Savage Little Lies by Eden O’Neill

Chapter Twelve


Mommy jerked me forward, my hand in hers. She tugged me so hard.

It hurt.

I cried, telling her my arm stung, but she didn’t stop.

She just kept tugging, the room a blur.

Everything but the animal.

It had big teeth, a large mouth like it’d eat me whole. It would eat me.

Mommy dragged me toward it.

“Mommy, I’m scared,” I cried, but Mommy didn’t stop tugging me. A door was beside the animal, a big door. Would the animal eat me in there?

“You have to,” Mommy said, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to go home. Why couldn’t we just go home?

I shook my head, the tears falling down my cheeks. I could taste them in my mouth like salty crackers.

“Mommy, please,” I called, but she grabbed me by my shoulder. She was taking me to the animal, the door. She wanted to take me to it.

I didn’t want to go.