Their First Time by Lena Lucas



Ifucking hated parties, especially if they were thrown by Slater. The dude was a prick and was due for an ass kicking for all the shit he dealt to everyone. But Devon had sent a text saying he was going, because Anna would be there, and because of how much he liked her, he was willing to deal with Slater.

And when he said he asked McKenzie to go and wondered if I wanted to come to help keep an eye on her since he was trying to get closer with Anna, there was no fucking way I would have said no.

Anything for McKenzie. Anything.

So here I was, nursing this fucking water bottle as I stood off to the side at Slater’s parents’ massive place. I waited for Devon and McKenzie to show up and tried to focus on that and not all the other bullshit going on.

The obnoxious drunks, the stench of sweat and booze, of lust in the air, was enough to have my lip curling in distaste. I fucking hated these things.

I brought the water bottle to my mouth and downed the rest of it before pushing off the wall to throw it away. Maybe it was the sour-ass expression I wore, but no one bothered me, some even moving out of my way.

“Hey, man,” Slater called out, and my entire body tensed.

The way I ignored the fuck out of him on most accounts should have had the dude leaving me the fuck alone. I looked at him in passing and tipped my chin in acknowledgment. It was his house and party, after all, so maybe I could play nice this once.

I just wanted McKenzie here. I’d told myself it was time. Time to tell her she was my girl and always had been. I’d waited enough, and I wouldn’t stop until she looked into my eyes and saw without a doubt that there had been nothing more serious or important in my life than her.

I left the kitchen and was about to head outside and just wait for them there, when the front door opened and Devon walked in. McKenzie was right behind him, and the fucking world fell away at the sight of her. Her dark hair was in loose waves over her shoulders, and she scanned the house with blue eyes I thought about way too many times as I jerked off.

I didn’t even hide the fact that I was checking her out, and a legit fucking growl left me that she wasn’t dressed revealingly. I would have popped a fucker in the face for even looking at her. She wore a form-fitted white shirt, her jeans snug so it showed off her figure.

Well fuck, she may not be wearing a crop top or miniskirt, but that outfit was even worse, because it showed off her body in an almost innocent yet ridiculously sexy way.

There was movement to my side, and I looked to the left, seeing a couple of guys shifting on their feet as they looked over at Devon and McKenzie, specifically doing onceovers on her.

I gnashed my teeth together, and a low, threatening sound surrounded me. I realized it came from me. All the possessiveness I felt for McKenzie slammed out of me and moved toward her, trying to pull her in closer.

One of the dudes thought he had balls of steel and walked toward her. He started saying something, and she glanced at him and pulled her brows down low, her face pinched. It was clear she didn’t want anything to do with him.

I found myself walking toward Devon and McKenzie before I realized what I was doing, jealousy overwhelming me. I knew I looked pissed. I felt that annoyance fill me as I stared at the asshole who thought he could talk to my girl.

I stopped right in front of him, staring him down. He reeked of booze, his eyes red-rimmed. He was saying something to McKenzie, but all I could hear was the rush of blood moving through my ears.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I growled.

He glanced over at me and tipped his head back so he could look into my face. He was several inches shorter than me, and not nearly as muscled either. He’d be easy to shove away like an annoying fly. I wouldn’t have cared if he was bigger than me though. I would have still told him to get lost.

I clenched my jaw when he just stared at me. “I said get the fuck back unless you want me to kick your ass.”

He mumbled something and stumbled away, and only then did I feel myself start to calm. I inserted my body between her and those assholes who had been checking her out. My back was to them, my eyes locked on her.

“Thanks for that,” she said, and all I wanted to do was reach out and pull her in close.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, tried not to show that what I really wanted to do was go over there and slam my knuckles right into their fucking faces, to put them in their place, tell them they couldn’t look at what wasn’t theirs.

I clenched and relaxed my fists at my sides, breathing out slowly and feeling my heart jackknife in my chest when she gave me the sweetest fucking smile.

“Hey,” Devon said in greeting, but his eyes were skating across the room as if he was searching for someone.

“I haven’t seen her, man.”

McKenzie started scanning the room as well, her eyebrows furrowed. “Who are you guys talking about?”

Devon looked at me, and then I saw the way he glanced at McKenzie. When he was staring at me once more, he gave me a sharp shake of his head.

Huh. Seemed like Devon didn’t want his twin knowing about his love interest. Interesting.

I lifted one shoulder in a “what the fuck ever” shrug. I didn’t really care about any of that stuff anyway. The only important thing to me was standing just a foot from where I was. The scent of wildflowers with a touch of sweetness lingered on her and filled my head until I felt like I’d been drinking the entire time I’d been at the party.

“Anyone want to drink?” Devon asked almost as if disinterested with the question.

I glowered at him, realizing I made another sound deep in my throat.

He snapped his head in my direction, and his brows pulled low. Yeah, he heard the sound come for me. “I don’t think any of us need to drink, yeah?” I wasn’t against drinking. I’d gotten drunk my fair share of times, but being at Slater’s party and knowing what a big asshole he was, feeling the bodies packed inside, knowing alcohol would only intensify every single kind of emotion, I wanted all of us to be safe and think clearly.

I also didn’t want to be buzzed and start a fucking fight with some prick because he looked at McKenzie. Because I knew booze would only intensify that murderous rage in me.

“Yeah, I agree with Landon.” McKenzie's voice was soft, and despite the roar of conversation and music all around us, I heard her like we were the only ones in the room.

Devon shrugged. “Yeah, I have to drive anyway.” He went back to scanning the room, and I couldn’t even give him a hard time about clearly being pussy-whipped over the girl he was searching for.

I looked at McKenzie then, my heart doing something crazy and hard in my chest.

I was falling in love with his twin sister, after all.