Dragon Treasure by SJ Sanders

Chapter 11

Tania lay beneath the creature, her heart beating so hard it was a wonder it didn’t burst out of her chest in surrender. The dragon, although much smaller than how he had presented originally, still had her caged beneath his enormous frame. His cum streaked the back and inside of her thighs from where it seeped out between them.

He was still firmly lodged deep within her, whatever weird extras his dragon dick had fluttering deep within her with every pulse of his prick. Each wave of cum shot into her made her shiver against him, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head.

Sweat trickling down her forehead, she blinked before it could drip into her eyes. She could feel the insidious weight of terror beginning to crawl through her at being trapped beneath his massive, solid body. She wanted to gouge him with her nails, clawing and beating at him until she could maneuver out from underneath him. It was only thanks to her considerable willpower, and a rather significant amount of freaky shit she’d seen over the years while hired on in various parties or during her own private hunts for fortune had desensitized her enough that it kept her from completely losing her shit.

That didn’t mean she was completely keeping it together either. This was a fucking dragon! Dragons were not supposed to exist. Apparently, he never got the memo.

A giggle verging on panic escaped her before she managed to silence it before she woke the thing and it decided to eat her in a more literal way. She stifled another uneasy giggle that threatened in response to her stomach upheaving at the idea and silently cursed herself. She had thought she had broken herself out of the habit of giggling in response to frightening situations. Mostly because it made those who worked with her uncomfortable to have a thief laughing when confronted with some of the horrors that shared their world.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she sought for that inner quiet, pushing out everything else out. It was a living, breathing, sentient—if legends were to be believed—being. That meant it was driven by biological needs and was therefore, by some measure, predictable. Its primary drive would be to satisfy a need, not to ceaseless pursue something to execute an order. Therefore, it was highly likely that she would get out of this whole situation with her skin intact.

Opening her eyes again, she let a small sigh of relief puff out from between her lips as a new calm settled through her.

So, I fucked a dragon. A scary as fuck, huge, capable of raining death down on me at the drop of a hat...but didn’t...dragon.

She huffed then, blowing at a damp strand of hair hanging in her face. The movement caused her pussy to contract again on the thick length inside her, making her eyes cross as pleasure rolled through her.

Although the reaction of her body to the beast had dismayed her—even horrified her that she would even want to be spread beneath something so reptilian-looking—she couldn’t ignore the fact that she had wanted it. Yes, the feeling of losing all control had frightened the hell out of her on one level, but the pleasure had been too hard to not grasp with both hands. And like with most things, what she wanted she rarely deprived herself of. She had happily allowed the creature to split her open over his dick to quench the desire that had been burning hot within her.

She snorted in self-deprecating amusement.

Fuck, I practically demanded that he give me relief.

And he had done exactly that. The way his cock somehow fluttered over the most sensitive areas deep within her had sent waves of orgasms hitting her, yet it had been only a taste of the sensual feast she enjoyed. The moment it seemed to curl around the mouth of her womb, just before he came, his cock had swollen and jerked within her. She had felt it release some sort of substance and a tiny erotic prick that made heat bloom through her in a shattering orgasm that surpassed all orgasms, as far as she was concerned. In more exact terms, she had been completely dicked down and didn’t regret it. It just… complicated matters.

A low groan rattled over her from above, and she stiffened warily, uncertain of what was to come next. Was he like a praying mantis in reverse, readying to feast upon her now that one hunger was satisfied?

Her breath stilled as she waited. To her surprise, his large body suddenly slumped to the side of her, his wings splaying wide around them and his semi-hard cock slipping from her with a wet gush. Her pussy clenched with its sudden absence, and a soft whimper escaped her. She still flinched when his bulk moved off of her—much to her embarrassment. She was a skilled thief who had been on enough raids and a member of several parties, hardly inexperienced when it came to dangerous situations. Yet when his body slumped and heavily impacted the ground, her breath expelled from her lungs in relief.

Rolling over on her side, Tania glanced over at the dragon. The single pale blue eye she could see looked glazed over as it blinked at her twice before the inner lid slid shut and his outer lid closed in slumber. For a second, she thought he might be dead—was human pussy dangerous to any fae creatures out there?—but his sides heaved, drawing a deep breath before expelling warmly against her seconds later.

Peering down at him, her eyes ran over his features taking in the pale gold scales that shimmered in the light glowing from several large stones set around the room. She wanted to take a closer look at those. Mages sold mage stones with similar properties. She was eager to compare since she had never heard of them being so large, but she allowed herself a moment to be enthralled with her study of the unconscious dragon.

Although his head was completely reptilian, with the standard dragon features from horns to tapered muzzle and gracefully arched neck, the pale scales looked smoother and more delicate along his face than the aggressive armoring in his larger form. Even the horns on his head were proportionally shorter, reduced to only a prominent single pair and several long, thick spines that that extended from the back of his jaw that were connected by a loose webbing. They were nothing like the intimidating crown of horns that he had worn when he was larger.

Even his torso had a more humanoid structure to it in his more compact size. She wasn’t sure which form could be called his “true” form, since the other had seemed more “dragony” to her. This one seemed fashioned in a way that was more bipedal, although his feet terminated in a way that was of a predator built for speed. Even on two legs, he would be fast with the counterbalance of his tail. All sharp angles and broad muscles covered in textured scales, his eight-foot frame was just shy of monstrous.

Unable to help herself, she studied the pronounced muscle of his leg and calf that ran in a graceful line to the permanently raised heels, each sporting a small but lethal claw at its tip. On his thighs, there were a few patches of silver-blue scales that caught her attention, sweeping up toward his spine. He’d had similar ones over his shoulder, terminating at his wing base. A deep blue claw twitched, and her eyes moved away, not wanting to think of what that sharp tip could do to her flesh, considering the damage his claws had done to her clothes and the floor around them from what she could tell. The gouges into the rock made her blood run cold.

Drawing her eyes back up his leg, she looked at his cock. Nearly as big around as her wrist—and with all of her climbing, she didn’t exactly have anything close to a dainty wrist that was worth bragging about—it was slowly sliding back into the raised slit just in front of his testicles. No wonder he had been able to hit every erogenous zone she had when he had mounted her. The underside was heavily ridged. It almost resembled the underbelly of a snake, except more pronounced and textured with small bumps along the edge of each ridge. These made a path, getting smaller and closer together until they terminated at the large triangular head.

The entire length must have been flushed red at the height of his arousal, but now only the head of his cock was blushed pink. The rest of the shaft was silvery blue. The pink faded as the length of his sex withdrew into his slit. The sight made her pussy tingle with interest. She wrenched her gaze away, her cheeks heating.

Get ahold of yourself. You aren’t in any shape for round two, and he’s practically in a coma. Not to mention he’s a fucking monster that you want to get away from...after you rob his ass.

She blinked slowly as the rest of her brain surfaced from the pleasure haze that clung to her. Watching him, she remained stilled for a bit, barely breathing as she waited, just to make sure that he wasn’t feigning slumber. When he didn’t so much as to twitch, the corners of her lips slowly lifted in a nervous grin.

He was out.

Scrambling to her feet while she could, Tania quickly located her leggings. She had managed to remove her belt and work them most of the way off before he tore at them, but all the same she was glad to see that there was minimal damage. Tania worked them on and strapped on her belt, a scowl pulling at her brow at the sight of a couple of small tears visible on her thigh as her fingers ran over her supplies, double-checking that all was still secure.

She couldn’t complain, not after seeing the condition of her vest and coat. While the fastenings of the coat had merely been torn—and therefore was salvageable even if it would be uncomfortable until she could get it replaced, the vest which had been laced up her front was in shambles. Only her demi-top, the tight bands terminating just below her breast, had been ignored by the dragon once he got gotten through her upper layers remained untouched.

Muttering a curse, and with a dark look angled at the slumbering male, Tania yanked on the coat, leaving the tattered remains of the vest on the floor. Quietly, she stalked by him, heading for the chamber’s doorway. She hesitated at the entrance, her eyes roving around the room, taking in the illuminating rocks and the enormous stone pallet that sat in the back of the room, the bed piled with numerous lush furs.

It was inviting—aside from the fact that it was the bed of a fucking dragon. Or maybe partially because of it because obviously she was a sick, sick woman who got her jollies fucking something that inspired terror and could kill her with zero effort on his part. Therefore, the part of her that wanted to wallow in it wanted to also bury her nose into it and drink in his scent. A scent that was curiously not unliked a spiced pear. It still clung to her bit, unlike his warmth. With the absence of the dragon’s considerable body heat, she was already starting to shiver, although not as much as she would have thought given the state of her clothing and the bitter cold that she encountered on her descent. The desire to burrow into either the bedding or against the side of the male was so strong that she forced herself back several steps, her breathing erratic.

She shook her head and sharply smacked her cheek.

Pull yourself together!

There was no time for naps, daydreaming, or ogling dragons, or illumination stones for that matter. She had work to do and considerable distance to cover before the dragon woke.

Unable to control it, she snickered quietly to herself as she ducked out of the room. There appeared to be a recurring theme for her as of late. Her hand slid over her last sleep bomb. Perhaps she should chuck it into the room. There was, after all, no telling how long he was going to be unconscious. But she hated to waste a sleep bomb on someone who was already asleep. It wasn’t like the effects would be felt at all if he was sleeping. It wouldn’t work any longer than usual. For however long he naturally slept, the effects would be entirely wasted.

Biting her lips, she drew her hand away. She wouldn’t use it yet, not when there were still unknown variables ahead of her when it came to escaping from the monastery. She could still use it if he came after her, but she liked having it on hand if she was required to deal with the guards. It felt safer, given her current situation.

Jogging through the corridor, she veered left at the branch. The right returned to the main chamber. She would get there eventually, but first she wanted what she came for.

The corridor ran deeper into the cave, lined with rooms, but none of them had anything she wanted. Their rough outlines cut into the stone little more than half-formed dreams. She couldn’t even begin to guess what the dragon had intended them for. Whatever they were, each was empty without even a gold coin in sight.

With a puzzled frown, she continued forward until a pair of heavy doors appeared at the end. Her mouth went dry, the center of her palms itching. That had to be it. Putting on a burst of speed, she headed for the doors at the end. She had a feeling—an itch of a premonition—that what she sought was just beyond those doors.

Many people thought she was joking when she said she could feel when loot was close. It was like something crawled over her skin, drawing her toward it. She felt that now and exhilaration pumped through her blood as she ate up the remaining distance. The door was a heavy beast but when she worked it open, her jaw dropped in wonder.

The room was literally filled with all manner of golden coins and treasure from one corner of the room to the other. For a moment, she was so awestruck that she stared helplessly at all of it. Where would she even start? She couldn’t take even a fraction of it with her.

Removing a roll of fabric from one of the numerous pouches on her belt, she pursed her lips and unrolled the thin—but highly durable—material. The enchanted weave made the sack a reliable part of her kit, so she didn’t give it a second thought as she strolled along one of many paths cut through the baskets of coin that were stacked haphazardly on the floor among numerous golden statues and trunks filled with jewels.

She was half-surprised that it wasn’t all just a massive pile for the dragon to curl up on—wasn’t that what dragons did? That said, she wasn’t about to start looking a gift cog mare in its refueler. This was infinitely better than stumbling and slipping over loose piles of metal. In fact, it was more organized than what she’d even seen mages leave behind. At least there appeared to be some sort of organization strategy going on with the dragon’s treasure. Something she—as the person there to liberate it from him—definitely appreciated.

Lips twisting with humor, she randomly began to grab things as she passed. Handfuls of gems—many loose, of large size and spectacularly cut, others set into amazing necklaces and arm cuffs that were clearly designated for royalty—were shoved into her sack as she made her way down the path.

There was so much waiting for her to plunder it that she was almost overwhelmed. Everything tempted her fingers. But what pulled her the strongest ended up being a blue chest, so small that she nearly didn’t see it until she was standing right beside the golden pedestal upon which it sat. Made entirely of silver, the chest was set with a number of pale, glittering stones.

She reached for it, her fingers flinching slightly from contact at the last moment. She rolled her eyes at her own hesitation. So it’s set on a golden pillar, big fucking deal. Clearly that made it valuable in some small way. Even if it wasn’t...she wanted it. That made it the perfect item to complete her raid.

Flicking back the lid her eyes widened at the glowing cold blue stones within. There was only the pair of them, but they were far bigger than any mage stone. She licked her lips hungrily. They were beautiful. As were the few pieces of jewelry that appeared to be of elven design tucked in around them. The latter she could get decent coin for—there was always a buyer for elven jewelry. The stones would be harder, but there was a possibility they would be valuable in the right market.

Tania whistled low and flicked the lid shut again with a satisfied smirk. Scooping the chest up, she set it carefully within her sack before cinching it closed and sealing it with the built-in incantation that had been provided with it. Watertight and theftproof, as long as she could keep ahold of it, nothing inside was going anywhere. Even if someone managed to get it away from her, the spell was coded specifically to her so that there was no chance of anyone liberating her rightfully stolen treasure.

Pulling her arms through the straps attached to the sack, she checked its balance before breaking out into a trot. She was glad that the bag was also soundproofed to spare her ears. That had cost extra, but it was worth the silence. That it also helped her slip out with her ill-gotten gains was icing on the cake.

The dragon had appeared to be in a deep sleep, but the clang of metal and stones could get loud enough to wake the dead if a thief didn’t take their time exiting with their gains. Tania didn’t have that kind of luxury with time. Getting out fast was worth its weight in gold. Besides which, she had a terrible lack of patience when it came to the escaping part. She was the grab-it-and-run type and so paid out the ass to make sure she could do so successfully.

This time, her ass also paid a bit of a price—but for once, she hadn’t minded that as much as she should have.

Quietly shaking her head at the direction her thoughts had taken, she cast one final fond look toward the sleeping chamber before darting to the main cavern and slipping through the narrow entrance to freedom.

That her stomach twisted uncomfortably as she raced through the cave system she resolutely ignored. It was nothing. Nothing that the promise of rolling in luxury wouldn’t fix.