Someone You Love by Kristen Granata

So much went into this story, and I wouldn’t have been able to write it without the help of my sensitivity readers. Gretchen, Chloe, Kristie, Anistasia, and Autumn, thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to answer my questions, and to help me make Bryce’s character the best I could make him. You shared things with me, you offered valuable feedback and insight, and because of you, I have learned so much. The awareness and support you bring to the disabled community not only helps those who are disabled, but it helps change the way able-bodied people think, talk, and act. Thank you for that.

To my forever beta readers, Dorthy, Becca, and Mary: I appreciate you reading my story over and over (and over and over) again after I sent you revised sections of the same story. I appreciate your support and guidance. I love you!

To my cover designer, TayTay, you know I love the shit out of you. Thank you for putting up with me, and thank you for sending me videos of you dancing so I can make fun of your crazy eyes. Let’s get on a plane and go visit Maybe Sammi (okvgt send erase the word send).

To Farah, thank you for formatting this book and making it so pretty! I love working with you, and I love your friendship even more.

To the photographers who allowed me to use their beautiful pictures on my front and back covers, Taylor and Yibi, thank you for being so wonderful to work with! I can’t wait to write more books so I can keep coming back to you for cover photos. Huge shout out to Meg and Trey Valdez for allowing me to use their beautiful selves on my cover to bring my characters to life!

To my warriors – my readers who’ve stuck by my side through each release: Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wouldn’t be able to publish books if it weren’t for you.

To my mom, thank you for being my number one fan and biggest supporter. Thank you for loving my books (even though they have the sex in them) and thank you for always looking for new ways to get my name out there. I’m so lucky to have a parent like you!

And last but never, ever least, I need to thank my beautiful wife—not only because you read my books and support my dream, even when it can be a huge pain in the ass at times, but because you are my muse in every love story I write. The characters might be fictional, but the true love you’ve shown me is so real. I know what love means because of you. You are my happy ending forever.