His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Fifteen - Simon


I had few regrets, in life as well as in love, and what had happened with Skye was no exception. In fact, I felt even better than usual. I was a euphoric high like nothing I had ever experienced before.

I couldn’t really believe how good she had felt while cuddled against me. There was a new level of intimacy with her that I’d never really experienced with anyone else before. A kind of cosmic synergy I couldn’t define if my life depended on it, but I felt it just the same.

Any great poet would have had difficulty fully capturing it in words. I knew I wanted to be with her. As much as I knew anything. I couldn’t even imagine wanting another woman after I’d met her.

I’d never really believed in the whole soulmate or one true pairing thing. Much more grounded in perspective, I was generally of the opinion that there was no accounting for human nature and that people were going to do what they were going to do, and that most of it would be surprising.

I supposed the connection between us was quite surprising, although it felt cosmically pre-ordained. There was the matter of her inexperience, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t still have fun on the way to getting her to the level of confidence I wanted her to be at with me before I would take her virginity.

Then there was, of course, the proscription against office romances, particularly between head editors and underlings, but I’d never paid attention to the company rules before and had no plans to start. We would just have to be careful.

Returning home not long after slipping out of Skye’s place, setting the door to lock itself after I vacated, I got out a sheet of my favorite high-fiber paper and a fountain pen, and began outlining plan of action, as well as a to-try list.

I would clear every item with her first of course but it was in my nature to plan. Even as a writer, I was much more of a planner than a pantser. Or an architect as opposed to a gardener, as according to a grossly overrated High Fantasy author.

Either way, the terms were used to describe those who liked to plan things out before they started, and others who preferred the metaphorical version of jumping out of an airplane and trying to knit a parachute before they hit the ground. I needed every chapter roughed out before I even thought about a first draft.

To keep things with Skye as they should be, I thought it would help to sketch out a rough idea of what we were going for. I knew she wanted me to deflower her. It was what I wanted too, but there was so much more. Things I’d done before that I thought she would like and things I’d never had a chance to try that I thought she might be into.

The more I wrote, the more aroused I got, unable to keep from imagining her in various compromising and highly erotic situations and positions. Before long, my cock was hard and throbbing in my fancy suit pants. Skye wasn’t around to help me out, so I would have to take matters in my own hands.

Getting some lube that I kept in my desk at home, I squeezed a bit out into the middle of my shaft and spread it around with my hand, stroking up and down the length of my cock with the flats of my fingers. Taking a light hold on the last pass, I let the images come, trying to stop each one to look at it as they occurred to me like a mental slide show. Finally, I stopped on one and let it play.

We were in the specially built playroom in our new house, Skye sitting on a wooden bench, hands flat on her thighs as she waited for me. I approached her from behind, her long ponytail the first thing I saw.

I decided to make my introduction, pulling back on it like a bell rope, until her head was tilted back enough so that I could lean down and give her a tender kiss.

Taking her by the shoulders, I stood her up, took her hand and led her over to one of the restraint tables, feeling her quiver with excitement as we went. With all grace and class, my little darling got herself up onto the table, lying face down on top of it and putting her arms out onto the crossbar.

The table looked like a leather padded, horizontal cross, rounded at the edges. With Skye’s full cooperation, I did up the restraints. First around her wrists, then around her ankles.

With the final strap secure, I couldn’t stand it anymore and just had to touch her. Caressing my way up her bare legs, I took a gentle hold of her squeezable ass.

“This okay, pet?” I asked.

“Yes, master.”

I rewarded her with a good firm squeeze, making her gasp and moan. I’d helped her get past her hang ups about her ass and she started to love it. Especially when I squeezed it.

I followed up the squeeze with a gentle spank, making her yelp, but more so out of surprise than out of pain. Massaging down between her thighs with my free hand, I played with her pussy as I continued to spank her sweet ass, alternating between hard, harsh ones, and gentle ones meant to feel like either firm pats or light gropes.

After playing with her clit and bringing her to orgasm, I caressed her ass once again, easing her back down into a resting state as she recovered from her euphoric high.

When she was settled again, I readjusted her on the chair, so her knees were bent, her head down and her ass and pussy were up in the air. It took some manoeuvring, but I finally got into a good position.

I devoured her sweet little pussy until she was literally shaking with orgasm, completely unable to move, which seemed to turn her on even more. When she was calm again, I rose to full height, placing a hand on the small of her back, and stroked the head of my cock against her tender pink lips, making her moan.

When she seemed like she was ready, I slid in to halfway, Skye taking my cock with a moan as long as my thrust was. It was one that stopped at the same time as I paused to give her pussy a chance to adjust.

Everything set, I took her by the hips and started to move, pumping my massive cock inside her, bringing up moans and goosebumps with each thrust. Her pussy grabbed onto me, so I couldn’t pull out, as though I had any such idea in my head. I had no intention of doing that, of course, until we had both cum at least twice. The first orgasm was coming quickly around the corner, though.

It was beautiful. Skye raised her head as far as she could with me holding her ponytail, letting out lots of moans as the quivers of orgasm overtook her, all while I was filling her up with a massive load and warming her up from the core.

Deciding that I wanted to see her eyes, a natural human drive if there ever was one, I undid the straps one by one, keeping her still with a hand on the back of her neck. When she was free, I scooped her up into my arms and turned her over, laying her out on her back.

Refastening the restraints, I sucked her nipples until they were hard. Standing up like pencil erasers. When she was ready, I applied a pair of padded nipple clamps, relishing her moan as I did so. Kissing her tenderly, I stroked her pussy. Both to take the edge off the pain, and to get her ready for what was going to happen next.

Skye moaned beautifully, her sweet pussy vibrating against my two fingers, three knuckles deep inside her. After I removed them from her tight little pussy hole, she sucked them clean like a good girl. When she was ready, I took up my position between her open, restrained legs.

Tenderly using both of my hands to caress the length of her luscious body, I slowly mounted her, bringing us roughly face to face despite the height difference, the head of my cock brushing up against her pussy.

I was careful not to put stress on the nipple clamps, as when set up right, they didn’t really hurt unless there was pressure applied. Particularly in the case of a pull, no matter how gentle.

With all due care, I pushed myself inside her, inch by inch, careful to give her time to adjust. It didn’t take long, Skye being wonderfully adaptable, but some time was needed, and I was more than happy to give it. I was mostly feeling blessed just to be with her.

I savored it all. Every squeak and moan as I gently fucked her, Skye’s sweet tenderness wrapped tightly around my cock, which was throbbing and pulsing gently inside her like a second heartbeat.

Gradually, I increased in intensity, going from short, smooth, gentle thrusts to faster, harder pumps, working up to a steady moderate rhythm. It was impressive how much my darling could take, provided she was eased into it.

Upping the ante even more, I worked up to the point where I was pounding her so hard that the table on which she was restrained started to shake beneath us. It was well constructed so there was no reason to worry, though.

Skye’s elated screams as I fucked her to an overpowering orgasm were like music to my ears. It struck me, not for the first time, how she was sweet and shy around other people but a sweet little kink kitten with me. She was able to take anything I could give out, not only handling it but relishing it. Her orgasmic expression reminding me of when the Pre-Raphaelites would depict people witnessing the light of the divine.

The tremble seemed to start from the very core of her, like an internal earthquake, our bodies so close I could feel every shiver and shake as though they were mine. Releasing a torrent of cum deep inside her pussy, I gently eased out, stroking her clit with my fingers as she slowly recovered.

I had cum in real life, not just in my fantasy. It was good, but being with Skye was better, and I wanted more.

I just knew I couldn’t have it yet.

I had to wait and be patient.

And when I finally took her virginity, it would be mind-blowing.

Recovering my equilibrium, I reviewed my list, as was my habit.

It helped bring me back down to earth.

But I couldn’t find a single revision I wanted to make.