Assistant for the Alien Prince by Tammy Walsh


M’rius wasa spit of a planet in an otherwise inhospitable solar system.

All its resources had been scavenged long ago and little remained save fertile ground from the spilled blood of countless wars and a hardy species that didn’t know when to quit.

Jessica didn’t recognize it.

I doubted she would recognize many planets in this part of the galaxy as few alien races bothered to venture this far out.

It was the kind of place you got lost in, not where you expected to end up.

“Buckle up,” I said. “Entry can be a little bumpy.”

The seat’s restraints pressed against Jessica’s body and made her breasts stand out distractingly.

I considered setting down somewhere quiet so I could have her again before thinking better of it.

I was careful where I landed as the swamp had a tendency to swallow entire ships if you weren’t careful.

A solid rock protruded from the swampland, but appearances could be deceiving.

I came down slowly until the ship’s full weight rested on the rock.

I kept the engines running until I was certain the rock wouldn’t suddenly dissolve into a giant shi’ka and shove us into the swamp.

It didn’t, so I powered the engines down.

Jessica sauntered down the ramp, her hips swaying majestically.

I felt myself stir and immediately grabbed her, shoved her against the shuttlecraft wall, and buried my lips on the base of her neck.

She chuckled but let me have use of her.

After sating myself with her scent, I backed off.

“You’re going to have to learn to control yourself around me when we return,” she said, straightening herself up.

“You think?”

Jessica’s communicator beeped.

She checked the message, re-reading it two or three times before she looked up at me.

“The girl from the club agreed to the DNA test!”

I said nothing and just nodded.

As Jessica had said before, the girl would only agree to it if she was telling the truth.

Accepting the test could mean only one thing…

The child was mine.

“It doesn’t mean anything,” Jessica said. “It could be that she—”

“Let’s get a move on. The sun will set soon and by then it’ll be too dark to travel.”

I hastened for the jungle’s edge and couldn’t wait to get lost in it.

But no matter how deep we went, I couldn’t shake the thoughts clouding my senses.