Dear Mr. Brody by A.M. Johnson

My heart is so full.

I don't have the words to explain how grateful I am for all of you! So far this year I've been the closest I've ever gotten to reaching my goal of being a full time writer, though I'm not there yet, I'm so lucky because every year I'm only successful because I have the best freaking readers! You've stuck with me through all of my ups and downs, my genre hops and continue to trust me with your time and love.

I could never achieve my dream of being a writer without each and every one of you. Thank you for being there for me, for believing in me. It's a privilege to do what I do.

Thank you to my editing team. Elaine and Kathleen. You two amazing women! I couldn’t do this without you.

Thank you to my PA and my BFFL Ari. May Marcos hold your namesake dear to his mother fucking heart. Love you! I can't imagine how the hell I’d survive without you.

Thank you to my Biscuits! Gah! I can't tell you how much your hard work means to me! THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Special thanks to Beth for all the side work and graphics and therapy you give me. And Jodi for managing my ARC Team, being a typo finding queen, and all the ledge dodging chats hahaha! Kelly and Heather for being a support and a shoulder to cry on. To Linda at Foreword and everyone at GRR, and to all my friends in the author community I'm so grateful!

Thank you to my beta team and heart! Anna, Kristy, Sammie, Cornelia, Ari, Emma, Elle, Jodi, Beth, Braxton, Azeely, Alissa, Saxon, Layla, Sarah, Cass, and Taylor! Y'all are the heart and soul of this process and I love you immensely!

To my friends book world and "in person" thank you for being there for me. I know at times I can be MIA, say and do the wrong things sometimes, being human is hard y'all, but it's an honor to have you in my life, to be able to call y'all friends.

To my family and my kiddos. I'm sorry for the missed movie/game nights and the late hours, but I think I've finally got it all figured out! We have lots of snuggle bunches and magic movies headed our way. I love you Wolf, Kell Bell, G and MJ more than you'll ever know.

These are always the hardest to write because inevitably I will forget something. But please know, if you are in my life, you mean the world to me!

Lastly, I want to say thank you to all of my fellow healthcare workers out there, the social justice warriors, and folx that are fighting the fight for equality in any way they can. May you find peace in your work!

Much love and side hugs,
