Caught by Emma Louise


First and foremost, I need to thank Corinne Michaels for creating the Salvation Society. I fell in love with this series years ago and getting to write in this universe is a dream come true for me.

Brenda – thank you for all you do. You’re not allowed to leave me. Not ever, okay?

Silla – Thank you for making the edit process as painless as possible. I didn’t even cry this time!

Lucy Andrea Taylor – Remember when you told me that I should write in this world with you? Then you didn’t write your damn book yet?! It’s a good job I love you.

Dawn Walsh, Naomi Smith, Nysa Bookish, Clarissa Kwan, Liz Maldonado-Thompson, Leslee Sears Nevill, Leeann Van Rensburg, Karen Kay & Bailey Boughton. Thank you for being a part of the smallest, probably most dysfunctional promo team ever. I can’t tell you how much your help is appreciated.

Jennifer Pon – My blurb whisperer! Thank you for help as always.

Emma Louise Reader Group – Thank you for helping me create these books. From letting me steal your names to helping me work out plot lines, you guys are the absolute best.

Lastly, but most importantly, my readers. It still blows my mind every single time someone picks up a book of mine to read. Thank you for allowing me to keep doing this author thing.