On the Ridge by Jayda Marx

Chapter Four



I knew that Rowdy would return soon with our Alpha, but I still had to act quickly to help my mate as I waited. He was bleeding profusely and if I didn’t get things under control, I could lose him before my friends returned.

I focused my attention on my right hand to shift it into a paw and used my sharp claws to carefully cut and remove the fabric of his t-shirt, sweatshirt, and jeans from his body so that I could see the extent of his injuries.

Tears flooded my eyes as I looked over his abdomen; deep gashes had flayed his skin and I could see into his entrails. I was glad he was unconscious, as he would be in excruciating pain otherwise. But when he was awake, my mate didn’t cry or beg. He was so damn brave.

I folded up his t-shirt and held pressure on his wounds, but the fabric quickly grew soaked and heavy with his blood. I cursed and tossed it aside before grabbing his sweatshirt and trying again. I pushed harder against the makeshift bandage and sighed in relief when the flow ebbed slightly.

I held pressure on his stomach with my knee so that my hands were free to tear a strip of denim from his jeans. I wrapped the sash around his calf and secured it in a tight knot to staunch the bleeding. Then I nestled beside him again, pressing my fingers against his torso and whispering to him so that he’d know he wasn’t alone.

“I’m right here, beautiful. I need you to hold on for me, okay? You’re so strong and brave. I’m so proud of you; so proud you’re mine.”

As I spoke to him, I studied his face and just how beautiful he truly was; he had a square chin and chiseled jaw, both of which had the slightest touch of brown stubble on them.

His Grecian nose was settled between arched brows and pointed to wide, slightly down-turned lips. His light brown hair was thick and soft, and sticking up in every direction. His body was long and thin, but obviously strong as it was taut with lean muscle.

I breathed a sigh of relief when footsteps thundered behind me. I could easily recognize my pack mates without having to see them. Within moments, Rowdy and Rider shifted into human form and were on their knees on either side of me.

They arrived even quicker than I imagined they would. As if he could hear my thoughts, Rowdy explained, “Rider heard your cry when you attacked the bear. He was already halfway through the woods when I found him.”

Thank god for that; my mate had no time to spare. I lifted the padding from his wounds to show my Alpha. “He’s mine, Rider. He’s mine and I’m losing him. I need to save him. Please.”

My mating bite was the only thing that could save him now; our bonding would grant him some of my shifter abilities, like quickened healing. But because my beloved was unconscious and not physically able to agree to our bond, I couldn’t give him my bite without the consent of my Alpha.

A shifter could never force their bond upon anyone; if one party was unable to consent, an Alpha had to deem the bonding to be justified, necessary, and desired by both parties.

Rider grazed his eyes over my mate’s body, and I could tell by the worry in his expression that he saw how dire the situation was. He looked back at me and asked, “Are you sure he recognized you?”

I understood why he was questioning what Rowdy must have told him, since it was such an odd occurrence, but I nodded my head quickly. “Yes. He knew who I was and even declared his love. But he passed out before he could give consent.” Tears streamed down my cheeks and I begged, “Please; I can’t lose him.”

Not only would it tear me apart emotionally, I would lose myself mentally. If a shifter’s mate rejected them or died before bonding, the shifter lost all purpose and humanity. They gave into their animalistic side and lived a feral life void of love or friendship. But I didn’t care about what happened to me; I just wanted my mate to survive.

After another glance at my mate, Rider placed his large, warm hand on my back and said, “Given that this man will die without your bite and that he professed his love, I find this bonding to be essential and consensual. You may claim your mate.”

“Thank you,” I shakily replied, and Rider bowed his head. He kept his hand on my back and Rowdy placed his on my knee, both showing their support as I leaned down towards my mate.

My fangs descended and I sank them into the supple flesh of his throat. When the tips of my teeth scraped bone, I pulled back and watched as his skin knitted together, creating a gorgeous pink mating scar.

The mark glowed in a shade of neon green - the color of healing and rejuvenation. The light traced along his skin and illuminated his wounds.

I whispered in his ear, “Heal, my love,” and kissed his cheek gently before rising up onto my knees once more.

My pulse flew into overdrive as his bleeding stopped. Glowing lines stretched across his lacerations like stitches and pulled the skin taut.

Within minutes, thick pink scars mounded over his flesh and across his tight, svelte muscles. They didn’t take away from beauty in the slightest; I loved his new scars because they meant that he was still with me.

I loosened the tourniquet from around his leg to allow the skin to glow and mend. His flesh closed, but was bumpy; it would take some time for his muscle to regenerate. Once all of his wounds were healed, the green light died away.

“Congratulations on finding your mate,” Rider offered with a smile. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Me too,” Rowdy chimed in.

“Thanks, guys. And thank you for your help.” I drew in a deep, shaky breath. “I can’t bear the thought of losing him.”

Rider squeezed my shoulder. “Everything’s alright now. Why don’t you take your mate home and make him comfortable? I’ll clean up the area.” I appreciated it; the last thing I needed was for another wild animal to catch my mate’s scent and track him down in his weakened state. Even though I would protect him with my life, it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Thank you.” I wrapped my friend in a quick hug, and he slapped his thick, strong hands on my back.

“I’ll come with you in case you need anything,” Rowdy offered, and I thanked him with a hug as well.

I scooped my mate into my arms. He was dressed in only a pair of light gray briefs and his skin was cool to the touch, so I held him tightly against me to share my body heat. He didn’t wake, but he did nuzzle his face into my neck. My heart swelled; even in this state, he knew that I was there with him.

Rowdy and I took off towards the mountain we called home, and as we walked, I kept my nose buried in my mate’s hair, deeply breathing in his scent. “He smells incredible,” I thought out loud. His aroma was sweet and citrusy, with just a splash of mint. I smiled widely when I placed it. “Just like poppies.”

My friend leaned in and took a whiff, ignoring my irritated glance. “He does smell good. But I’m not getting poppies; it’s more like sandalwood. Damn, I love the smell of sandalwood. Something about it gets my blood pumping.”

I glowered at Rowdy and pulled my beloved closer to me. “Stop sniffing my mate.”

Rowdy just snorted a laugh and shook his head. “Fine, I’ll keep my nose to myself.” I nodded firmly, making him laugh again.

Soon, we reached the overgrown patch of ivy which hid the entrance to a rocky path. Rowdy held the ivy to the side to allow me to carry my mate through it, then he followed me up the path as it wound along the back of the mountain.

I ducked my head to walk through a short entryway in the stone which opened into a huge cavern. It held three domed passages which led to each of our homes, which were completely hidden from the world.

When I headed for my passage, Rowdy asked, "Do you mind if I wait with you until your mate wakes up?"

I smiled at the sweet request. I wasn't surprised that my friend wanted to meet my beloved; Rowdy didn't know a stranger. I certainly wouldn't mind the company until my mate woke up, so I told him, "I'd like that."

I carried my mate into my house and to my bedroom. Rowdy pulled down the blankets so that I could settle my beloved on the round mattress. I tucked him in and sat next to him while Rowdy took a seat in a nearby recliner.

I carded my fingers through my mate's hair as I gazed down at him. I was blessed to have finally found him and I couldn't wait to learn everything about my beautiful man.