His Unexpected Baby by Jamie Knight

Chapter Nine - Nina

It was almost overwhelming. I didn’t exactly grow up in the country. But I might as well have for how much I actually got out. From the moment I was born, everything I did was planned by someone else — a plan which did not include downtowns and dive bars. At least that’s what I assumed this place was, not really having much of a frame of reference.

The more I thought about it, it became increasingly clear that I had been really sheltered, both from the evils of the world and any kind of fun. Daddy insisted that I be pure in every way for my future husband. Why he didn’t just lock me in a tower and have done with it was mostly a matter of logistics.

I was scared but exhilarated to be walking in the city after dark, something I’d never even imagined doing before. It was a comfort having Chad with me. A big, strong man who knew the city and his way around it. I was a bit surprised he didn’t have his own vehicle, mainly because he was a mechanic but wasn’t about to complain.

As we walked the glittering streets, I had to fight the temptation to hold his hand. Partly for comfort but also for something else. A new feeling, both scary and exciting that seemed to come up from my pussy to light up my confused but happy brain. I supposed I had the same hormones as every other girl, but no one had sent them flying like Chad.

Nina Pierce sounded pretty good to me. Even Nina Pierce-Dunn could work. The double-barreled aspect was sure to make Daddy happy.

It was a brief moment. Likely unconscious or out of friendliness, but Chad lightly touched my back between my shoulder blades as he held the bar’s door open for me, letting me go first. His hand was warm and surprisingly soft through the thin material of my jersey. It was a theme of manly chivalry, which continued as he pulled out a chair for me at our chosen table.

It was challenging to read, but there were a few possibilities. He could have been sort of babying me because he saw me as young, which was fair enough. On the other hand, he could have been raised in a family like mine where etiquette, while a bit out-dated, was still held in high importance. Though it was also possible, and I hoped this one was true, he liked me and was trying to make a good impression. Then again, it could have been any combination of these as well as other reasons all his own that I couldn’t even begin to fathom.

It hadn’t been difficult to get in. Chad had just given the doorman a nod, and the man didn’t give me a second look. It was like magic. I wondered how many people Chad knew. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had tons of friends all over the place.

Of course, that also reminded me that he did have women all over the place. But I tried not to think about that. Focusing instead on the fact that he was there with me. Driven by unknown forces and desires, I was determined to make him mine. Or at least give it a good try. Not really understanding what this would entail at the time. I was still young and naive, and all I knew was I was attracted to Chad, unlike anyone I’d ever met before. If the old saying was true, there really was someone for everyone. I was as sure as I could be that he was mine — my soul mate.

“So, how’d you get into cars?” he asked, passing me a beer.

“My daddy, actually. He is really into classic cars. Mostly Fords and Chevys.”

This was true enough. Though I lightly glossed over the fact that he owned several in a collection also including Jags, Mercedes, and more than one Rolls-Royce.

“Taught you at his knee, did he?”

“More or less. What about you?”

“Not so nice, I’m afraid. My mom walked out on my dad and me when I was younger. Ran off to marry some rich bastard. Really left us in the lurch. Anyway, the only way I could deal with it was to work on my car — a 1960 Ford F-100. Damn near rebuilt the thing. Only the frame was original by the time I finished with it. From there, I started the garage.”

“Do you and your daddy still talk?”

“He’s dead,” Chad said bluntly after he took a gulp of beer.

I was struck silent. My question clearly bringing up some bad memories. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Without thinking, I squeezed his hand. He squeezed back and didn’t pull away. I could almost see the bright blue jolt crackling between us — like a lightning bolt of desire.

“I had to sell that Ford a couple of years ago when things got tough with the economy. I’d just started the garage and was determined to make a go of it. It still hasn’t been easy, but I’m proud of what I’ve been able to build after starting from nothing. Very brave if I may say so.”

I got the impression Chad didn’t like rich people very much. Kind of understandable considering one of them almost ruined his life, even if it was indirectly. I could tell there was still a lot of bitterness there — a lot of sadness. Suddenly I was glad I hadn’t told the whole truth about my daddy’s car hobby. My boss seemed to like me alright, but that could quickly change if he knew who I was.

There were lots of Dunns in Texas, so he probably wouldn’t be able to figure it out from that. Even if Chad was suspicious, possibly knowing about Dunn-Ross Oil because of his job, he probably would have said something at the beginning. I was glad he didn’t because it would likely have just been another reason not to like me. A pretty little rich girl trying to play at being a mechanic. That would have gone over even worse than a pretty tomboy who’d proven herself.

“Sorry,” he said, gently moving his hand away.

“It’s fine,” I said, honestly meaning it.

“So, what’s your family like?” he asked, almost laughing.

Shit.What was I supposed to say? I didn’t want to lie because I was horrible at it. I also had the mad idea that I might be able to build some kind of relationship with this man. If that did happen, I didn’t want it to be built on a foundation of lies.

“Supportive,” I fibbed, “my daddy is actually paying for me to get certified. He thinks important for me to follow my dreams and have a skill. I’m staying with my Auntie Blair while I’m here.”

Okay, not entirely a lie. Blair really was cool, and Daddy did pay for the program and was happy if I was happy… at least in my hobbies. As to following my dreams, I was pretty sure he would rather I didn’t have any dreams at all. Unless they conformed to his plan for my life and ideas of who I should be.

“That’s cool. What does your daddy do?” Chad asked, gently mocking my childish phrasing.

Another good question that could quickly end things before they could start if I said the wrong thing. I couldn’t even say he worked in the oil industry, despite being one of the state’s leading employers. There was too much of a risk of Chad linking oil with the name Dunn.

“He works for himself,” I attempted.

“Ah, a man after my own heart,” Chad grinned. He waved to the waitress to buy us another round.

My pussy almost melted; he was so sexy. I started to tremble, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Out of nowhere, I felt something slip over my shoulders—Chad’s leather jacket.

“You looked cold,” he said as an explanation.


My nose was filled with the scent of his musky cologne as my gut lurched with guilt. I still hadn’t lied, yet, my learned moral code was yelling at me to tell the truth — the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That I was Nina Melissa Dunn, and my daddy was Big Earl Dunn of Dunn-Ross Oil. He was richer than God and owned dozens of classic cars.

It sat like a knot in the pit of my belly, threatening to come out at any time. I knew if it did, Chad probably wouldn’t like me much, and I could pretty much forget about my internship. I might still get through it, but I’d secretly been hoping to get a job at his garage. Impractical as it would have been.

“Can I confess something embarrassing?” Chad asked.

“Sure,” I said, happy to no longer be the center of attention.

“At first, when I first met you, I thought maybe you were some kind of princess. You know, a rich girl slumming it down here with us regular folk.”

I told myself not to blush. “No at all.” I almost choked on the lie.

It didn’t feel like “slumming it.” I had a genuine interest in auto mechanics and had no real problem with the “regular folk” I’d met. The other trainees had come around and Will, while upset I’d done the work he refused to do, seemed to get over it pretty fast. The idea of living in San Antonio and working at the garage didn’t scare me like it once might have. In fact, if I was honest with myself, it was what I wanted more than anything… except for becoming Chad’s partner, both in business and in life.

I wasn’t sure if Chad believed me, my lie being pretty feeble. Even if he didn’t, he thankfully dropped the subject. He finished his beers in a few swallows and turned to look at me. I thought maybe he was going to say it was time to go. Or we should just be friends or something like that.

It was sweet. Sudden and gentle. His lips meeting mine like nature had intended them to go together. Automatically I opened my mouth. I knew somewhere in the back of my mind it was what I was supposed to do, but I was going mostly on instinct at that point. Chad his tongue in, and I did my best to keep up as he gave me my first heavy make-out session. I got swept away on a wave of desire, lust, and hormones, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close. Not thinking of what we were doing as anything other but wonderful and natural.

Finally, my trained response kicked in, and I pulled back, releasing Chad from my clutches.

“S-sorry,” he said, looking slightly dazed.

“Don’t be, it was great,” I said, more boldly than I imagined possible.

“As well as wrong,” Chad said, shaking his head, “I shouldn’t have done that with an employee, let alone a trainee.”

I was confused but knew in my heart he was right. He was my boss and an elder, both of which put him in a position of power over me as far as society was concerned. It didn’t seem to matter that I was an adult perfectly capable of making my own decisions. I wondered, not for the first time, when society was going to stop trying to ruin my life. Or at least everything fun and wonderful in it.

“I… yes, I guess you’re right,” I said with no conviction at all.