Mister Know It All by Amélie S. Duncan


Work bonding and late-night confessions

Priscilla, Quinton, Beatrice, Marcus, and I met up at the Black Bull the next Friday, a cozy bar a couple of blocks over from the office building on 44th Street. The wine bar setup was similar to those in Boston, and I suspected everywhere else. It had exposed brick walls, rows of shelved wine bottles, and hanging contemporary pendant lighting high above. Piano music played at a level below the chatter of the after-work patrons, who occupied most of the booths and black square tables.

Quinton found a spot at the end of the U-shaped bar and gave Priscilla and me the chairs. She immediately waved the bartender over.

“Call the tooth fairy shots for all of us, two wine spritzers, two crazy cow martinis, and Jasmine—”

“Sparkling water,” I said and took money from my purse.

“Boo,” they all chimed in.

“I have a conference to attend tomorrow,” I explained.

“Let loose and take some aspirin when you get home. We all get car service if we do a group activity of four or more,” Quinton said and high-fived the rest of them already in on the activity loophole.

Beatrice leaned over to my ear. “If you don’t want to get wasted, pace yourself. The drinks are strong here.”

“Duly noted,” I told her and ordered a glass of white wine.

Beatrice also apologized for how she handled the ID card cake debacle, as the staff referred to it now. Riding on my 5K success, she gave me her almost full free latte card from the best coffee spot near the office.

“So, I hear Margot harassed you, Jasmine,” Marcus said.

“She tried, but Ford helped me out,” I told them.

“Ford Lingren?” Beatrice’s mouth dropped open, and she touched Priscilla’s arm.

“Yep, Ford. He appears wherever she is and comes in like a knight,” Priscilla said in a muted tone.

“It’s time for an intervention. You need to stop, Priscilla,” Quinton said. “You had one date, girl. Ford threw you back. It happens. Let it go and move on.”

Priscilla rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Quinton.”

Quinton turned back to me. “Now Margot, she’s an untouchable piece of work. They keep her because she’s a genius and will retire soon. But we low-tier folk have our ways of getting revenge.”

They all laughed.

“Can I get in on your plan?” I asked.

Margot goaded me, and I wasn’t exactly sure if I wanted in on revenge, but I didn’t want to be on the outside either.

“Better you don’t. You’re living with Graham,” Priscilla pointed out, and Quinton nodded in agreement.

“Just watch and learn,” Beatrice said cryptically.

The drinks came, and we all took the shots in hand.

“Newbies give the first toast,” Marcus said.

“To loopholes.” I raised my glass.

“Hell yeah,” Priscilla said, gulping her drink.

I tipped my head back and downed the brown liquid. “Yuck. That tastes like cough syrup.” I gagged.

“Well, then you won’t need to call in sick.” Priscilla laughed and hit Marcus’s glass.

“Sorry the IDs were a bust,” I told Quinton.

“You got me in with Graham. He complimented me to my boss and recommended me to do more of their outreach work after our charity race. Besides that, you’ll do better next time, darling. Feed the sugar rush.”

“Yes. Food is the best icebreaker,” Beatrice added.

“Oh, look at him,” Quinton said, and we all looked over at a tall thin guy with a generous amount of hair mousse and a button-down shirt and jeans smiling in our direction.

Quinton squared his shoulders. “I’m going in.”

“A bit early,” Priscilla complained, but Quinton strutted off.

“I wish I had that kind of confidence,” I said, admiring him.

“Quinton used his Cruise-r app,” Priscilla said, spilling his secrets. “That wasn’t a coincidence. He mapped his hookup.”

“Oh,” I said.

“Yep. It’s just the meet and greet, though,” Beatrice said.

“If someone won’t do the meet and greet, what would you do? Hypothetically speaking,” I asked.

“Asking for a friend?” Priscilla mused.

“Sounds like you hooked a catfish,” Marcus said.

“Or he’s a phantom fantasy,” Beatrice said, and the three of them laughed.

I puzzled. “What?”

“It’s the type that gets off on the idea of dating you but won’t ever meet up with you,” she explained. “No photo profile, but he’ll give you a description of himself. “

“He says stuff like, ‘I kiss your cheek or I hug you,’” Priscilla said. “He can chat all day long, and if you hang in long enough, he gets cybersex with you, then he disappears like a phantom. Lose him.”

“Oh my God, that’s hysterical,” Marcus said, and they all laughed for a full minute.

I grimaced.Rupert still sent messages, but I didn’t answer him since he ignored my attempt at pinning him down to meet. Still, I made a note to send the automatic Dear John letter to him on the app.The rest of the messages were from men complimenting my body and how they wanted to have sex with me.

You’ll find plenty of men who want to have sex with you.Ford’s words chimed in my head. I groaned inwardly. Ford. He came to mind too often.

Marcus and Beatrice paired off, and I was alone with Priscilla. We both turned down offers from men who approached us.

“So, tell me what you want to know about Ford?” Priscilla asked, toying with the straw in her martini glass. “Is something going on between the two of you? I thought you were related.”

“No, Graham’s married to my cousin.”

She laughed. “Oh, okay, that doesn’t make you related, or it would be awkward, right? I hadn’t realized before, but it seems he has a type. Sweet, wide-eyed innocent women, no offense.”

“None taken. Ford asked you out, so that must make you one of them too,” I pointed out and sipped my wine.

Priscilla smiled. “Oh, yeah, so it seems.” She twisted around in her seat, and her eyes widened. “Ford’s here.”

My neck craned as I squinted over in the direction Priscilla’s hand gestured.

Ford stood at a table with a few other suits and women intermixed. One woman, in particular, had her head tilted back, smiling up at him. She touched his arm to gain more of his attention. But he kept talking to the man next to him. Co-workers? I wasn’t sure. But once I looked at him, it was hard to look away.

“Hi, Ford,” Priscilla called and waved.

His eyes lifted and landed directly on me. My heart thumped faster, and my breath caught in my throat. Something about his gaze made me feel like I was the only woman in the room. I didn’t know how else to describe it. No man ever looked at me that way.

“He’s graced us again. It seems you are the lucky charm.”

“I didn’t know he was coming here,” I murmured.

Of course, Ford could socialize, just like me. But I had thought he’d tried to meet up after the race last week. Even now, he could invite us over to join them, or was he doing the work hierarchy social class stuff? I thought better of him.

“Do you want to talk about Cecile?” Priscilla asked. “I know that’s why you agreed to come tonight.”

I shrugged. “If you want to tell me.”

She laughed. “You like Ford. I do too. It’s frustrating, but we can never have him. Cecile’s the muse. I mean, most of the naked photos I saw were of her. And she’s uninhibited, let me tell you.”

“I think it was a job for her,” I replied.

Of course, the woman Ford was holding on to was just as uninhibited as him. He walked around naked in front of others. Or to scandalize the wide-eyed clueless as Priscilla put it.

“I guess. I mean, my clothes wouldn’t come off on film for free. But I doubt Cecile’s doing more photos after her car accident.”

My mouth dropped open. “Is she okay?”

“She was in a wheelchair with a brace on her leg the last time she came to the office. I don’t know if it was permanent.” Pricilla paused. “Since then, we’ve rarely seen her. That was kind of weird too. She didn’t come to Ford’s award ceremonies or announcements of new products. The first time she did, she was like a little mouse in a hole peeking out. I think we all collectively gagged, but the second time she showed up, she was loud and obnoxious. It was cringeworthy. Ford didn’t react, but you wouldn’t know with him. He’s cold as steel.”

“Oh, that’s awful,” I muttered. Cold as steel? Not to me.

Ford was charming, funny, bossy, and kind.

“The heart wants what the heart wants. He didn’t give us a chance, but in a way, I’m glad he didn’t. Who wants to play second fiddle to a woman he’s obviously obsessed with?”

Priscilla finished her martini, and her pause gave me food for thought. I’d been cheated on and cast aside before. I didn’t want to do that to myself again. My heart can’t take it.

Quinton returned, and so did Marcus and Beatrice, who’d been dancing. We all fell into chatting about Netflix binges, new music, the latest restaurants, and the hottest secret spots in NYC free of tourists. I listened and added to the conversation, but all the time, I thought about what Priscilla told me about Ford. Had Cecile been injured? How? Why would she choose to be alone? From what I already knew about Ford, he would have done anything to help her. Could it be they were truly over?

I got up and went to the bathroom. On my way back, a man in a sweater vest and skinny jeans stepped into my path.

“Hello. Can I buy you a drink?” the guy slurred.

I stiffened. “No, thanks. I’m leaving.”

I walked forward to pass him, and his hand caught my wrist. “Wait. Slow down. I know I’m drunk, but I think you’re hot. Come on, let me take you out.”

I yanked my wrist free. “No. Leave me alone!”

Moving around him, I had my hand on the bathroom door when whoosh, his hands closed on my waist.

“Let go,” I hissed, clawing at his hands, but he had a tight grip. He dragged me backward. My eyes darted around as I twisted in his arms. The music was louder back here. No one would hear me right away, and unless someone came out of the restroom now, he would hurt me. I had to do something. Don’t panic. Just do what you learned to do.

I jerked my head back. Crunch.

“You bitch,” he whimpered.

Nose? No time to check.My elbow shot back into his ribs, and I moved my fist down in a punch where his penis should be.

He let out a cry and let go. I stumbled forward, feeling nothing behind me.

I slipped off my heel and turned in a crouch, ready to spring, but gasped. Ford?

His blond hair mussed, his chiseled face was godly as he threw the guy on the ground like he weighed nothing. A bouncer appeared and took over, twisting the guy’s arm behind his back.

“She attacked me. They attacked me,” he spat.

I slipped back on my shoe. “I want his name. I’m filing assault charges. Do you have video footage back here?”

My eyes shifted around as I straightened my creased suit.

“I’ll hire a lawyer. We’ll collect statements,” Ford threatened.

The man yanked free and ran out of the bar.

“We can still get his information,” the bouncer told me. “Just file a police report.”

Ford came close and scanned me over from head to toe. “Are you okay?”

“He grabbed me, but I used what I learned.”

“Krav Maga. Come here,” he said, opening his arms.

I went into them, and he hugged me. And God, a hug had never been so welcome. It was one thing to know the moves of Krav Maga, but that was the first time I’d ever had to use them in self-defense. Shit. I was shaking. “I’m fine now, honestly, Ford.”

“You’re in shock. I’m taking you home.”

“I’ll take the ride, if you ask,” I countered.

He shook his head, grinning. “Please take a ride home from me, Ms. Bisset?”

“Better,” I said.

When we walked back over to my table, they all got up to see me. “Wow, that was insane. Are you okay?” Quinton asked. Marcus and Beatrice echoed similar sentiments.

“Yes, I am. I’m calling it a night,” I announced, and no one protested.

“You sure moved fast back there,” Priscilla quipped at Ford, her expression sullen.

“Knock it off,” Beatrice whispered loudly.

Ford looked right through her. “Good night.”

He tucked me into his side possessively. But he was also in protective mode, and I kind of liked the He-Man thing even though I pretty much kicked ass.

He took my hand, and we moved together down the sidewalk toward the office to the underground parking lot. He helped me into the seat at his car, and we headed off even though I was still a little shaky.

My mind filled up with wishes. Most of them were for Ford to be free and not on a break.

“I wish things were different.”

He sighed long. “Me too. But—”

“It’s complicated,” I murmured. “I know about the accident. Is Cecile still hurt?”

“Priscilla gossips about things she doesn’t know about,” he said in a terse tone. “Cecile is rehabilitating. From what I hear, she’s doing better.”

She’s better but didn’t come back to him. But does he still want her to come back? He must. He refused to say things were over. This was going in circles, and I was tired. Why is he here?

“Why did you show up tonight?”

“Because I wanted to see you.”


Ford pulled into the driveway and parked. “Can I come inside?”

“Why?” I asked, unbuckling my seat belt. “I’m home now. Thank you for the ride, but you should go.”

“It’s great you were able to defend yourself, but it’s still traumatic. You need to talk, and I’ll listen, so I’m sure you’re okay—”

“Don’t. Don’t say another word about caring for me,” I snapped. “You need to stop, Ford. You haven’t broken up with Cecile, and it is cruel to pretend you care when you’re still with her.”

Anger erupted inside me, and I didn’t know why. Maybe it was leftover adrenaline from defending myself at the bar or just the way Ford kept acting as if he wanted me. Or the rush of excitement inside my stomach at how much he gets me. Shouldn’t he consider Cecile’s feelings?

“Jasmine, wait a minute. Listen to me, I—”

“No. I don’t want to hear excuses or that you like me. You’re right about me, okay? I talk this big game about selfish summers and flings, but I realize that’s not me. I read a lot and work all the time. I watch Star Trek marathons, enjoy several lattes a day, and have a crazy collection of cute socks.” My raised voice filled the car.

I pushed the car door open and hurried down the flight of stairs to the apartment. Wiping my eyes, I pulled the keys out of my purse.

Ford rushed down the stairs and put his hand on the door. “Please, Jasmine, hear me out.”

I shook my head. “You’re still with her. We can be . . . friends, maybe. Just stop flirting.” And making me think we could be perfect together.

“You don’t want that, Jasmine.”

He touched my back, and I stepped forward inside the apartment. He hesitated in the doorway, but I couldn’t just shut the door on him. I held it open, and he walked inside, closing it behind him.

“What else do you want to tell me, Ford?”

Our eyes met and stayed for many heartbeats. I found it hard to take my next breath. My pulse raced, and the skin on my face was hot. I was always the most prepared person in the room in college, but something about Ford made me feel erratic.

His tone was low and intimate. “I don’t feel the same way about Cecile anymore. My feelings have changed. Even before she left, I felt alone. I don’t want to get back together with her…I won’t. I broke things off between us. Hell, I can’t stop thinking about you, Jasmine. Just tell me what you want.”

“I want you to leave,” I said. “You’ve changed your mind, but only just. It’s too early to say you’re done with her.”

The skin bunched around his eyes. “I didn’t expect my feelings to change, but they have, and I can’t ignore it,” Ford said and visibly swallowed. “I meant what I said. Cecile and I are over. It’s been over for three months, but I just couldn’t accept it. I didn’t mean to upset you, but I can’t stay away from you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ll leave. I don’t ever want to hurt you, Jasmine. I’ll do anything to keep you from pain.” His voice faded.

He bent his head, and his shoulders sagged in defeat.

My hand clutched my churning stomach. Moments passed, and I hadn’t moved. What should I do?

I believed Ford. Since we met, he’d treated me like I was special. Something I never experienced before. He even stood up to his boss for me, watched over me on my run, and came to my rescue at the bar. He was attentive, caring, and considerate. Still, things were complicated with his ex, but he wanted to move on. The only question I had now was could I let him go because his timing wasn’t enough to ease my conscience?

I dropped my hand. I turned toward him, and I rested my back on the wall next to the door.

“I don’t want to say no to you, Ford—”

“Then don’t.” He reached for me, and I went into his arms. Ford’s lips went to mine. His mouth moved softly, coaxing my lips open for his tongue. I shuddered against him as every nerve ending in my body came alive with each sensual glide of his tongue. I moaned into his kiss. My breasts swelled, and my nipples grew hard. Yes, please. I want you, Ford.

He pressed his body against mine and moved his chest against my nipples, stimulating them. We broke apart to come up for air, and Ford leaned down and kissed behind my ear and whispered, “You have no idea how much I want you.”

He kissed down to my neck and sucked. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the friction of the stubble on his jaw and his manly aftershave. The smooth, soft caresses of his tongue and lips burned me up. I grew hot all over and felt a heaviness between my thighs. My clit ached and throbbed. I squirmed, my legs rubbing against his strong thigh in a plea.

He pushed his right leg between my thighs, and I pressed and writhed against it. But that wasn’t enough. I needed to feel him touch me.

“Please touch me,” I begged.

His hand moved beneath my skirt and my lace underwear, and I moaned as his fingers caressed my bare skin.

“So soft.” He rubbed two fingers up and down my slit and groaned. “You’re so wet. Is this how much you want me too?”

I moaned and shivered under his touch as he stroked me.

My ears filled with the sound of my arousal as I panted. Oh God, Ford.

“I need to know how much you can take, how gentle I need to be with you. Let me find out, Jasmine.” He slipped one of his fingers inside me and moaned. “So tight. Fuck.”

His breath was as hard as mine when he worked another finger in.

“Oh, Ford, don’t stop,” I panted, my body vibrating as I struggled not to lose control every time his fingers slid in and out. Tension built deep in my core, and I rocked forward, my hands clutching hard to his arms.

“Damn, I can feel that. I can feel you coming,” he groaned. He sank his fingers deeper and faster inside me, his thumb rubbing and pressing against my clit.

He sucked on my neck, and I came apart. My spine bowed, and I cried out, and he held on to me as my thighs shook and my back stiffened. My head spun, and my eyes burned, so I closed them. Ford kept me close, cradling me in his arms until I calmed.

“Oh, Jasmine. That was beautiful. You’re so sexy.”

He dipped a finger inside me again and brought it to his mouth and sucked. “And you’re as sweet as I imagined.” He kissed my lips. “Damn, I think I came.”

“You didn’t.” I laughed, and even to my ears, I sounded giddy.

He half carried me over to the bedroom and sat down next to me on the bed. “I think that’s enough for tonight.”

“What? No! I mean . . . we can do more. I’m more relaxed now. In fact . . .”

I reached over and placed my hand between his legs and rubbed the front of his trousers. He was hard as stone.

He groaned, and I placed my hand on his belt.

“I can feel you want me too. I’ll do what you like. Show me how to please you.”

He lifted my hand and pressed his lips into my palm. “You’re killing me, Jasmine. But not tonight, beautiful.”

My brows lowered. “Why not?”

“So much for selfish summers. I think you need time to process.”

He kissed my forehead and lay down next to me, and lifted his arm. I moved until my head rested on his chest. He closed his arms around me, and I closed my eyes and sank into the strength and comfort of his arms.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he murmured against my hair.

“I have this social policy conference. My ex, Randall, will be there, probably with Angelique. I don’t want to go, but he offered to introduce me to Werner. I can’t turn down network contacts. He’s presenting a paper I worked on for him, and I wanted to see what people think. Soraya offered, but I know she doesn’t want to go. The only person I know here beside you is Priscilla . . .”

“Witless Priscilla,” he mocked. “I invited her to dinner as a part of the get to know your co-worker hospitality shit. Huge mistake. She substituted for my assistant Jennifer for a week and went through my personal things. I could have had her fired. But I’ll go with you tomorrow.”

I can’t believe he’d do that for me. And people called him cold.

“It may be boring with all the extra references Randall and Werner like to throw out to outdo each other.”

“I can hold my own.”

He let me go gently, and I instantly felt empty.

“There is something else I want from you.”

“Yes?” I asked.

He could ask me anything right now, and I doubted I’d refuse him.

“Can I take a photo of you?”

I frowned and touched my hair. I must look feral. “I don’t know.”

“You’re stunning after you come. As a photographer, I must capture it, and I want to keep it to remind me of the first time you came for me.”

I felt less inhibited right now and realized Ford as an artist would always think about his art. And I liked how much he wanted to keep an experience in his memory because he cherished it. “Okay.”

He took out his phone and took a few photos of my face, and strangely, it felt okay. I felt sexy, although that could be from the look in his eyes with each photo he took. He looked . . . enraptured. By me.

When he was finished, he thanked me, kissed my forehead, and then we walked to the door. He was so . . . quiet.

“Ford.” I touched his arm and dipped my head. “Thank you for tonight, the way you came to my rescue at the bar.” I trembled.

I didn’t like to show weakness, but the guy tried to trap me in the back of a crowded bar. I was fortunate I hadn’t been hurt physically, but the situation did frighten me.

Ford placed his arms around me and held me.

“Don’t you have to go?” I asked against his shirt.

“Not until you’re fine,” he said. He held me close and rubbed my back. I relaxed in his arms. Just that extra time was what I needed to feel understood and less alone in my feelings.

“Thank you, Ford.”

“Anytime, Jasmine.” He kissed my cheek.

I watched him walk back up the stairs.

Then I went to the bedroom, fell back, and kicked my feet in the air. What just happened!


I got back up and took my phone from my purse.

Ford: I forgot to show you.

He sent me one of the photos he took. My hair appeared wild, lips swollen, but I paused at my eyes. There was a wonderment I’d never seen before. Desire. Longing. Most of all, I looked happy, something I hadn’t been in a long time.

I squealed and picked up my phone and typed out a message to Tam. But then I erased it, my face stinging. Ford wanted to move on and had ended things with his ex. Would Tam still disapprove? I didn’t want to find out, and my heart hurt. The warning signs were going off. What we were doing together may be a passing fling for both of us. Tam loves and worries about me, just like I’d be if it were her.

If this were happening to her, I’d tell her to run for the hills. So, why wasn’t I?