Deeper Than The Ocean by Julie Ann Walker





Huge thanks to my friends and family who’ve supported me during a tough couple of years. To steal a line from Tina Turner, you’re simply the best.

Hugs to Joyce Lamb for loving this manuscript as much as I did, and then polishing it up and making it shine. Your suggestions about how to make the book better—particularly regarding our wily villain—were spot-on, as always.

A loud shout-out to all the folks who do the unsung work of getting a book into readers’ hands, Marlene Roberts, proofer extraordinaire, Amy Atwell, formatter for the stars, and Erin-Dameron Hill for the beautiful cover.

And last but certainly not least, thank you to C.A. Szarek (a sister is arms in the publishing trenches) for the use of your name. I love Chrissy’s character. I hope you think she does you justice.