Caught by Emma Louise

Chapter Seventeen

"Are you two going to hang around here much longer?" Looking up from the computer screen, I see Felix and Gavin are still standing in the same place they've been for the last thirty minutes, leaning over my desk and getting on my last nerve.

It's my first day back at work, and to say they're acting like overprotective fathers would be an understatement. "Just making sure you're okay." Felix pouts while Gavin keeps his usual unaffected stare on me.

"Guys." I sigh. "I love that you care enough to keep checking up on me, but it really isn't necessary. I saw the doctor, and he said my ribs are healing well. I'm not doing anything strenuous, so there's really no need for you two to be standing guard."

They finally leave me in peace, and I get back to trying to make sense of the mess the guys left for me since I've been away. I managed to get a few things done from home, but cabin fever had long since started to set in, and I begged Crew to let me come back into the office.

I would’ve maybe asked Max, but I'd woken up the morning after we'd clashed to find the house empty. There was a single coffee cup rinsed next to the sink and a pile of mine and Cass' clean laundry, but no Max. There was a note left for me propped up against the coffee maker. His messy scrawl telling me that he'd be out all day and wouldn't be back until late. He also added that there would be a food delivery later, so not to bother cooking. Guilt crept over me like a rash when I'd seen that.

Despite me being bitchy to him, he was still there trying to take care of us. That guilt tempered over the coming days, when I realized he was avoiding me. I'd get up every morning to an empty house and go to bed the same. I didn't so much as catch a glimpse of Max for five full days. As much as I tried to tell myself it was a good thing, part of me that didn't like it.

Especially when he continued to do nice things for Cass and me. There were food deliveries, mostly junk food that I'd heard Cass telling Max were her favorites. There were packages with craft supplies for Cass. And the icing on the cake was a delivery just for me. A box full of comfortable clothes and self-care products. The small bathroom Cass and I are sharing now looks like a small spa thanks to Max's generosity.

Any and all of the texts I sent saying thank you to him have gone unanswered. Unanswered, but not unread. The read receipts on my phone told me that he received the messages and read them, he just didn't bother to reply.

Deciding that I was done with being ignored, I set up camp on one of the sofas in the family room that Max would have to walk past when he came into the house. I fought to stay awake so we could resolve this horrible tension between us, but I must have rested my eyes for a little too long because I woke up in my bed, tucked into the thick blanket with my Kindle and reading glasses safely on the bedside table.

The surge of disappointment when I realized I'd slept through Max lifting me up and carrying me to bed was very, very real. By the time I finally managed to corner him long enough to talk to him, I'd lost the urge to apologize. My patience had worn threadbare and after giving a stiff thanks, I turned on my heel and left the room before he could respond.

And that brings us to today. He's here, and it finally feels like he's done ignoring me. Maybe it's just because we're in public, and he doesn't want anyone to know about our falling out. Whatever the reason, I'm just glad we seem to be getting back to some kind of normal. It's almost time for me to leave for the day, and we've made it through the whole day without snipping at each other.

Gathering an arm full of files that I've finally been able to get in order, I make my way down the hall to find Felix. He's the most unorganized of all the guys, and his crap has taken me the longest to fix. "Are you allergic to paperwork?" I ask as I walk into the control room where he and Gavin seem to spend pretty much all of their time.

It isn't a huge space, and the fact that there are no windows in here makes it feel like a glorified closet. I assume the walls are painted black, but it's almost impossible to tell seeing as every inch is covered in TV screens and computer monitors. I've learned not to ask what they're watching; the answer is always a grunted private shit from Gavin. Same goes for the desk that's covered in rows and rows of keyboards, dials, knobs and wires that look intimidating as hell. Especially to someone like me who struggles to work Max's fancy ass TV most of the time.

"Why would I do paperwork when I have someone as pretty as you to do it for me?" Felix flashes me his patented panty-dropper smile. With his smooth olive skin, shiny black hair, and almost black eyes, Felix is undoubtedly one of the hottest men I've ever seen in real life. The fact that he's also attentive, kind, and funny as hell makes me wish that I were even remotely attracted to him. Seems like mean and moody is more my type these days, unfortunately.

"I get paid to do this crap for you; there's no need for flattery too, Mr. Ruiz."

"You wound me," he gasps, grabbing his chest like I've physically hurt him.

"Is he always this dramatic?" I ask Gavin who doesn't even lift an eye from the screen wall. He throws a grunt my way as his only answer; I chose to believe it’s a grunt of agreement.

"I'm so happy to see my paid staff are having productive days." The low grumble from behind me would have once scared the crap out of me. Luckily for me, living and working with him have made me slightly more immune to Max Arden and his sometimes shitty attitude.

"Sorry, boss." I give him a mock salute before I drop the files from my arms to the desk and turn to leave. I make sure to add an extra sway to my hips as I go just on the off chance that he's watching me. The man is made of granite. I'm not entirely sure he even feels emotions, especially lust, but I do it anyway.

* * *

"You ready to head out?" Felix pokes his head around the break room door where I'm currently cleaning up what feels like a million coffee cups. How four grown men are incapable of using the same cup more than once over the last week is beyond me.

"I thought Max was driving me today?" Another thing that is getting on my nerves, but I've given up on challenging them over, I now have a team of babysitters. I was fine to stay at home alone thanks to the fancy-pants alarm there, but if I want a minute out in the big wide world, one of these great big lumps has to come with me. Gavin drew the short straw and was forced to come to Target with Cass and me. I'm pretty sure he's thrown a tantrum and refused to ever cover me again since. Crew is generally busy with being the boss, and Max is pretty much a ghost which means that the majority of time I’m left with Felix. The note that was waiting for me in the kitchen this morning explained that Crew would be arriving to pick me up, but that Max would be taking me home.

Felix doesn't answer, just clamps his mouth shut and raises his eyebrows. Of course Max isn't going to drive me home; that would be too simple. "Right." The small disbelieving laugh that escapes me is little more than a puff of air.

"Do we have to collect Cass first?" With his hand at the small of my back, Felix guides me out toward his SUV. I'm grateful for the reassuring weight there because the moment I step foot outside, I get the familiar feeling of being watched. I glance around, but I see nothing. No dangers lurking in the almost deserted parking lot. It's obviously just me and my overactive imagination. A sharp gust of wind kicks up the edge of the floaty day dress I have on. It's turned into a bitterly cold afternoon, and my thin jacket does nothing to ward off the chill. Felix feels me shiver, and he wraps a beefy arm around my shoulder and huddles me closely to his side.

"No. Lee is picking her up from school, and they're having a sleepover. She thought I could do with a rest after my first day back," I answer once I'm safely inside the truck.

"Lee is one of the good ones."

"She is. And Liam. They've both been so nice to me. I don't know how to repay them for it really."

"You'd do the same if they needed it."

"Well those two have their shit together, so it isn't likely they'll ever need anything from me."

"Wasn't always that way." And he isn't wrong. Lee and Liam have been through more than their fair share of struggles. When Lee told me how she and Liam got together and the incredible journey they'd been on, it sparked hope in me that maybe fairy tales did exist. For other people, of course; that isn't something for me to ever hope for.

"So childfree evening, huh? I think that calls for Margaritas, no?" I should say no. I should tell him to take me home, so I can shower and get some sleep.

"Let's do it." My mouth moves before I can even think about what I'm saying. The thought of spending the night at home alone is less than appealing right now.

"Good answer, babe." Felix shoots me a cocky grin before he drives us to a cute little Mexican restaurant just a few blocks from Max's house. Guiding me inside, once again making sure to stick right by my side, Felix leads me to a booth and helps me take my jacket off. Before I even know what's happening, a tiny pixie of a woman is in my face.

"And who is this, Mijo?" Whoever this woman is, she's related to Felix in some way or another. They share the same midnight black hair and intense dark eyes. I'd take a guess and say she's his grandmother, but she could easily pass for his mother, she looks that young.

"This is Darcey; she's our new office manager." Hooking an arm around my neck, Felix drags me forward. "Darce, this is my abuelita, Reina."

"It's lovely to meet you." I smile, offering her my hand. She completely ignores it as she looks from Felix to me and back again.

"Good work, Mijo." she finally says, leaving me confused.

"Abuelita." His voice is low, a warning, but the smile on his face tells me he isn't mad at her.

"I'm just saying!" She laughs lightly, holding her hands up, palms out. "Come on, I have the perfect table for you." We follow her to a small booth and before I can even pick up a menu, the biggest Margarita I've ever seen is being placed in front of me. A huge bowl of tortilla chips and dips follow soon after.

"You okay to let Abuelita surprise us with food?" Felix asks.

"I'm not sure I'll have much room left after I devour these," I say, scooping up an unhealthy amount of salsa with a chip and jamming it into my mouth.

"So classy." Felix laughs as he copies me. "Trust me," he says with a mouthful, "you'll make room for my abuelita's cooking.”

He isn't wrong. The next couple of hours are spent with plate after plate of food being brought out. Each one is tastier than the last. In between each course, a different member of Felix's family has come out. I almost felt like a display in a museum with how each of them have studied me, but they're all so sweet and funny that it's actually been a lot of fun. I'm sure I'd feel differently if I was actually on a date with him. The three cocktails I've had are helping me feel relaxed too.

"Your family is wonderful," I say when one of his cousins, a young college-aged kid named Luis, has just collected the last of our plates.

"They really are. I'm a lucky guy."

"Tell me about them," I suggest, happy to have a conversation that doesn’t revolve around me and how I’m doing after being attacked.

"Well, my abuelita moved to the US to be with her siblings when my dad was a little kid. She was widowed when he was five. She was on her own with four boys, so when the chance came up to be near family, she took it. Each of her boys grew up, got married, and had a bunch of kids. Now there's too many of us to count."

"I love that." I sigh, wondering what it’s like to be surrounded by so much love. How different my life might be if I had been a part of a family like that growing up.

"You have a big family?" The innocent question is like a bucket of ice being thrown over me. He must notice the expression on my face. "Not something you like to talk about, huh?"

"Not even a little," I tell him honestly.

"Okay, let's change the subject then."

"Are you always this much of a nice guy?"

"This? Oh, sweetheart. You think this is nice? You have no idea how nice I can be." Flashing me a cocky grin, he runs a hand through his thick hair.

"I take it back. You're entirely too full of yourself."

"You could be full of me too if you wanted to be." I almost choke on my drink at his cheesy as hell line. Shooting him an unimpressed glare, he busts out laughing. I realize what he’s doing, trying to distract me from the awkward turn in conversation.

"I know, I know. I'm stuck in the friend zone; you don't have to tell me again."

"Don't act like you’re sad about that. You have plenty of women waiting to be 'full of you'," I say, using air quotes.

"None as pretty as you. Even with salsa all over your face." He laughs, reaching out to swipe the side of my lips.

"Seriously? You couldn't have said that earlier?" I scowl, making Felix bust out in a deep laugh. It's cut short when something catches his eye behind me. Turning around I see Max standing talking to Reina. She pulls him in for a hug. She barely reaches the middle of his chest, so he has to reach down to embrace her. Watching them, I realize I've never seen him show any kind of affection. Unless you count the times he picked Cass up. I watch, fascinated as she reaches up and pats his cheek. Butterflies dance in my belly when he smiles down at her. It's a real smile, one I've seen in pictures of him, but never seen for myself. Reina says something that has his eyes flying over to us, but I get the feeling from the expression on his face he already knew that we were sitting here. Felix nods in greeting, and Max answers him with a tilt of his chin. His eyes come to mine, and his nod is almost imperceptible. He kisses Reina on the cheek once again, and then he's gone.

I watch the door gently slide closed, and for some strange reason, I feel like I've been caught doing something wrong.

"What's going on with you two?" Felix asks, snapping me back to the moment.


"You and Max?"

"Absolutely nothing," I tell him honestly. "Today was the first time I've seen him in days, and he’s said precisely ten words to me all day."

"Hmm," is his only response. The mood takes a dip after that. Both of us seemingly caught up in our own thoughts. Tipping the last of his beer into his mouth, Felix rises from the table and holds out his hand for me to follow.

The ride home isn't much better with neither of us talking, the soft hum of the radio the only sound in the car.

We pull up at the house, and my stomach drops when I don't see Max's car there. My mind won’t let go of the look on his face earlier. Was he mad at me? He's avoided me all week, was civil with me at work today, and now he's mad at me? The more I think about it, the madder I get. I'm sick of never knowing where I stand with him. He has me off kilter all the damn time, and I'm tired of it.

"He's a good guy, you know?"

"Who is?" I ask, throwing my purse on the small table by the front door.

"Max. He's one of the best people I know."

"Why is he an ass to me then?" I ask before I can stop myself.

"That is the million-dollar question, sweetheart," he says softly.

Once he's made sure that I'm safely inside and the alarm is set, Felix gives me a swift kiss on the cheek, tells me to stay safe, and leaves. Being alone here is the last thing I need. My mind is too full of thoughts of Max and what the fuck his problem is with me. I should go to bed and sleep off this bad mood I've suddenly found myself in, but I'm too wound up to do that. Looking at the clock, I see it's only just past eight-thirty. I contemplate calling Lee to chat, but I know she'll see through my thin attempts to hide that I'm attracted to Max. She’s already hinted that she thinks I have feelings for him when we spoke about him this past week. She's been on my case since the day she and Liam brought Cassidy home and saw Max shirtless in his kitchen. I've tried telling her multiple times that I'm not interested in him, but she isn't dumb; she can see straight through me.

So instead of calling my best friend, I take a long, hot shower, hoping that will help me relax enough to sleep. I'd kill for a bath right now, but I don't think I'll ever be able to take one without picturing Max and just how gentle he was with me as he took care of me.

Those images stay front and center in my mind, taunting me as I scrub my hair clean. They're there as I dry off and get dressed. They don't fade as I stomp to my bag, grab my cell phone, and scroll to his name.

Stabbing at the screen, I wait for the call to connect before putting the phone to my ear. It rings until I'm sure that the voicemail is about to kick in. I debate whether or not to leave a message when a breathy voice answers. A very feminine, breathy voice. I can hear the loud thump of rock music in the background.

"Hello?" the voice asks a second time. I don't reply, choosing to keep the last shred of dignity that I have left by hanging up instead.

Fuck him.