On the Prowl by Kate Rudolph


Desire was a drug,and Andre needed to escape the temptation. As the doorknob clicked closed as he entered the bathroom, he sucked in deep breaths and tried to banish the taste of Em from his mouth.

It was impossible. She was already imprinted on his memory and there was no forgetting it. Not that he really wanted to.

He could turn right around and take her. She was willing. Eager, even. And his cock was more than determined to see her satisfied.

But something stopped him. The energy that was making her ride high would see her crash down in no time. And it may not have been alcohol or drugs that put her in this altered state, but he didn't want to wake up in the morning and see regret in her eyes.

That had happened to him before. Not many times. But enough to send him running.

And maybe that wasn't the only thing that sent him running. He was here to protect her, not fuck her. Sex could screw up everything. And he needed his mind sharp while he did his duty.

His mind wasn't sharp now. And only one part of him was hard. He rubbed the palm of his hand against the erection straining under his jeans and had to bite back a groan. Em might be on the other side of that door, and he didn't want her knowing what he was thinking right now.

What he was doing right now.

Cold shower. That was the responsible thing to do.

Andre stripped off his clothes and let them fall in a pile. He was thankful to see a few towels on the rack over the toilet. Hopefully by the time he got out of the shower, Em would have retreated to her room. There was no need for more temptation.

Because if she kissed him again, he didn't think he could hold himself back.

His hand automatically shifted the shower towards hot water, and as the steam of the spray surrounded him in the room, he couldn't force himself to turn it to a dousing cold. If he couldn't have Em's embrace, at least he could have the embrace of hot water.

He stepped into the shower and felt his muscles begin to relax as the hot water beat down on him.

But not everything relaxed. His cock still stood tall and proud and ready to give Em all the pleasure he knew how to give.

He should be thinking of something else. Of someone else. But she had taken control of him with a single touch and it was like no one else existed.

He tried to ignore his cock. Discipline was a necessary part of his life. But as the water trickled down his body and teased him, he knew there was no other way to get rid of this problem.

She didn't need to know. It wasn't like he was going to tell her. And she couldn't hear him over the rush of the water.

He didn't know why it was taking so long to talk himself into it. There was nothing wrong with doing this.

Nothing wrong, except for the fact that if he walked out the door he could have her.

Andre wrapped his hand around his cock and gave himself a stroke, letting the deep groan escape his throat without a thought.

She would be tighter around him, hot and wet and moaning with desire. If he had her in the shower with him, her legs would be wrapped around his waist and her back against the wall as he plunged into her and pulled out and plunged in and pulled out. The heat of her body and the heat of the shower would melt together until there was nothing but the two of them.

But once they were in bed, she would be on top of him, straddling him just as she had done on the couch.

But this time there would be no clothes between them. Just hot skin and desire.

He stroked harder, faster, but his mind didn't struggle to keep up with the erotic images of Em.

When she went on that stage, she was called Mercy. But she would show him none in the sensual onslaught. And he didn't want mercy from her.

He wanted everything else.

He wanted her over him and under him and beside him. He wanted her lips and her cunt and her ass and her mind and her heart.

Andre groaned again, but this time it wasn't just sexual pleasure. These thoughts were dangerous. He had no rights to her. And it wasn't like she liked him.

Once the mystery was solved, he would walk away, and though they might see each other again every now and then, there would be nothing between them but the memories.

Memories they didn't even have now.

How would she sound when she cried out, her body rippling around him?

How would her kisses change after they had been connected on that fundamental level?

How would she look at him if he owned her heart?

Andre came in a burst of pleasure, the evidence of which the shower quickly washed away.

He leaned against the opposite wall, bracing himself with his arm against the tiles as the water pelted his back.

He needed to find a way to stop thinking of Em like this. He couldn't afford to get distracted, not if it meant risking her life.

But stroking his cock had done nothing but stoke his appetite for her.

He wanted more. He wanted all.

And he couldn't have her. Not when he was the only one that stood between her and some unknown force determined to do her harm.

Eventually the shower stopped and Andre toweled himself off. But he waited for several more minutes until he was absolutely certain that Em had retreated to her bedroom before exiting the bathroom.

Neither of them needed more temptation tonight.

But come morning, he didn't know if he would be able to resist a second time.