Running For It by Allyson Lindt



Six months later

There were a lot of things I loved about Violet. One of the simpler ones was the fantastic company she provided when Ramsey was on stage. This afternoon he was cutting the ribbon on the first of many new shelters his foundation brought to life.

Violet’s hand was nestled in mine and her head rested against my shoulder, as we stood at the back of the crowed, watching Ramsey on a temporary platform in front of a motel that had been converted. For the last several months, I’d pushed around all the figures and paperwork and kept all the cogs moving to make it happen.

The house Violet managed was fantastic—small, structured and friendly—but it only held so many people. This place would give a similar experience to dozens more homeless youth who needed stability, shelter, and a home.

Ramsey was telling the audience something similar, minus the Violet bits, but in snappier words that would make good sound bites and be highly quotable.

The faint smile on Violet’s face was there more often than not these days. While Ramsey would insist in jest, probably, that it was because she was getting some incredible dick on a regular basis, I knew it was because she was getting better at how she took things on.

It didn’t hurt either that my both of my parents had welcomed her and Ramsey into the family with open arms. When we finally had dinner with Mom, and didn’t have to lie about the marriage being real, she and Violet got along splendidly. And Dad was still hanging on. Tough old bastard.

As Ramsey finished his speech and cut the ribbon, I tugged Violet away from the gathering and into an empty part of the shelter. It would be open for business next week, but for now, only certain parts of the building were available for photo ops. That was where Ramsey would be.

I’d rather steer clear of the cameras. I led her to the main administrator’s office.

“You show me the sexiest things,” she teased as we stepped into the room.

“Later, if you’re good, I’ll let you watch me create Excel formulas.”

Violet laughed and pretended to swoon. “I’m not sure I could handle the heat.”

I settled into the chair behind the desk and pulled her into my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder, palm resting on my heart. The only thing that would make this moment more perfect would be if Ramsey were here with us.

When Violet and Ramsey broke up a few years ago, when I finally let myself admit how I felt about him, I’d assumed we’d live a life that swung wildly between public and private. I didn’t like the idea, but he was worth it.

This was so much better, though. So much more than I’d ever dared imagine. Married to an amazing woman. Committed to an incredible man. Giving others a chance at the same. If I’d wished on a magic lamp, I couldn’t have come up with a more perfect scenario.


I took the press on a brief tour of the new shelter. Mostly the common areas. This was our experiment with this kind of project, and it went well. Starting tomorrow, we were spinning up several more projects like this, in larger cities around the country that didn’t have many options for LGBTQ+ youth.

For the next forty five minutes or so, we took photos, I answered more questions, and the mood was light and cheery. My new press manager—Jake was as good as Debbie had been at getting the word out, and far less abrasive in the process—shooed everyone away.

I sent him home and went in search of Hunter and Violet. They hadn’t told me where they’d be, besides waiting, but I could guess.

When I drew close to the main administrative office, I heard soft, familiar voices coming from inside. I summoned far more flair than I needed, and pushed the door open. “My best friend and my girlfriend. Wha—” My melodramatic exclamation trailed off. “You’re cuddling.”

Hunter looked up from Violet, who was sitting his lap. “You expected something else?” he asked.

“I expected you to christen the place. Fuck on the desk. Something.”

Violet feigned shock. “But it’s not our desk.”

Hunter nodded, expression serious. “She’s right. Isn’t that kind of a creepy vibe?”

They were yanking my chain. They had to be. “Hotel sex is some of the best sex.”

“This isn’t a hotel anymore.” Violet sounded serious, but her smirk was peeking through.

They were as much serious as they were joking. I loved it. “Right now it’s mostly an empty building. The back of the Cayenne in the fast-food parking lot was more taboo than this place.” That was a good fucking memory—a good memory of fucking? I’d watched Violet suck Hunter’s cock. Fucked him while Hunter tasted himself on her lips. Watched her watching us as she pushed her new little black dress past her hips and fingered her pussy.

“It was after midnight, and the SUV windows are tinted.” Apparently Hunter wasn’t ready to let the joke drop.

I’d play along for about ten more seconds. “There are no windows in here and the door locks.”

“But the door wasn’t locked. Anyone could have walked in on us.” Violet gave me a pointed glare, as if I were the case study for her point.

I was. “Which I think you wanted, since you didn’t lock the door.”

“Hang on, back up,” Hunter said. “Are you arguing about the fact that we weren’t having sex?”

“It’s not an argument, it’s an assessment.”

Violet raised her eyebrows. “Of…?”

“Of which one of you I bend over that desk.” I reached behind me and locked the door.

Thankyou for reading along with Violet, Ramsey, and Hunter as they found their second chance.

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