Chase

Chapter Forty-Six

Friday 2010 hours

McGaven was about to leave after a long evening reading through more names and backgrounds. He’d reread Katie’s theories, suspect list, and killer profile. He would have left earlier, but he had an early dinner break with Denise. Full now and getting sleepy, he still wanted to skim through the articles she’d brought them.

McGaven picked up the pieces about the fairs and circuses. He shuffled through them and also the articles about new exhibits. There was one in particular showing realistic mannequins with an uncanny resemblance to the crime scene victims—the broken pose of the body, slumped torsos with the arms and legs bent in difficult positions resembling a broken doll. It was an advertisement for a fun house which had been advertised and proved to be one of the biggest attractions that year until there was a tragedy. Something piqued his interest. He continued to read more articles about the mannequins with renewed energy.