Their First Time by Lena Lucas



Icouldn’t sleep, not with the way I felt, not with what I’d just done with Xander, what I’d given him.

My virginity.

My everything.

It was the single greatest moment of my life thus far. And I loved this boy so much.

I had known my feelings for him were strong in the very beginning, but until he touched me, looked into my eyes as he claimed every single part of me, I hadn’t known what being in love had truly meant.

But I knew now. And I clutched onto that feeling like it was a lifeline, like it was a tether, an anchor.

I shifted in his arms so I was now facing him. He had his hand curled possessively around my hip, his fingers gently digging into my side. I thought he’d been asleep, but he stared at me with those hooded eyes, sleepiness and post-arousal clear on his face.

He gave me the sleepy smile, a small dimple on his cheek popping out before he leaned in and kissed me softly. It wasn’t a sexual one, but a gentle, sweet kiss that still had my toes curling and me snuggling closer into him.

“Is this real?” I found myself asking, my face heating as I grew embarrassed that I’d actually said that.

He gave me a small smile and leaned in to kiss me again. “So real,” he whispered against my lips.

I could have stayed like this forever, embraced by Xander, the after effects of what we’d done lingering to my body, this delicious soreness.

“What now?” He pulled back and I saw the way he stared at me, this transfixed expression on his face as if he drank in my very expression.

He cupped my face, smoothed his fingers along my cheek, down my jaw, and along my neck. “Now you’re mine.”

I’d never get tired of hearing him say that.

And as he pulled me on top of him, as I straddled his waist and he positioned his now hard cock at my entrance, and as I slowly sank down on him, I let my love for this boy consume me.