Caught by Emma Louise

Chapter Twelve

“Thank you for your time, Ms Walker.” Officer Wallis smiles politely at Darcey as he finally stands to leave. “We’ll be in touch once we’ve canvassed your neighbourhood. I have a feeling this was just an unfortunate robbery gone bad. We’ve had a few reports in your area these last few weeks.”

“Thank you. I appreciate your help.” Darcey answers in a voice that sounds small and unsure. It’s such a contrast to the attitude she usually throws my way that I have no idea what to make of it. Her reaction to seeing the cops walk in here threw me, and I could tell by the looks the other guys threw my way that they felt the same. There’s a story there, but now isn’t the time to work that out. There’s more than enough shit swirling around her as it is.

“Can I get you anything?” Felix asks her, moving swiftly into the seat that Officer Wallis just vacated. The way she relaxes at the sound of his voice once again has me wanting to punch one of my best friends in the throat.

“Do you know where my phone is? I want to check in with Natalie to make sure Cass is okay.” The smile on her face as Felix does as she asks fucks me up. Has she ever smiled at me? Not the fake as fuck one she used that first night. A real honest to goodness smile? No, and why would she when I’ve been nothing but a prick to her every chance I’ve had?

“Well, it looks like you’re in luck,” the nurse announces as she bustles into the small room. “Doc has looked at your chart, and he says you can leave as long as you have someone to keep a watch over you for at least the next two nights.”

“She’ll be staying with me,” Felix declares immediately. The air swells around us. He knows I’m about to lose my shit because he’s staring right at me, almost like he’s daring me to say something.

“I can probably stay with Lee and Liam,” Darcey interrupts our stare down, seemingly oblivious to the simmering tension that’s about to suffocate the rest of us.

“You won’t be able to rest with a house full of kids. At least stay with me tonight.” Felix presses her, but I’m hung up on what she’s just said. Lee and Liam. Natalie and Liam Delaney. Fuck me. She doesn’t have a boyfriend named Lee; she has a best friend named Natalie.

Fuck. I’m a fucking idiot.

“You only have one bedroom,” Crew interrupts when he sees Felix is about to press her harder.

“I can sleep on the couch.” Felix glares at Crew.

“I don’t want to put anyone out; I can just—” Darcey adds, trying to push herself up on the bed.

“You’re not putting anyone out.”

They start to bicker lightly, and I can tell just by looking at her that this whole situation is getting too much for Darcey. I watch as her fingers twist into the sheet nervously as she shifts in the bed. Even Gavin, who hasn’t said a word all day, joins in and offers her a place to stay. She’s had a shit day, and this is the last thing she needs. The guys start to argue amongst themselves, but I can’t take my eyes off of her. Her dark hair is a tangled mess. The hospital gown is at least two sizes too big for her. She looks scared, lost even. Her face is pale, and her wide eyes bounce back and forth each of the guys as they jostle to be the one to look after her. All of that combined with the ugly bruises on her face and neck do nothing to take away from the beauty of all that is Darcey. Slumping back against the bed, she gives up as the first tear slides down her cheek. The circus surrounding her is the straw that finally broke the camel’s back, so to speak.

“She’s coming home with me.” I speak just loud enough for her to hear me, but it’s enough to silence the room. Four sets of shocked eyes swing my way, but she’s all I’m looking at.

“You cannot be serious,” Felix sputters, but I couldn’t care less what he’s saying.

“Deadly,” is all the answer he’s getting from me.

“What about your wife? Shouldn’t you check with her before you start bringing strays home?” Darcey asks, interrupting our tense stare down and shocking each of us into silence. She watches me as she waits for a response, the defiant tilt of her jaw back in its rightful place.

“My wife?” I repeat, wondering just how hard of a hit she took to her head and if we need the doctor back in here to check her over again.

“Yes, your wife?” she repeats. A little of the sass that I like to hear is creeping back into her voice. “I know you remember how we first met, so we both know you must have a wife.” I can hear the guys shuffling around nervously as they wait to see how I’m going to handle this.

“That isn't something you need to be worried about,” I tell her slowly, trying to work out if she really doesn’t know all the details of that situation, or if she’s still trying to fuck me over somehow. Her eyes narrow slightly, and the line of her jaw tightens as she gears up to argue. I’m not here for that shit. It’s been a long, stressful day, and I’m ready to get the fuck out of this place. “Felix, go find the nurse. See if the discharge papers are ready.”

He glares daggers at me, but I’m not backing down on this. I don’t care if it makes me seem irrational. There isn't a chance that Darcey is leaving here with anyone but me.