His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Epilogue - Skye

Christmas weddings were surprisingly not very popular. As far as I knew, the tradition was for the Spring or even the Summer, at least partly due to outdoor ceremonies or receptions that everyone wanted to have.

A bride in a parka just wouldn’t look right, no matter how nice it was. Neither of us wanted a church wedding but it was basically the only way to get married in December on very late notice, outside of the registry office, which wouldn’t hold enough guests.

We compromised with a former church which had since been turned into a music conservatory that allowed rentals for events. Boat captains only had vested powers while actually at sea, so a justice of the peace was sourced to conduct the ceremony, after a bit of explanation as to the hows and whys.

“How you doing?” Inga asked, looking simply ravishing in her maid of honor dress.

It appeared I had made a friend at my new job, after all. Now that I was there permanently and she was my boss, I looked forward to a happy future at work. I missed Simon but I knew he liked his new gig a lot better and I was happy for him, too.

Inga told me that my suspicions had been right – Amber had been the one to report me. The investigation had found no improprieties, so Simon hadn’t had to leave, after all, but he— and Inga— were both glad he had, since it had worked out better for both of them that way.

As for Amber, well, let’s just say her temporary contract wasn’t renewed. I didn’t have to deal with her nosiness and vengeful attitude anymore.

“Only slightly terrified, while also really excited.”

“Good,” Inga said, putting her hands on my shoulders, the warm, furry wedding dress I was wearing to protect me from the winter elements covering pretty much everything. “Go get ‘em.”

With a deep, cleansing breath, I set out to do just that. It was my big day, and I was going to savor it.

I’d peeked out from the front hall, so I could see but no one could see me, to prevent Simon from being able to catch a peek at my dress. Things were going so well, and I didn’t want to risk any bad luck.

As I walked the aisle, a very flourish version of Fleur De Lis coming from the organ, my gaze fell on the two empty seats that had been reserved for my parents. An old pain came rising up again. Like the Old Ones from the deep dark sea.

They should have been happy I was getting married. It had been reinforced time and again that my only value was as someone’s wife. That was one of many things I no longer believed.

I wasn’t sure if I really expected them to come, or even if I had hoped they would, for Noelle’s sake— that was what we had decided to call the child growing in my belly, which I somehow felt was a girl— as much as mine.

Ironically, it was more than likely the fact that I’d dared to get pregnant out of wedlock that really put them off. I would miss them in a way but was also relieved that it was over. I no longer had to worry about whether they would ever accept me as I really was. Simon accepted and loved me, and that was all that mattered.

Speaking of Simon, my Not-So-Secret Santa stood on the stage under the portable flower arch, in a handsome tuxedo. He smiled at me, looking just as happy to be starting married life with me as I was with him.

I’d been writing like mad during these past few days, actually getting my novel done finally, Simon using his magic to get his bosses at Bat & Bell interested. His parents were great and lived close to us, on the west side. They said they’d be happy to take Noelle while we were at our day jobs, after my maternity leave ended.

My future was set, and I proudly walked into it and down the aisle, the huge ring that Simon had bought me on my finger, matching my expensive earrings and perfume. The lingerie would come in handy later, for our honeymoon.

The organ stopped and I stepped up, my comically long bridal train trailing behind me, to meet my gorgeous future as Skye Del Rey.