Defender of Hearts by Tanya Bird

Chapter 16

Lyndal paced the length of the solar, back and forth, hugging herself tightly. She accidentally squeezed the bruise on her arm left by her uncle and cursed aloud. It had been thirty minutes since Kendra had been summoned by Queen Fayre. If chess was involved, she would likely be gone for hours.

Footsteps out in the corridor made her turn towards the door. It burst open, and Kendra stepped inside the room, black tears streaking her face. She had spent a startling amount of time thickening her eyelashes with tea leaves that morning. Now she was turning in frantic circles, shaking out her hands like she had just committed a murder.

‘What on earth happened?’ Lyndal asked, going to her.

Kendra stepped back. ‘I am to go home.’

Relief poured out of Lyndal in one enormous breath. ‘Thank Belenus for that.’

Kendra’s eyes widened. ‘What?’

‘I’m sorry,’ Lyndal said quickly. She spotted Astin outside the door, watching their exchange. ‘It’s just that… I would really like to go home.’

Kendra licked tears off her lips. ‘Well, that is too bad. It seems you are to remain here—without me.’

At first Lyndal thought she must have misheard. ‘What did you say?’

Astin knocked on the door frame.

‘What is it?’ Lyndal asked, a hand pressed to her slowing heart.

His expression was apologetic. ‘Queen Fayre wants to see you in her quarters.’

A meeting in her private quarters meant she did not want anyone else overhearing—not even her guards.

Lyndal’s lungs squeezed. ‘I’m a little busy, as you can see.’

‘It is not a casual invitation,’ Kendra snapped. ‘She is ordering you to go to her. Is that really so difficult for you to grasp?’

Lyndal’s hand dropped to her side, her eyes burning. ‘All right.’ She nodded and looked around the room. What was she looking for? A reason to stay, perhaps. She forced her feet to carry her forwards. ‘We’ll talk when I get back.’

‘I will not be here,’ Kendra said, hands fisted. ‘Do you not understand what is happening right now? I am in the way.’

‘Whose way?’


Lyndal’s breathing was so shallow she feared she might faint. ‘I don’t understand—’

Kendra threw her hands up and headed for the door that led through to her bedchamber. ‘I need to pack.’

Lyndal went to go after her, but a hand landed on her shoulder. She turned to Astin. ‘What’s going on?’ Her eyes welled up as the question fell out of her.

He gestured for her to follow him out into the hall, then pulled the door closed behind them. He looked both ways before saying, ‘I don’t know, but I suspect Queen Fayre will answer all your questions.’ He signalled with his head for her to start walking. ‘You need to keep it together. Understand?’ When she did not respond, he added, ‘You’re known for your level head, so stay level for me.’

The ‘for me’ part made it sound like he genuinely cared. ‘She wants something from me.’

‘She does. And you’re about to find out what that something is.’

They rounded the corner of the east wing, the steady rhythm of his feet blending with her erratic steps. When they reached Queen Fayre’s quarters, the defender on duty went inside to announce her arrival.

‘Level head,’ Astin said, voice low. ‘I’ll be waiting right here for you.’

She nodded, then stiffened when the door swung open again. When she entered, she found the queen mother seated comfortably on the lounge. The fire was ablaze with fresh wood, making the air stifling.

‘Please,’ the queen said, gesturing to one of the chairs. ‘It is best if you are seated for this conversation.’ She offered a smile no doubt intended to ease nerves.

Lyndal walked over to the chair and lowered herself into it, pressing the tips of her fingers into the expensive fabric.

‘Level head.’

She raised her chin. ‘I’m listening, Your Majesty.’