Assistant for the Alien Prince by Tammy Walsh


The entire crowdwas still waiting for us when we finally returned.

Jessica stole Tus’s traditional wedding dress but it was too large for her.

Miraculously, the Grand Septon had one in Jessica’s size.

“I always like to be prepared,” Cath said.

I apologized to the guests for keeping them waiting and said there had been a small change in the wedding cast.

“I intend to be the most honest monarch we’ve ever had,” I said, “and I intend on beginning that honesty today. Tus is a beautiful and worthy queen… but she is not my fated mate. And I am not hers. She loves another, as do I. I will not creep in the shadows nor live my life regretting the one I should have married. So, without further ado, let me introduce to you, Jessica, your new queen!”

At the side of the stage, she took a deep breath and stepped out to a mixture of gasps and applause from the confused guests.

Jessica tried to ignore them and focused only on me, as I waited with an outstretched hand toward her.

She took it, and together we began to dance, spinning in a circle.

The world turned blurry with speed.

I focused only on her, and she focused entirely on me.

And between us, the spark issued forth, birthed, sprouted, and grew like a great spirich tree.

It took root and spun outward across the entire ceremonial hall.

Those watching at home or with their own eyes might not have seen it the way we did but there was no way to miss the love we shared and the glowing of our skin as we beamed at each other.

She had begun as the assistant to the alien prince.

Now, she was queen to an alien king.

And what a queen she would make.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed ASSISTANT FOR THE ALIEN PRINCE. If you would like to continue the series, you can grab the next book now!

A princess who’s forgotten who she is. A kauah commander desperate to protect his people. And a tyranical king hellbent on tearing them apart.

When my mother dies, I’m alone in the galaxy.

No friends. No family. No hope.

Then a pair of royal guards catch me.

I do have a family, they tell me. I’m the kingdom’s long lost princess.

Wait. What?

The kingdom is on the brink of civil war and it’s my duty to marry the king’s greatest enemy—the leader of the kauan clans.

Ikmale Ellas.

He’s powerful, scary, and I can’t take my eyes off his twisted horns and golden irises.

Despite his tough demeanor, Ikmale shows a tender side for his people I never expected.

The kauah are nothing like the rumors have led me to believe.

In his arms, I find a caring and demanding lover.

Could he be my fated mate?

But when the wedding turns out to be a trap, Ikmale holds me responsible.

Can I win his trust once more and convince him the feelings we share are real?

Or will he imprison me, condemning me to never see that spark of love in his eyes again?

Grab your copy of PRINCESS FOR THE ALIEN COMMANDER now to find out!