His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Four - Simon


My parting wink was aimed in Skye’s direction as I left the boardroom. I knew who she was and exactly what I wanted to do with her by that point.

After I had parked and walked into the building, I saw that Sam was at his post, like he had been every day since I saw my future at the company when I was a tea boy back at 15 years of age. University was never really been a thought. I knew there was money coming sooner or later and my parents would help me out as long as they still lived.

It was really more a matter of finding something to do and publishing seemed the thing. I could have pulled a Lord Byron and lived on my parents’ money while I wrote, but I wanted to contribute to the industry that had given me so much, books basically being my only friends as a kid.

I did write, of course, but it was purely for the love of it. Some might sneer that this made me little more than a hobbyist, an amateur. But that type clearly had no idea what the word ‘amateur’ really meant.

Instead of referring to something not for pay as so often assumed by English speakers, the word getting twisted over time, amateur reduces from the French word for ‘lover.’ Basically a true lover, usually of the sexual form, but others as well, all of which could be accurately applied to me with little embarrassment.

Rather past the largely superstitious mores of ‘polite society,’ I took things as they were, demonstrating a strong preference for the beautiful and true, rather in the traditions of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. ‘Romantic,’ in the philosophical sense, was an accusation I wore with great pride.

“Morning, Mr. Del Rey,” Sam had said as I walked in, with a tip of his hat.

“Morning, Sam,” I had told him, taking up the pen as Sam turned the book toward me.

“The new editor arrived today, Mrs. Stewart.”

“Did she now?”

“Yep, you’re in for a treat.”

“Oh, how so?”

“You’ll see,” he had said with a wink.

It would have been so easy to pull rank and demand to know more, but that just wasn’t how my silk was cut. I made for the elevator, my mind turning with possibilities. Good old Sam knew I liked a mystery and a tease, both of which made the normal workday more interesting.

“Mr. Del Rey,” the receptionist, Inga, had called out to me by way of greeting, from behind her magazine.

“Inga,” I had answered, not bothering to tell her to put it away.

Inga was a professional and she knew to stop reading if someone needed something. But most of the time, they really didn’t.

Still wondering who the new employee was that Sam had referred to, I had gone through the door to the boardroom. The employees tried to be quick, but I had seen the box of donuts being emptied hastily just as I arrived, no doubt out of shame that they hadn’t saved me one.

Not that I minded, but it would have been nice if they had thought to. Just as they hadn’t thanked whoever brought them, the powdered sugar still on their mouths as I sat down, rendering any manner of speech highly unlikely.

She stood out immediately as soon as I glanced around, her hourglass figure just my type, and her pretty eyes bright and eager. That was definitely who Sam had been referring to. She fought my eye immediately, as if embarrassed to be the newbie among the more seasoned employees.

It didn’t take Sexton Blake to realize that she was the new hire, Ms. Skye Stewart, in the flesh. And what flesh it was. I found my eyes wandering to her chest as I went through the usual motions. Her big breasts seeming to defy gravity as they all but hovered in front of her.

I could see she that was young but exactly how young was difficult to tell. The applicants had to be eighteen in order to be considered for the job, there being legal contracts to be signed, but my instincts didn’t put her at much older than that. My cock got as soon as I looked at her.

My younger self might have run with it and allowed me to think of Skye as little more than a prize to be won. But I found myself on the saner side of thirty and I knew that she was something special.

I had women throwing themselves at me constantly, but I had gotten tired of the easy chase a long time ago. I didn’t want to ruin a good thing with Skye. So, I’d hurried to get out of there so that I could keep some mystery on my end of things, too.

Sure, Sam knew I’d like the new hire.

But he hadn’t known how much.

Nor just what lengths I’d go through to get her.