Dragon Treasure by SJ Sanders

Author’s Note

I really hope that you enjoyed this erotic romance between Drathnor and his human mate Tania. When I decided to venture more in darker erotic romances with the success of Corruption of the Rose, I knew immediately then that I wanted to do a separate pen name for the focus of those works (in addition to shorter eroticas) and that I wanted to write a story for a dragon. Mostly because I love dragon romances, but I wanted to do something quite different from what I’ve read. Instead of a shifter that looks mostly humanoid, I wanted to keep almost all of the dragon traits and just make him smaller in his day-to-day form. This was an idea I had already been playing around with for the Monsterly Yours Series when it came to Boukie’s future dragon mate. But as I hadn’t gotten there yet in that series and I really just wanted to take the idea for a bit of a darker spin, Dragon Treasure was born! It just ended up being quite a bit longer than my target 45-50k that I wanted for the stories under this pen name.

As with Corruption of the Rose and my Dark Spirits books, there is a melding at mythic elements (in this case entirely made up rather than based on actual deities) and horror elements. As a long-term fan of myth, fantasy and horror, I really wanted my eroticas to have that sort of blend to them with a very slight steampunk feel if it were taken post-apocalyptical.

That said, I have an erotic short planned, but the next book you will be enjoying from this pen name brings us back to Dorienna. We left off with her scarring herself to hell in back to implant the magic to help her be of some assistance to Tania, even if her role in this book was a minor one. So our nun who went from naive to thrown into some pretty nasty stuff will be getting her own book, pairing her with a minotaur warrior. Who better to help her into her new life of kicking ass and taking names, right? In that book you will also get some more insights as to why she scarred herself with magic and what sort of changes that has had on her. With magic there is always a price, even if your objective is an honorable one.

As always, if you enjoyed this book, please do leave a review! I do read them and reviewing helps to let me know that you would love to see more of this writing from me in the future!

Thanks again for reading!

Daemonica Draco a.k.a. SJ Sanders