My Coach, My Stalker by Jessa Kane

Chapter 8


Margot has the nerve to look surprised when I kick open the door.

Did she think I wouldn’t follow her?

Did she think I wouldn’t knock on the door of her room back in Tokyo, ring box in my pocket, only to find her gone—and not go fucking insane? Because oh, I thought I was a lunatic before, but it was nothing in comparison to what I am now. I’ve had the entire flight from Tokyo to Austin to feed to flames burning out of control inside of me. I’ve gone an entire day not knowing if she was alive. Or hurt. Or being approached by other men. She wouldn’t answer my phone calls.

To say my anger and fear have ripped away my final layer of sanity would be an understatement. Despite the downpour of relief that she’s in one piece, I’m the goddamn devil himself right now. Too fueled by fury to be worried that I’ve been discovered.


Good. I’m glad she knows.

The monster wasn’t going to stay in its cage very much longer anyway.

“Like what you see?” I ask in a voice that, to my ears, sounds like it’s coming from deep in a cave. I grasp the broken door and slam it back closed behind me, securing the lock to keep it from falling off the hinges. I search the room for any other potential escape routes and see the back door is open. Keeping eye contact with a frozen Margot, I stride past her and lock the door in the kitchen, as well. Nowhere for her to go. She’s. Going. Nowhere.

Upon reentering the living room, I reach out and graze one of the tacked-up bathing suits with my index finger. “This one is personal favorite. It was too tight, but you wore it anyway. Constantly tugging it back into place. But never fast enough to keep me from seeing.”

I walk toward her slowly and her chest starts to heave. From fear? How can she be feeling anything else after seeing this place, the command center of my madness for her? I’m too pissed, too brittle from her deserting me to worry about that right now. I need to be fed.

“You rolled your eyes once while wearing that suit and called me “Dad,” because I reminded you to wear a jacket on the way home. It made my cock so hard, sweetheart.” I reach down and massage my growing erection roughly, almost coming from simply having her eyes on it. “You have no idea how close you came that day to being tied up and brought back here. Kept somewhere soundproof where mom and dad wouldn’t find you. And you don’t know how close you’ve come every day since. Now you know, though, huh? Now you know I’m sick. For you. You’ve climbed into my fucking head and chest and everywhere else. You’re inside of me.”

I have to be scaring her.

I barely recognize my own voice, it’s so strained and guttural. My teeth won’t seem to unclench, along with my arm muscles. The back of my neck. I’m burning up and I don’t have a fever. I just have this insanity and the source of it is right in front of me.

When I reach Margot, it takes every ounce of my control not to spin her around, flip up her dress and give her a rough pounding for the turmoil and terror she’s put me through since leaving Tokyo. Somehow I manage to hold on to my most pressing urges and simply lift her chin up with my finger. “What the hell were you thinking leaving Tokyo without me?” I’m shaking, muscles on the verge of snapping, vision bright red. “Do you have any idea what it did to me to find you gone? To know you were traveling on your own without me? Do you have any clue how scared I’ve been for a full twenty-four hours, Margot?”

Her breath puffs onto my wrist, eyes filling up with tears. “You left me. You were gone. I…” She looks around the room. “I thought you’d gotten what you wanted from me. The gold medal. And y-you were done.”

My back teeth grind together with such force that an ache crops up behind me eye, starting a tic. “Well I think you can see now that wasn’t accurate, can’t you?” I crowd her closer to the wall. “Can’t you, little girl?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Maybe you need more proof that I’m crazy?” I bare my teeth against her ear. “That you’ve made me crazy?”

“N-no.” She shakes her head, but it’s too late.

I’m already stripping off her dress. It’s gone in one sweeping motion, leaving her trembling in my Margot Room in a tiny pink pair of panties. No bra to cover her high, round breasts and their stiff peaks. Her nipples must be hard out of fear. I need to get a hold of myself and reassure her, tell my girl everything is going to be okay. That we’ll be together forever now. But I’m already too far down a dark path to come back into the light. I’ve vanished into the darkness.

She makes a puny attempt to stop me from yanking her panties down, but I succeed, rising to my full height above her once more. And as she stares up at me, stunned, holding her breath, I snag her wrists and use the panties to secure them to the steel curtain rod above her head. “Here’s your proof,” I rasp into her ear, tying the knot tight. “I’ve loved you for years. Obsessively. Perversely. I live, eat and sleep Margot Summers. You don’t take two steps without me knowing it. You don’t breathe without me hearing it.” I run my shaking hands down her naked body, squeezing her tits a little too hard and making her jerk against her binding, pant my name. “You thought I was done after you won a gold medal?” I laugh into her hair, semi-hysterically. “I won’t be done until the end of time. Until I’m dragged from this earth away from you. Do you fucking hear me, little girl?”

She nods vigorously, making little whimpering noises in her throat.

Her eyes are closed, so it’s impossible to tell what she’s thinking.

Is she disgusted? Terrified? Worried about her safety?

“I’ll never hurt you,” I whisper against her sweet neck, circling my hands around to massage her taut butt cheeks, raking the tip of my middle finger up and back over her puckered asshole. “I just want to take care of you. Let me take care of you,” I growl, too forcefully. Pull back. Pull back. But I can’t. My cock is rigid in my pants and I need to reassure myself she’s okay after hour upon hour of fearing the worst. I need her. I can’t breathe properly. My head is locked in a vise. “You doubted me, Margot. You forgot to trust me and now I’ve gone a little crazy. Past the deep end. You want to bring me back?” I bring my hand to the front and tease my finger through the folds of her pussy, surprised to find them dripping wet. “You want to rescue me with this tight little fuck hole, sweetheart?”

Her hiccupping gasp tugs at my heart. “Yes,” she breathes, nodding. Looking me in the eye. “Yes, Daddy. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

The madness has my hand snapping up to circle her throat. “Are you saying that to appease me? Are you humoring me?”

“No.” She licks her delectable lips. “I need you just as badly as you need me.”

No. I don’t believe her.

She can’t be fine with this…this crime scene of my love for her. She’s surrounded by carvings of her name. Pictures of her sleeping. Smears of my blood from the time I got so overwrought by the obsession that I had to slam my head into the wall repeatedly to calm down. She can’t…want me. It’s impossible. Not without being tied up and taken.

“You’re lying,” I grate, unzipping my pants and letting my cock spring out between us. “You’re lying, but I need that pussy right now. I can’t wait another second. It was created for me. God sent you to me.” With my breathing out of control, I yank her legs up around my hips and position my tip at her entrance, her naked body stretched out in front of me, arms suspended over her head. Gorgeous beyond words. Even though she must be horrified. So be it. So help me God, if I don’t come inside of her soon, my heart is going to give out. Teeth buried in my bottom lip, I watch my dick sink into her slowly, her folds stretching around my size with a wet ripple of sound, her thighs jolting, breath hitching when I bottom out with a groan. “How are you so fucking wet? Is my mind playing tricks on me?”

“I’m wet because I want you,” she says, her eyes glazed. “I’m not scared of you. Of this.”

“You should be,” I growl, surging forward. Crushing her to my body and ramming my stiffness up between her thighs, absorbing her screams in my ear like priceless treasures, her feet dangling two feet from the floor. “You’re not going anywhere, ever again, fuck toy.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere,” she manages, her voice jumping every time I pump deep. “And I might be your toy sometimes, but I’m also your sweetheart. Look at me, Everett. Please stop being mad at me.” The imploring quality of my voice stops me dead, enraptured by the adoration on her face. For me? “I left because I love you so much. I was scared our relationship was temporary. A means to an end.” She squeezes me rhythmically with her snug, warm pussy and I shudder, grunt, stumble a little in my pleasure. Her voice has thoroughly hypnotized me. Suspended the function of my lungs. “I was wrong. And I’m sorry I scared you.” She blinks her eyes and a single tear rolls down her cheek, followed by a sniffle that rends my soul in two. “Can we kiss and make up, Daddy? Please?”

Her plea, the soft baby talk, cuts right through my anger.

I can see myself from the outside. A monster who has bound the greatest treasure of his life to fuck her. Possibly against her will. Abusing her young body. It’s unconscionable. She needs affection. She needs her man to nurture her.

With a tortured sound, I rip the panties securing her to the curtain rod and pull Margot into a tight embrace, walking her through the debris of my insanity to my bedroom. It’s no less terrifying in here with photos everywhere, more stab holes in the walls, not to mention the musky scent of my desperate jerk off sessions. It hangs in the air, but she doesn’t seem to notice it. No. Clinging to my neck, she almost seems to…like my unusual décor. A shrine that extends to every corner of my house in her honor. Is that too much to hope for?

With my cock still buried in her drenched cunt, I lie her down on the bed and come down on top of her, already thrusting, but slow and long this time. Gently burying myself to the hilt and grinding deep. Kissing the single tear path down her face. “I’m sorry I was rough,” I say, shuddering over the hot, recurring clenches of her pussy. “I’m sorry I was mean. But this isn’t going away. I’m a lunatic. I’m your lunatic. It’s only getting worse now that you’re mine.” I can’t resist a violent drive of my cock into her heat. “Mine.

“All yours,” she whispers, looking me in the eye. “I love you. Even the scary parts.” Her pupils seem to expand, color rising in her cheeks. “M-maybe I love them best of all.”


Finally, I’m beginning to believe her.

I know this girl inside and out. Enough to know she’s actually telling the truth.

It’s hard to believe, but the monster inside of me appeals to her.

She isn’t running away.

Gratitude sweeps through the rest of my madness so rapidly, I can barely form words. Margot is going to be mine. By choice. I don’t have to tie her down and force her to say she loves me. She’s doing it of her own free will. “That’s a good thing, Margot,” I choke out. “A very good thing. Because I left after the medal ceremony to go buy you an engagement ring. Everywhere I went, none of them seemed right. None of them were good enough for you. But I found one that reminded me of your skin.” Reaching back, I rip the object from my sagging pants pocket, using my teeth to open the black velvet box and take out the rose gold band embedded with diamonds. I slide it onto her ring finger with my mouth, sucking that sweet digit on the way back up. “I’m going to be your husband.” I buck into her. “Your coach.” Buck. “Stalker.” A hot grind that makes her gasp. “Your ruler and your Daddy.” I drop my mouth to hers. “And I’m going to love you to the point of pain every single day of my life.”

There’s a flash of something in her eyes. Maybe a hint of insanity to match mine.

And then she buries her fingernails in my back and drags them down. Hard. Drawing blood and making me groan from the pleasure/pain.

“I’ll love you to the point of pain, too,” she says, giggling innocently.

After that, it’s a frenzy. A sweating, grunting, hair-pulling mess of Daddy and little girl promises and threats. We make no apologies for our darkness—and we never will. It’s home.