Dirty Little Secret by S.E. Law



The doorbell rings, and my heartbeat spikes. Adrenaline surges through my veins because I know it’s Patty at the door. Sure enough, when I sweep open the wooden slab, my breath catches a little in my throat, just like it did the first time I saw her. The curvy brunette is wearing form fitting jeans and a simple white t-shirt, yet she’s so beautiful even in casual wear that the breath catches in my throat.

“Hi,” I say, stepping aside with a smile. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

She comes in and her eyes go wide.

“Humble?” she giggles. “More like a palace fit for a king.”

I bow low, like a courtier.

“If I’m a king, then you’re my princess,” I say gallantly before ushering her inside. “Come on, have a seat.”

She giggles and perches daintily on a white leather couch, still gaping at the elegance.

“Wow, this place is gorgeous. You live here alone?”

I allow myself a small grin because the penthouse is beautiful with an elegant, minimalist interior, triple height ceilings, and floor to ceiling windows with a breathtaking view of Manhattan. I spent a fortune on a stylist to decorate the place, and I’m glad I did because I know it looks a thousand times better than anything I’d do on my own. Hell, if I’d done it on my own, it would probably have one bed, one bookcase, and one TV.

“I do live here by myself,” I say. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Could you give me a tour?” the pretty brunette asks, still gaping. “I know it’s forward of me, but I’ve never been in a penthouse before.”

I grin.

“I’d love to, but I’m afraid we can’t stay long because I’m taking you to meet my family in about…” I check my watch. “Twenty minutes.”

She gasps, glancing down at herself in horror. “What? Why didn’t you tell me? I’m not dressed appropriately at all! I thought this was just us meeting up to … well, I don’t know, but I didn’t think we’d start with the fake fiancée stuff so quickly.”

I laugh and take her hand. “Relax, honey. I’m a man who likes to get the ball rolling, so there’s no time to waste. Besides, you’re perfect, Patty, and you’ll see. My family is rich, but they’re not snobs. You look great in what you have on.”

She frowns nervously. “I don’t know…”

I rub circles on the back of her hand. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. But first things first.” Then I reach into my pocket and pull out a blue velvet box. Predictably, Patty’s mouth drops open when she sees it and I grin. “Trust me, we have to do this. No one would believe you’re my fiancée if you don’t have a ring.”

I pop open the box to reveal a stunning, white gold circlet inlaid with diamonds. Then, I gently take her hand and slip it on her finger, where it fits perfectly, as if it’s always belonged there. I can feel her pulse drumming against my fingertips and even I pause, sensing how intimate this moment is. Then, I lift her hand to my mouth to kiss the palm and she turns to me with her brown eyes wide.

“Wow,” she whispers. “Luke, this feels a little too real.”

I grin.

“Good,” I say. “Because we want them to believe we’re engaged, don’t we? So it’s working out.”

But then her pretty features wrinkle a bit. “That’s not what I meant.” I raise a brow, waiting for her to continue, but she shakes her head and merely smiles. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s head out now because I wouldn’t want to make a bad impression.”

I know my partner in crime isn’t being honest, but I don’t want to force the issue either. So I let it slide and tuck her hand beneath my elbow.

“Things will be fine, pretty girl. Just wait and see.”

Then with another wink, we’re out the door.

* * *

Thirty minutes later,we arrive at my mother’s apartment. My mom, as a well-to-do widow, also lives in a fancy apartment, and Patty oohed and ahed when we approached her building.

“Wow,” she marveled, shaking her head. “This is a whole different world from what I’m used to.”

I grin, keeping her hand snug beneath my elbow.

“Yes, my mom lives on Park Avenue, but it’s fine. Martha’s a hoot, and you’ll like her.”

Now, my fiancée and I stand outside of the door, my hand poised to ring the doorbell. I turn to her one last time.

“Ready?” I ask.

Patty takes a deep breath and nods. “Ready, steady.”

I grin and squeeze her hand before ringing the bell. Seconds later, my mother appears in the doorway, a large smile already brightening her face.

“Luke!” she exclaims, wrapping her arms around me. I let go of Patty’s hand to hug her back. My mother is a petite, sprightly woman with pure white hair and bright blue eyes. She’s about fifty-five, but doesn’t look a day over forty. When she’s finished with me, she turns her attention to Patty.

“Welcome, darling,” she says, giving Patty a hug. “It’s so good to meet you!”

“Likewise, Mrs. Montgomery,” Patty responds.

My mother waves that away with a smile. “Call me Martha, please. Mrs. Montgomery makes me feel like an elderly dowager, and I’m not there yet.” She steps back and gestures for us to come inside. “You’re right on time because James was just saying how hungry he is.”

Patty reaches for my hand again, and I give it another reassuring squeeze. Then we stroll into my mom’s home and I watch my fiancée’s reaction as she takes it all in. Martha’s penthouse is nearly the same size as mine, but my mom is anything but minimalist in her décor. Shelves are covered in souvenirs she’s collected over years of traveling. She prioritizes comfort over aesthetics when it comes to her furniture, so her sofas are all different colors, and quite a few have rainbow afghans thrown over them. This is set off by modern sculptures of various colors and textures artfully placed in niches and in corners.

“Wow, it’s very unique,” Patty says diplomatically.

Martha laughs.

“It looks crazy, is what most people think,” my mom quips. “But I like it, and it’s all mine.”

Then, we enter the chef’s kitchen and see that my brother, James, is already seated at the table drinking a scotch. He turns to us as we walk toward him and raises his glass in greeting. People tell us all the time that we look like we could be twins, but I don’t really see it. We’re both tall with dark hair and blue eyes, but beyond that, we couldn’t be more different.

“James,” my mom begins, “this is Patty, Luke’s fiancée. Patty, this is my youngest son, James. He’s also an executive at Montgomery Holdings.”

Patty shines a sweet smile and offers her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, James.”

My brother takes her hand and shakes it, but then holds on a bit longer than I’d like, his gaze roving over her curvy form in the most irritating way. What a douche. I’m already glowering but before I can say anything, he lets go. Then James’ eyes flash with mischief, and I roll my eyes. God. Still behaving like a teenage boy even though the ass is in his early 30’s now.

We take seats at a comfortable table, where lunch is already set. There are lobster rolls and my favorite homemade kettle chips, no doubt made by my mother’s personal chef. Meanwhile, Martha comes around with a few bottles of beer, the glass already sweaty and slick. Then, she takes a seat at the head of the table and turns all of her attention to Patty.

“I’m so excited to finally meet you, dear,” she enthuses. “Luke likes to play his cards close to his chest when it comes to matters of the heart, so he hasn’t said a lot about you beyond the fact that he’s engaged. But now, we’re going to find out everything.”

Fortunately, Patty isn’t thrown.

“Ah,” she laughs. “That doesn’t surprise me. You know, Luke actually only told me about this lunch last minute, so you’re right when you say he plays his cards close to his chest. I didn’t even have time to put on something dressier before we left the apartment!”

I lean over to kiss her temple. “I already told you that you look perfect,” I growl.

Her cheeks flush and she smiles while squeezing my hand. Uncharacteristically, my heart thumps hard, and I can’t take my eyes off her.

“Oh, that’s just like Luke,” my mother scolds. “Luke, you need to take it easy on Patty. Us girls love to get all dolled up, and we like having a lot of time to do just that. Right, darling?”

“Right!” Patty smiles.

Then, the conversation flows on to other subjects and it’s easy and relaxing. My mother has always been this way. Martha can put anyone at ease with a kind smile and enthusiastic manner. I’m glad Patty’s warming up just fine, and she’s playing the role perfectly too. Seeing her with a genuine smile on her face makes my chest swell with pride, and she would look perfect as a blushing bride.

But then my brother speaks.

“So, Patty,” James’s voice cuts through the conversation. “How did you and Luke meet? Spill all the details.”

My mom jumps on the bandwagon immediately.

“Oh goodness yes!” Martha enthuses. “We’d love to know. Maybe you have a friend or two you could introduce to James?”

I roll my eyes. Trust my mom to throw that in, but Patty looks a bit panicked.

“Oh,” she says as she scrambles for an answer. “Um, well …”

Dammit, brother. I could throttle you for making her uncomfortable.I cut in smoothly.

“We met through a mutual friend named Margaux,” I say smoothly. “Margaux introduced us, and we hit it off immediately. What can I say? I knew immediately when I saw Patty that she was the one for me.”

The pretty brunette smiles, relieved. “That’s right. You could say we owe Margaux for bringing us together.”

James settles back in his seat, his expression contemplative while sipping his beer. Meanwhile, Mom prattles on.

“Oh, do you think Margaux knows other eligible women? James could really use some help in that department.”

Patty chokes a bit but manages a smile.

“I don’t think so,” she says. “But you never know!”

“That’s okay,” Martha says. “I thought I’d try at least. But tell us more about yourself, dear,” my mom says, steering the conversation back to safe waters. “What do you do?”

Patty beams then. “Well, I’m a musician actually,” she says. “My dream is to play piano professionally, but I still have a long road ahead of me.”

“A pianist?” my mom burbles. “That’s wonderful!”

My pretty fiancée nods ruefully. “Thanks, but again, it hasn’t quite turned out the way I expected. I actually majored in music, but right now, I can only land gigs playing at a piano bar downtown.”

Martha nods thoughtfully.

“What’s the bar called?”

Patty hesitates for a split second. Then she says, “Jamie’s.”

My mom’s expression brightens. “Wait, I think I’ve heard of it. Is it at Thompson and West Houston? Because if it is, my friends Gary and Roxanne told me it’s amazing, and have wanted me to go for a long time. I’ll have to go to hear you play sometime.”

Patty blushes and nods, biting her lip. “Um, it is at Houston and Thompson, but you don’t have to come. It’s not a big deal.” I place my hand over hers and squeeze her fingers softly. Most likely, Jamie’s is a dive and she’s afraid Martha will feel out of place. I step in.

“Patty’s an amazing pianist, but no need to go all the way downtown, Mom. You and James will have to come to my penthouse to hear Patty play.”

My brother snorts. “You don’t even own a piano, Luke.”

“Not yet,” I reply with a smile. “But I’m buying one because Patty’s moving in with me, did I tell you? We are getting married after all.” I kiss the pretty brunette’s hand and gaze lovingly into her eyes. “Only the best for my love.”

My mother giggles and James scowls at his empty plate, but it doesn’t matter. My attention is focused on my bride and I watch as her blush deepens and her pulse races. Still, I meant what I said. I want the best for Patty Dane, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.