Scarlet Disaster by Colette Rhodes

Chapter 18

My catch up with Ria yesterday had made me feel invigorated about life. I was going to call the realtor today and set things in motion after I did my modified yoga routine hidden away in the room I was borrowing from Nate, which mostly involved standing up because there was only a sliver of space between the bed and the wall. I was ready to have my own space back.

It was either that or do yoga in the living room here which might give the guys ideas, and I couldn’t tell if I was for that or against it.

“Querida,” Gabriel called, knocking lightly on the door. “Are you awake?”

“I am. Come in,” I said back, not raising my voice just to see if he could hear me. I was getting a little worried about my own hearing living with them.

Gabriel opened the door while I was reaching upwards, bending backwards to get a good stretch in my spine, and I felt his gaze track over my gray crop top, the exposed skin beneath, and down my pale blue leggings.

“Brooks and I were thinking of visiting Chena Hot Springs today to get some new content. We, er, wondered if you’d like to join us.”

Ooh, he sounded adorably nervous. Like he was asking me on a date with both him and Brooks at the same time.

“Have you been before?” Gabriel asked, clearing his throat as I straightened.

“Not since…” My honeymoon. Yikes. “It’s been awhile. I’d love to come with you.”

I could definitely think of worse ways to spend my day than hanging out in my swimsuit with two hot guys, especially since one of them had made me come so hard I’d almost forgotten the fact that they were all lying to me. Maybe with a little help from my sexy swimsuit and some Scarlet-style interrogation tactics, I’d get some secrets out of them today.

Gabriel smiled, the faint lines around his eyes wrinkling and lordy, that did it for me. “Meet us outside in thirty minutes.”

* * *

The drive to Chena Hot Springs took just over an hour. Gabriel had driven the three of us while Brooks played DJ in the front seat and I lounged in the back, memorizing the scenery as it went past. Who knew when I’d be back? I may not want to live here anymore, but it was still objectively beautiful and there were definitely things I’d miss.

Gabriel insisted on paying and we made our way through the complex, trudging through bright white snow towards the pool area. Brooks followed behind us, snapping photos the entire time while I tried to stay out of frame.

“You gonna let me take some photos of you, Red?” Brooks asked, waggling his eyebrows at me. “These would make some awesome shots for your social channels,” he added absently, returning his gaze to his camera while he looked through his test shots. “Your hair looks amazing against the snow.”

God, was there anything sexier than a man who hyped you up? Brooks seemed like a big time player, but I bet if some lady was lucky enough to lock him down, he’d be her biggest cheerleader for life.

I chewed on my lower lip, remembering what Ria had said about introducing Lou to the world.

“You don’t have to post them,” Brooks added with a shrug. “But you look fucking phenomenal right now—like a fiery winter goddess—and I am dying to photograph you.”

“Thanks.” Oh my god, was I blushing a little? How embarrassing. “I’ve been thinking I’d prefer to have a more natural look on my page for a while, but I guess I don’t know how anymore.”

“Just do it, querida,” Gabriel answered, rejoining us after taking some notes on his phone. “You do look very striking against the snow. It would be the perfect way to debut it.”

“You have really good hearing,” I told him, blinking slowly. He’d been super far away when Brooks had said that. Hadn’t he? Maybe I was imagining things.

Brooks coughed. “He does. Anyway, let’s get a few shots and we’ll see what you think.”

I didn’t have my blue contacts in and I was barely wearing makeup since my gaiter covered my face and I’d sweat it off in the springs anyway, so I turned away from the camera, fluffing out my hair underneath my beanie and spreading my arms wide as I faced the snowy trees in the distance.

“Work it, girl,” Brooks teased.

I poked my tongue out at him over my shoulder before facing away again, doing a few more natural poses as well so we had options.

“Good?” I asked, spinning around to face Brooks with my gaiter pulled down.

“Stunning,” he replied from behind the camera, still snapping away.

“Enough,” I laughed, covering my face again and darting out of frame.

“Fine, fine,” Brooks sighed. “Let me get some video footage for your article,” he said to Gabriel, fiddling with the camera.

I watched as Brooks panned around, getting a bunch of scenic shots that would probably look amazing on screen while Gabriel stood patiently in the background, waiting.

He looked incredibly sexy in his gray coat and black beanie, curls of dark hair visible where the fabric ended, black stubble lining his jaw—like a rugged, sexy model, waiting for his moment in front of the camera in a dramatic, windswept location.

Why wasn’t he in front of the camera?

“I think I’m good,” Brooks mumbled, looking at the display.

“So, you guys don’t ever film yourselves?” I asked.

Brooks gave me a knowing grin, undoubtedly thinking about the ways I filmed myself, and I was tempted to throw a snowball at his very expensive camera.

“Like a vlog,” I clarified with a pointed look.

Gabriel shook his head. “No, we’ve never done anything like that. Brooks shoots video footage which I sometimes include in articles, but we don’t ever appear on camera.”

“That… seems like a wasted opportunity, honestly,” I told him, frowning. “You’re going to these amazing places anyway, you’ve got the equipment to take great quality footage, and you’re both, you know.” I gestured at them.

“We’re both what?” Brooks teased.

“Not entirely hideous,” I shot back, batting my eyelashes at him. “You’d get a ton of views.”

Brooks and Gabriel exchanged a look, both contemplative.

“It’s a good idea,” Brooks pointed out. “We’ve been talking about doing more on social media, and video content is the way to go right now. Can you make all that sexy Brazilian charisma happen on screen?”

Gabriel blinked at him. “No. Absolutely not. I’m a writer, not a… personality.”

“Don’t overthink it,” I advised him, picking my way carefully over the snow to step into the center of where Brooks had been shooting. “Here, I’ll do a practice run, and you can copy me.”

Gabriel gestured at Brooks, who quickly fiddled with the camera before centering on me. I pulled down my neck gaiter so I could speak clearly on camera, immediately aware of how dry my lips were in the cold. Ugh. I needed to get my house on the market as soon as possible—the Dominican Republic was calling my name.

“Action!” Brooks yelled with totally unnecessary dramatic flair.

I pasted a bright smile on my face, looking down the camera. “Hey guys! My name is Lou, welcome to our channel. We are here at the gorgeous Chena Hot Springs in Fairbanks, Alaska. How great is this?” I asked with another dazzling smile, gesturing at my snow-covered surroundings. “While I am loving this view, I am going to love those springs even more. Let’s go!”

I held my smile for a second longer before turning to look at Gabriel. “So then you grab some footage of walking to the springs, speed it up to double time with some mood music in the background, then pick up the narrative again once you’re in the springs. Easy peasy.”

“Easy peasy when you do it,” Brooks laughed. “Master disaster when Gabriel does it, I bet.”

“That’s not a thing,” I shot back, trying not to smile. “And you’re not being supportive. Come here, Gabriel. Try.”

He looked dubiously between me and Brooks before walking to where I was standing in frame, dragging his feet. I patted his arm reassuringly before making my way over to where Brooks was standing so I was out of the way, trudging clumsily through the snow.

“Okay,” Brooks called. “When you’re ready.”

“Er, hello? My name is Gabriel…” Okay. It was his first time on camera. I’d been super awkward when I started out too. “Welcome. Hello.”

I pointed at the sign, hoping he’d take my cue to introduce the location. He frowned at me in confusion for a few seconds before his eyes lit up in understanding.

“Ah, right. We are at Chena Hot Springs in Alaska.”

“This is terrible,” Brooks murmured in awe. “Like, next level terrible.”

“You do it then,” Gabriel groused. I startled, amazed all over again that he’d heard Brooks’ quiet voice from so far away.

“No, no,” Brooks laughed. “My technical expertise is required behind the camera. Try again, but do it less shit this time.”

“Let’s try again in the springs,” I said in a soothing voice, throwing Brooks a dirty look. “It can just be a test run today to see if it’s something you guys are interested in.”

We headed in and separated to change, which gave me ample time to question whether or not this outfit was a little over the top.

It was. There really wasn’t any question about it. But I was going to flirt some information out of these two men, and I needed all the help I could get.

I had never actually worn this swimsuit outside of a home photoshoot before, and I stood in the changing rooms for a little longer than necessary trying to stuff my boobs more securely into the top before I traumatized some poor child. It was a one-piece, which should theoretically make it more modest, but there were cut outs under my breasts and it came up so high on my hip bones that I’d probably be more covered in a bikini.

Fortunately, the springs weren’t super busy yet, but it was still early. I could definitely give some unsuspecting tourist an eyeful before the day was done.

I gave myself a final once over, my gaze catching on the wings of the phoenix tattoo that decorated my thigh and hip, the bird’s head just hidden by my swimsuit. I really did love my tattoo, even though it reminded me of Nate every time I saw it.

That was probably a good reason to never sleep with the artist permanently marking your skin. It would have been helpful for me to have had this epiphany a few weeks ago.

I loosely knotted my hair at the base of my neck before pulling my gray beanie down, vague memories of my hair and eyelashes being coated in frost last time I came here with Jake floating through my mind, before making my way out through the heated tunnel to the springs.

It was weird that I’d barely given this place a thought over the years. Even though most of my memories from that time in my life were at the very worst, mediocre, I’d still done a pretty great job of compartmentalizing and never thinking about them again.

I hadn’t really given Jake much thought either. Last I’d heard, he’d left Fairbanks to work on an oil rig. I hoped he was doing okay wherever he was, and he’d found what he was looking for.

The tunnel between the changing rooms and the springs was heated, but I still walked as fast as I could to get my half-exposed ass into the warm water.

“What in the actual fuck is that?” Brooks asked, staring at me like I was a meteor rapidly approaching the Earth. It was a delightful mixture of shock, awe, and lust, which had been exactly what I was aiming for.

“Querida,” Gabriel whistled. “Are you trying to kill us?”

They were already partially submerged in the water, waiting on the rocks near the tunnel exit for me. Both shirtless. Both were absurdly buff, considering their Lunchables-and-Hot-Pockets diet. That was some fucking sorcery right there.

Gabriel’s muscles were sleeker, his skin tanned and covered in a smattering of dark hair, while Brooks’ muscles were more rugged somehow, his skin fairer. Both of them were covered in tattoos that were no doubt Nate’s handiwork. Gabriel favored maps and travel iconography that I wanted to trace with my fingers. Brooks’ had a dark sleeve down one arm that showed an eerily realistic wolf emerging from the trees.

I didn’t know where to look.

Fortunately, they were too busy perving on me in my itty bitty swimsuit to notice that I was perving right back.

“Get in here,” Brooks urged as I shivered slightly. I didn’t need any extra encouragement—the water was gloriously warm and the air was fucking freezing. Brooks had switched to a GoPro to film in the springs, and he flicked it on as I waded into the water, grinning playfully as he focused the camera on me.

I raised an eyebrow at him before blowing a flirty kiss at the camera, spinning around in the water as I moved deeper, giving them a quick peek of my ass cheeks before the water hit my waist.

“I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Brooks muttered. “That’s the only explanation.”

“Stop ruining the shot,” I chastised with a smile before grabbing Gabriel’s bicep—why, hello there—and pulling him into frame next to me. He gave me a wary look before reluctantly facing the camera, keeping me pinned to his side with an arm around my waist. I always knew he was a lot bigger than me, but without all the bulky winter clothes in the way, it was evident just how much bigger he was.

“Practice run, remember?” I said with a soft smile, looking up at him. Gabriel’s hand rested low on my hip, his fingers brushing the exposed skin through the cutouts of my suit.

What were we doing again?

“Focus,” Brooks laughed. “Guys, where are we?”

Gabriel beamed at me, clearly buttering me up so I’d do the talking.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll do a demonstration, then you copy. Deal?”

“Deal,” Gabriel replied somberly, the liar.

“Okay.” I cleared my throat, fiddling with my beanie and wishing I had a mirror to check my face in.

“You look great,” Brooks assured me, looking at me over the GoPro. “Like, ridiculously great. Unnaturally great. Like I think I might be dreaming this moment.”

“Hush,” I laughed, shoving some water at him. Though he had succeeded in making me forget my vanity. “Okay. Hi everyone, Lou again, we’re here at Chena Hot Springs and as you can see, we’ve just gotten into the water. It feels ah-mazing, right Gabriel?”

“Right,” he grunted, all of his natural charisma dissipating into the steam that rose off the water’s surface.

“Gabriel is enjoying the water so much, he’s lost for words,” I said to the camera, winking like the viewer and I were both in on the joke. “Brooks is behind the camera, say hi, Brooks!”

He glowered at me for a moment before holding out the GoPro and flipping it to point at himself. He did his best fuckboy ‘sup’ nod and smirk which I had to admit, with him shirtless in the water, was probably going to look excellent on screen.

“I’m ready to head a little deeper in, what do you guys think?” I asked, forgetting I was supposed to make Gabriel take the lead.

“Let’s do it,” Gabriel replied, relaxing slightly and letting me grab his hand and pull him further into the water, walking backwards so I could reassure him with my eyes that he was doing a great job.

We made a beeline for the far edge of the springs, which turned out to be the hottest bit and definitely why we were all alone down here, but I had no complaints about that.

I talked through what we were doing and how it felt for the camera’s benefit, and Brooks took a few more sweeping shots while Gabriel stayed silent. After some underwater shots which would probably not be suitable to post considering how much of my ass was on display, Brooks switched the camera off and lounged against the rocks, finally relaxing with us.

“This could be really awesome you know,” he said, looking at Gabriel. “I could even put together some videos of places we’ve been before, just without the narration.”

“Just do a voiceover,” I suggested, fixing my bun. “Or film yourself talking to the camera.”

“You’re really good at this,” Gabriel remarked, sounding genuinely impressed. I looked at Brooks, trying to figure out what he’d told Gabriel, and he gave me a guileless look back.

“I have a lot of experience on camera,” I replied carefully, watching Gabriel’s expression. He opened his mouth like he was going to ask follow up questions, and I decided to just lay it all out there before the questions got uncomfortable. I didn’t need him thinking I’d been a journalist or something. That would only make this conversation more awkward for everyone.

“When I was 20, I found myself in a pretty dire financial situation.” Divorced. Almost homeless. “I’d seen ads for camgirl work before. I thought I’d give it a try.”

Gabriel listened, remarkably good at hiding any judgment he might have, just as his friends had been. I was really regretting not getting this over with in one group conversation.

“So, that’s what I did for five years. I did have a physical arrangement with Frank, but that was the one and only time I did something like that,” I added. I guess I could mention that I’d done it because I thought I could have feelings for Frank, but I didn’t really owe them any additional explanation, and I was kind of embarrassed about how wrong I’d been.

Then again, Frank had followed me here, so maybe his feelings ran deeper for me than I thought? Or maybe he wanted to wear my skin. I hoped I’d never find out.

There was a fountain off the rocks at this end of the springs, and between the almost uncomfortably hot water keeping everyone away, the splashing fountain, and the steam rising off the surface, we were pretty secluded pressed up against the rocks, reminding me of my goal for the day.

No time like the present, I told myself, which was maybe the weakest internal pep talk I’d ever done. Come on. You need answers. What Would Scarlet Do?

“I’m getting too hot,” I complained with an exaggerated sigh, fanning my face. “I’m too short to get any of the cool air.”

Me, damsel. You, knight in shining armor. Do your thing.

“I’ll give you a boost, Red,” Brooks offered, taking the bait immediately. I wasn’t lying—the water was nip-height on them and neck-height on me, and my face was feeling seriously sweaty.

Brooks wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me up against his side so my body wasn’t fully submerged in the springs. I wrapped my legs around his hips, and if he turned his head to the side he’d get an eyeful of my boobs, nipples poking aggressively through the fabric of my swimsuit in the frigid air.

“Thanks, Brooks,” I purred in his ear, stroking his back like I just couldn’t help touching him.

I shot Gabriel a flirty look, hoping to pull him into my web, though blatantly rubbing myself all over Brooks may well have the opposite effect. Gabriel’s lips curled up in amusement, though his eyes were heated.

“You don’t need to hide anything from me, querida,” he said smoothly. “I know you two got up to something the other day. It was all over your face,” he said to Brooks, whose ears went a little pink.

He couldn’t mean literally, right? I mean… I had definitely been all over Brooks’ face, but there wasn’t like… evidence.

“This was your idea,” I reminded him lightly, nerves fluttering in my belly.

“And I’m glad to see you’re embracing it,” Gabriel replied with a low laugh. Okay. Okay, he seemed fine with it. Still weird.

Brooks’ hand around my waist slid down, his fingers dipping inside the cutout of my swimsuit. He was testing me, seeing how far I was willing to take this. Even though this was meant to be a reconnaissance mission, I still wanted them. The idea of having both of their attention on me at once was… kind of hot actually. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I liked attention. Reveled in it.

“Do you miss performing?” Brooks murmured, his lips brushing my jaw as he read my mind. “We can be your audience.”

My legs tightened around his waist and that was all the encouragement Brooks needed to capture my lips, teasing with his teeth and tongue, making me chase him.

“Be good,” Brooks scolded, giving my ass a cheeky squeeze under the water. “There are families here,” he teased.

“You’re no fun,” I groused. I mean, there were families here, but they were at the other end of the spring and we were mostly concealed by the fountain. “Maybe I’ll go see Gabriel.”

“Maybe you should,” Brooks chuckled, stepping towards his friend with me in his arms. Was he going to? Oh, he was. Brooks passed me into Gabriel’s outstretched arms and I found myself immediately plastered against his warm, solid chest.

“How do you say ‘hi’ in Portugese?” I asked breathily.

Gabriel smirked. “Oi.

I giggled, and it came out all vapid and airy, and it was not Scarlet at all. “Oi. That didn’t come out as sexy as I’d hoped,” I admitted.

“You don’t need to say anything to be sexy, querida,” Gabriel replied with a smirk. “You know, I’m getting a little jealous.”

“Oh?” I asked, draping my arms over his shoulders. “Do I need to remind you again that this was your idea?”

“Not at all. I’m just feeling a little left out,” Gabriel teased.

“Well, we can’t have that,” I murmured, pressing my forehead against his. Our breaths mingled with the steam rising off the spring, and for a moment I let myself get lost in his cloudy gray eyes, forgetting about the tension with Nate, the things they weren’t telling me, and all the other unsaid words that were lying between us.

But that was a dangerous way to think, so I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Gabriel’s, closing my eyes and shutting down that connection that could never go anywhere in favor of something safer.

Sexual attraction.

Gabriel groaned, his arm banding tightly around me as he deepened the kiss, one hand sliding up to cup my jaw and angle my head the way he wanted it. His tongue stroked mine, less playful than Brooks, and less ferocious than Nate. It was all Gabriel—cool, calm, and in control.

I did not feel in control. I felt like I had lost control of the situation completely.

You are supposed to be interrogating them, you shameless hussy.

I tried to dredge up some Scarlet sassiness to wrangle this chemistry to my advantage, but she had been drowned in an avalanche of hormones and I couldn’t find her anywhere.

“What is it, querida?” Gabriel whispered against my lips. “You have enticed us with your seductions. Ask us your question.”

I blinked, some of the fog of lust clearing. The fuck? Was I that transparent?

To his credit, Gabriel didn’t look upset in the slightest. Mildly amused, if anything. I felt Brooks’ presence at my back, his lips brushing over the now cool skin on my shoulder.

“Spit it out, Red,” he said cheerfully. Damn it.

“You’re all hiding something from me,” I grumbled, extricating myself from their grip and sliding down Gabriel’s body until my feet touched the bottom. I felt like an idiot being all snuggled up to them now. “I want to know what it is.”

Gabriel gave me a sad smile, and I was glad he wasn’t going to pretend they weren’t keeping secrets at least.

“Please believe that if we could tell you, we would,” Gabriel said, the plea for me to understand clear in his voice. “But not telling you is for your own protection.”

“That sounds like a massive copout to me,” I replied, my frustration rising as I looked between them.

Brooks looked almost as frustrated as I felt. “I hate keeping this from you, Red.”

“Whatever this… this secret is,” I began, trying to keep my voice even. “Frank knows, right? He alluded to Nate lying to me. He said he’d tell me the truth.”

Both Brooks and Gabriel looked horrified at that idea, and the naive, trusting part of me softened, wanting to believe that they really did have my best interests at heart.

“Frank didn’t say that to help you,” Gabriel said urgently, eyes wide. “He said that to threaten Nate. Please believe us, querida. Frank is not on your side.”

I sighed heavily, looking out over the rest of the springs because I couldn’t concentrate when I was staring at their pretty faces and the muscular tattooed chests I hadn’t seen before today.

“I don’t think Frank has my best interests at heart,” I agreed, still looking into the distance. “But all this secret keeping is driving me crazy, for my own good or not.”

I glanced at them out of the corner of my eye, finding both Gabriel and Brooks looking glum.

“I’m going back to my house tomorrow,” I told them. For a long moment, the only sounds were the splashing of the fountain water hitting the surface and the distant murmur of voices from the other end of the pool. And maybe my own heart, which was pounding louder than usual in my chest, but not in an excited way. In a cracking-in-half kind of way.

“You’re not our prisoner,” Gabriel sighed eventually. “If you want to go home, we can’t stop you, though we would ask you to reconsider. You remember what happened the night you came to stay with us—”

“Wild animals,” I interrupted, forcing back the stupid lump in my throat. “I must have left food out or something. Frank hasn’t been an issue, and I don’t believe he will be.”

Brooks made a sound of disagreement, but pursed his lips, letting Gabriel do the talking. Gabriel was definitely the most diplomatic of the three of them.

“I don’t think Nate will be so easily put off,” Gabriel said hesitantly, exchanging an almost desperate look with Brooks.

My lips twitched, though it was more from an exhausted kind of acceptance of Nate’s paranoia than any kind of happiness. “I’m sure he won’t, but I’m not going to change my mind.”

“We’re still going to make sure Frank doesn’t fuck with you,” Brooks muttered, more to himself than me.

“I wish things could be different,” Gabriel said with a resigned smile. “Perhaps we can still enjoy this one last day together?”

He reached out his arms to give me a hug, and I didn’t hesitate to walk into them, letting him engulf me in the safety he emanated, even knowing it was just an illusion.

“I’m sorry, Lou,” Brooks whispered, so quietly I wondered if I’d imagined it.

One good day. We could still have one good day before we let the secrets push us apart.

I turned around and jumped onto Brooks, wrapping my legs around his waist and giving him a smile that was a little too bright to be natural. “Shall we go get some food?”

“Yeah, Red. Let’s go feed you.”

* * *

We stopped at a diner on the way back for lunch, all pretending like nothing had changed when everything had. I watched wide-eyed as the guys demolished two chicken sandwiches each, followed by mac n’ cheese, potato salad, and fries, while I slowly worked through my salad wrap and cup of tomato soup. Where did they put all that food? I’d seen them shirtless now. It wasn’t like they were hiding extra fluff under their winter layers, they were ripped as hell.

Maybe they were on steroids?

“You want some mac n’ cheese?” Brooks asked, blinking at me like he was confused by my staring as he pushed the almost empty tub across the table towards me.

“Kind of,” I admitted, because while I tried to be diligent about eating healthy, I loved pasta and cheese. “I just… don’t understand how you’re both so buff. I’ve never seen either of you work out.”

Brooks and Gabriel both looked like kids who’d been caught with their hands in the candy jar, forks halfway to their open mouths, eyes wide.

“We work out,” Brooks replied, swallowing thickly. “We run.”

“I’m still not sure how running gives you a six-pack. I’ve never seen any of you run,” I pointed out. Steroids. Had to be steroids.

“Just lucky, I guess,” Gabriel replied with an awkward laugh. “Thanks for coming with us today. I hope you enjoyed it.”

“Of course, I did,” I replied, like it should be obvious. “I haven’t done something like that in ages. And your company isn’t terrible.”

Gabriel smiled at me like I was a liar, and my chest cracked all over again. Their company was awesome, and the time I’d spent with these guys had been the most fun I’d had in years, even when I’d been pissed at them. But I didn’t like to think I was an idiot, and the longer I spent with them knowing they were keeping things from me, the more idiotic I felt.

One last good day. Don’t waste it.