Caught by Emma Louise

Chapter Four

“Get your shit, and get the fuck out of here.”

The sharp words growled from right behind me has my heart plummeting into my stomach. A thin, cold veneer of sweat breaks out on my skin as my heart starts to beat wildly. I’m almost too scared to turn around, but I know deep down that I’m being ridiculous. I’m safe here. I don’t know why I feel that way, but from the first time I stepped inside the doors of Elite Security a few hours ago, I’ve felt it.

Shifting on my heels, I turn to look at whoever is behind me. I’m quite sure my eyes almost bug out of my head at what I find there.

“Max?” That one word, the only one I can find, squeezes out of me on a pained breath.

“Get out,” he repeats as he takes a step closer, and the pure venom I see in his eyes has me shrinking back against the hard wood of the desk behind me. The sharp edge digs into my back and makes me wince in pain.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Crew asks incredulously as he moves to stand in front of me, lifting his hand and planting it in Max’s chest. He stops moving toward me, but his eyes don’t drop from mine.

My brain scrambles to try to make sense of what’s happening.  Why is he here? How is he here? The last time I saw Max he'd left me sitting on a bar stool, embarrassed as hell in some grubby biker bar.

“Whatever game you’re playing ends now.”

“I’m... I didn’t—”

“Not interested in anything you have to say. Now get out,” he cuts me off sharply.

“Have you lost your damn mind?” Crew pushes against the solid wall of Max’s chest, getting him to take a few steps back.

“Stay out of this,” Max snaps.

“You need to explain what the fuck is going on, man.”

“It doesn’t matter. She is not working here.” He points a finger in my direction, but he doesn’t look at me. Something about the derision in his voice pierces through the dense fog of fear I’ve so far found myself trapped in.

“Excuse me—” I try to interrupt their stand-off, but Max lifts a hand, palm out, letting me know he’s not willing to listen to anything I have to say.

“Get rid of her.”

“Not until you tell me why.” Crew presses again.

“You can’t fire me.” I try to speak, but the two men in front of me are too busy glaring at each other to pay me a lick of attention.

“I don’t have to tell you shit. Get her gone before I do it myself.”

“I’m not leaving!” I shout, finally getting their attention. Ice cold fear drips down my spine at the glare Max throws my way.

“This is my company. If I say you’re out, you’re out,” he grinds out, his jaw ticking wildly.

“This contract says differently.” I wave the sheet of paper I just signed in the air.

Max narrows his eyes at me before turning the scorch toward Crew. When it comes right back to me, he stays silent, and the only sound in the room is his deep breaths. “You really wanna work here?” he finally says. His tone might have lightened, but it does nothing to hide the venom lurking there. Swallowing down the fear that’s trying to choke me, I push my shoulders back and stand as tall as I can on the heels I borrowed from Natalie for today.

“I am working here,” I emphasize. Cold sweat breaks out on my neck as my heart beats wildly in my chest. I pray that wherever this newfound confidence has come from, it hangs around for at least the rest of this confrontation.

“Okay,” Max finally says, but I get the feeling he isn't really giving in that easily. “You wanna work here? That’s fine with me, sweetheart.” I hear the nickname, but I get the feeling he doesn’t mean it to be cute. As he leans in closer, I get a look at the deep green eyes that have been front and center of my dreams this last week. “I just hope you’re ready for this.” The threat is unmistakable, but I'm obviously a masochist because I can’t stop the shiver down my spine the low murmur of his words cause. It isn't fear this time. No, I'm sure that was just straight up arousal.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

We stare at each other a second too long, until his nostrils flare slightly. Then he’s gone. Turned on a booted foot and stormed out the door. I don’t miss the way his fists are held tightly at his side as he goes. The knuckles white stark against his otherwise tanned skin.

“What the hell was that?” Crew’s voice drags my attention back to him.

“I never hid that I worked there,” I tell him miserably once the slam of the door closing behind Max stops vibrating through the room. “It’s on my resume.”

“You’re going to need to start right at the beginning for me.” He smiles kindly, indicating for me to sit. Surprisingly, Crew seems almost amused by whatever the hell just happened here. Taking a deep breath I lower myself into the closest chair and do as he asks. I tell him all about my last job, which I might have skimmed over slightly during the interview process. I tell him about Serena and her giving me Max as a mark.

There’s nothing amusing about anything that’s gone on here today, but that doesn’t stop a smirk from taking over Crew’s face as he leans into the desk to listen to me. The only time his expression darkens is at the mention of Serena, but I don’t think I'm in any position to ask what that’s about right now.

“Just try to keep your distance for a while. His bark is loud, but he really isn't a bad guy.” Crew tries to reassure me. I should probably be telling him that working here will be impossible. I should be gathering my shit and leaving right now, but for some unknown reason, I don’t do either of those things.

Instead, I spend the rest of the day trying to get my head around all of the systems I need to use. I make notes on everything Crew shows me, and I get to know the rest of the guys who work here. But I do it all with one eye on the door. I'm not sure if it’s because I’m scared of Max coming back, or if there is a part of me that is hoping he will.