Unwilling Pawn by Measha Stone

Chapter 22


The invitations for the reception had already gone out, the venue was booked, and all the details were being worked out. And I had done none of the work. My only job was to show up, dangle prettily off Christian’s arm and make him look good to his family and associates.

My position in life hadn’t changed in the least since leaving my father’s house.

I sat at my piano, fiddling with a melody that had taken root in my head. This was the one place where the only expectations put on me were of my own doing. Christian would sit in his chair, off in the far corner, and listen to me play at night after we’d had dinner. It had quickly become our routine.

After a few songs, he’d bring a glass of wine to the piano for me, setting it on the lid then retook his seat. He let me play for as long or as short of a time I wanted to, never stopping me to talk or make a demand. He simply sat quietly in the corner watching, enjoying.

“I like that one,” he said from his darkened corner of the room when I slipped my fingers from the keys. I picked up the glass of red wine he’d brought to me.

“I do too.” I took a slow sip.

He got up from his seat and with steady steps made his way to the piano. “Your father called me today,” he said, drawing my full attention. Dad hadn’t called me since we’d arrived in New York and my calls all went to his voicemail.

I tried to tell myself he was busy, but I couldn’t help but feel like he’d washed his hands of me now that I wasn’t under his roof anymore. He didn’t need to take care of me now, didn’t have me to take to parties. I was no use to him anymore.

“And what did he want?” I put my glass back down. “Or can you not tell me that?” I stood from the piano, but his hand wrapped around my arm before I could step away. It had been a week since he’d forced his cock into my ass to punish me.

I could have blamed him, could have held anger for him because of his cruelty. But when I looked inward, really looked at my feelings about my reaction, I’d been excited by it. I’d been calmer after he’d tucked me into bed. I’d been sore, but aroused.

“He wanted to say he wasn’t sure he’d make it out here this weekend for the party.”

I lifted my gaze to Christian’s. “He can’t pencil me in?” I didn’t bother trying to cover my attitude.

He let go of my arm, bringing his hand up to my cheek. “I don’t want it to ruin your night.”

“It’s not really my night, Christian.” I stepped over the piano bench. “I’ve had nothing to do with the planning and I know no one who will even be there.” I grabbed my glass and downed the rich wine.

He took the empty glass from me, placing it back on the piano. “That’s not true. You’ll know me,” he smiled. “And you’ll know your cousin.”

“Maggie’s coming?” I couldn’t hide the bit of hope in my voice, the idea of seeing her was too much. “Is she coming with my Uncle Konrad?”

He shook his head. “No, your uncle is off on some vacation with his wife, but Maggie will be here tomorrow. Lukas is bringing her.”

I smiled. “She’s coming because she wants to, right? Not because your brother has knocked her out and dragged her?”

The right corner of Christian’s full lips quirked up. “She’s coming because she wants to.” He closed the gap between us, running the back of his knuckles along my jaw line. “I wasn’t home last night to kiss you good night,” he said, his voice heavy.

“I survived,” I said, but my eyes went to his mouth. It had been the first night in a week that he hadn’t been home when I went to bed. The first night that he hadn’t slipped into bed with me and made me mad with pleasure before falling asleep beside him.

He wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me to him. His mouth covered mine in a powerful kiss. I pressed my hands against his chest, not to push him away, but to feel his strength beneath my fingers. He deepened the kiss, reminding me of his ownership, of his power.

A heated trail blazed down my spine, settling in my belly. I wanted him to take me to bed. I wanted him to wrap his tie around my wrists again, to make me beg for mercy, only to have him increase his force.

But when he broke the kiss, he frowned.

I sighed. “You have to go.”

“I do.” He brushed his thumb across my lip. “I have an important meeting tonight.”

“It’s already ten,” I said, but it was useless. Men like him had meetings at all hours of the night. And women like me were expected to sit home and wait.

“Your cousin will be here by noon. Nancy made an appointment for a dress fitting and then an appointment at a salon.”

My brow wrinkled. “A salon? Like for a facial and stuff?”

He raised his left eyebrow. “I told her it probably wasn’t your thing, but she insisted.”

“I’m sure Maggie will love it, but I’ll sit it out.”

“If you don’t want to go, then take Maggie to the park or a museum or shopping. But—”

“But make sure Anthony is with us. I got it,” I said, patting his chest.

He grimaced. “It won’t always be like this,” he said, his tone somber. It was a frail promise, and we both knew it. In his life, it would always be exactly how it was. Danger lurked at every corner, and he was too overprotective to pretend otherwise.

I paused a moment, hearing the change in his tone. “I don’t see how it will ever be any other way.”

“Christian.” Anthony showed up in the doorway.

“Right on cue.” I smiled. “I’m going to bed. Good night, Anthony.” I waved as I passed him and headed to our bedroom.

I found my phone on my dresser and quickly shot Maggie a text about her arrival. At least I wouldn’t have to go through this all on my own. Maggie would be at my side.

I’d finally have at least one person on my team.