His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Twenty-One - Simon

When I woke up the next morning, it was like my heart was crammed into my cranium and still knew how to pound. It had been decades since I’d slept on a couch and even then, it had been a desperate, life or death situation— meaning I hadn’t wanted to drink and drive and crashing at a friend’s was the only other option.

The rope of searing pain running from just behind my shoulder up into my brain was something akin to low level torture. Still, it was a small price to pay to be there for my pet in the morning. I regretted leaving her the first night. Even if she was asleep, that was no reason to abandon her.

I would have slept in Skye’s bed, but I considered that a very private and sacred space and I hadn’t been invited. It was different at my house. I wanted her in my bed, and she had already given consent by going into pet mode.

If she had at all indicated that she wasn’t comfortable literally sleeping with me, she could have left in an instant. Though the impression I’d gotten had been rather different. Since this was her place and I wasn’t sure, though, the couch had had to do, headache be damned.

I looked at my watch, a simple, original piece done in a steampunk, exposed gear style. We still had time for a quick morning session if she was up for it. There was more I wanted to teach her and I loved to fit it in whenever we could.

But when I peeked into her room, I saw that my sweet little pet was still asleep, her tender body covered only by the blanket. I took a moment to watch her sleep before I approached.

There were some situations in which this would have felt pretty stalker like. But with Skye, I felt at ease. I had gotten the strong impression that she wanted to be around me as much as I wanted to be around her. Which was all the time.

My control held longer than I thought it could, it being a good ten minutes before I approached the bed and pulled the blanket back, revealing her beautiful body as if I was unveiling a statue.

She shifted a bit under my touch as I lay my hand on her neck. I could feel her pulse, thudding softly under her supple skin. For a brief, mad moment, I felt very much like her life was connected to mine.

I felt a small shudder go through me as I moved further down, sweet little Skye rolling over onto her back. My hand slid down over her belly and between her legs. She was very warm and incredibly wet, clearly ready for some action. I could only imagine what she was dreaming about.

“Master,” she murmured.

I looked down in reply, realizing too late that she was talking in her sleep. I could feel the smile spread across my face. She was just the most adorable thing ever and I loved the fact that she was dreaming about me.

I pushed my fingers in further and she woke up with a gasp. Her eyes still on me, breathing heavily, Skye spread her legs.

“Please, Master” she begged, looking like a starving puppy.

“Please what, Pet?”

“Please take my virginity, Master. I want to feel you inside me.”

“No, not yet. Not until you’re ready.”

“Really?” she asked, pouting.

I squeezed her thigh a bit, causing her to gasp.

“Keep that up and you won’t get anything, you naughty pet.”

“Sorry, Master,” Skye whimpered, looking down.

“If you promise to be good, I’ll make you happy.”


“Okay then,” I said, unable to keep from smiling, “though I am still going to have to punish you for pouting. That really isn’t okay.”

“Yes, Master. I understand.”

I was beginning to wonder if she did things just so I would punish her. If so, I liked that about her.

Taking her by the hips, I turned her over onto her belly and lifted her ass up and back into doggy position, meeting no resistance at all. Warming her up with some gentle strokes, I came down hard with a harsh strike to one of her ass cheeks.

Sweet Skye jumped and yelped but she didn’t try to get away, soon enough settling back down into position, as if waiting for more. My suspicions were confirmed. She did like the punishment.

It was hard but fast. A flurry of strikes that were hard and not so hard went smacking against her sweet ass, turning the flesh bright red. She lost her balance on the front end and fell face first into the pillow, which only put her ass up higher, granting me even better access.

I gave her a bit of a rest, relenting on the spanking, and started to stretch out her asshole, short and gentle at first and the wider and harder until she was stretched to the limit. I released her ass and repeated the process with her pussy.

Skye likely didn’t know it at the time, but I wasn’t trying to hurt her, nor pleasure her, either. The stretching was conditioning for what was to come, to get her used to the feeling of her holes adjusting to the size of something in them.

In a way, it was similar to stretching one’s muscles before going for a run. She gasped with surprise and delight as I slipped the first finger into her pussy. I was happy she liked it.

Working my finger inside her, paying particular attention to her pussy walls before switching my focus to her clit, I continued to gently stretch her asshole. Skye stayed where she was, not even trying to get up into her previous position.

When she’d gotten used to having one of my fingers inside her, I added a second, feeling the slight squeeze as it slipped in. Though it took only a couple of strokes for her to get used to that, too, the sweetest moans coming from deep inside her.

Wetting my thumb, I pressed it hard against her asshole as I slipped a third finger into her obedient little pussy. Skye was stone still and silent for a long moment, as if processing the shock of the sudden stimulation, a deep long moan soon slithering its way out of her.

That was exactly what I wanted. It would be not good for her to go through any negative or confusing feelings as I was taking her virginity. I wanted her first time to be special and a good memory that she could carry with her always. Getting her properly ready would go a long way in achieving that.

When her pussy adjusted to having all three fingers in it, I started to pump them inside her, finger fucking her the way I planned to do with my cock when the time came. I started off slow, really letting her feel it. Then I went a bit faster, building up the tension.

Finally, my thumb pressing down as hard as I could without going into her asshole, I pounded her sweet little cunt, making her cum hard. Though not as fast as she had with the vibrator, even after she started trying to control her orgasms.

Leaving her how she was, I went to her bathroom to clean off and get a cloth for her.

I could tell she still wanted more, so, sliding a pillow under her to lift her ass up to the right height, I gently ate her pussy, making her nearly explode with an orgasm. I would have used the vibrator on her too and possibly even the nipple clamps, but it was getting late.

Once again leaving her in the same position, I cleaned her up and then lay her down flat. Her ass was pretty red, and we had to get into work, the time just flying by. Easing her onto her belly, I stroked lotion onto her ass cheeks and dressed her in a way I thought looked sexy while also keeping her relatively warm.

Scooping my darling up into my arms, I carried her out to my car to drive us both to the office. I had more lovely surprises in store for her as I worked my way down my list.

I chuckled as I thought of myself as an actual Santa, making my list and checking it twice, making sure I punished her for being naughty and rewarded her for being nice.