On the Prowl by Kate Rudolph


Em wasready to attack the shadow beast right now. No waiting. Just running straight into danger. Unfortunately, Vi still had some preparations she needed to make before they could make their move. She left Em and Andre alone in their room with the protections now up and an assurance that the shadow beast couldn't get to them.

Em looked back at the pool of blood on the ground and shuddered. She must have made a noise.

"Let me take care of that," Vi said before she took off to make her magical preparations. She muttered something that Em couldn't understand and pointed her magically glowing hands at the scarily large pool of blood. At first, nothing happened, and then it seemed to shrink in on itself until there was nothing left.

Not even a stain on the light-colored carpet.

That was almost more impressive than whatever magic was powering the shadow beast. Em, at least, could see a use for something like that. It looked like it would beat vacuuming any day.

"Will you two be okay if I leave you alone?" Vi asked with a concerned look on her face.

Em should probably feel exhausted, but her body was thrumming with energy and she had Andre by her side. She wouldn't be alone at all. She nodded. "We're going to be fine."

Andre sucked in a deep breath and didn't say anything. She placed her hand on his leg, grounding him in her presence to tell him that she would be okay.

She hoped.

Vi left them alone, and it only took another minute for reality to crash down on her.

"Holy shit." She was a werewolf. She had almost died. And if it wasn't for Andre, she would have. "You saved my life."

"That's my job." He nuzzled his head against her, and Em knew for certain that he wasn't doing anything just because it was his job.

But she couldn't stand on the assumption anymore. "Why are you here?"

"You know why," he said, like it was the easiest thing in the world. "You hired me."

She didn't want that explanation. It wasn't enough. "Now is not the time for games, Andre."

He wrapped his arms tight around her. "I couldn't walk away if I wanted to. And I don't want to. You're my mate."

Mate. That word had been hovering around the outside of their interactions for more than a week now. Em knew it was the truth deep in her bones. It changed nothing between them. Everything she felt came from deep in her heart, and she didn't need faith to add some kind of extra layer to make it right.

She reached a hand up and cupped Andre's cheek, but she tried to pull back as she realized she was smearing her own blood against him.

Andre reached up and caught her hand. "I'm not afraid of it."

"We don't need this reminder." She didn't want to come to him covered in her own blood. She was fine now, but only barely. And she needed him to know things were going to be okay.

They got up and Em led him to the bathroom, where they both stripped off their clothes and she turned on the water of the shower.

The shower in the master bathroom of their suite was something that pornographic fantasies were made of, but for the first several minutes, as they stood under the water and let the blood wash away, thoughts of porn and sex and anything else were far from Em's mind.

And then she started to feel clean, and dirty thoughts intruded.

No. Not intruded.

She welcomed them in.

She ran soapy hands over Andre's fit body, her fingers tracing over the defined lines of his muscles and taking joy as he shuddered against her. If she looked lower, she would see his cock plumping up, and her mouth watered at the thought.

She pivoted them around so Andre was standing directly under the water, and she was a bit out of the spray when she dropped down to her knees, heedless of the tile floor. The warmth of the water somehow seemed to shield the hardness of the tile.

"Em…" Whatever he was going to say was cut off when she licked a broad swipe across his cock. He groaned and reached out a hand to steady himself while his other hand seemed magnetically attracted to her head. He rested it carefully on her hair, not forcing her to do anything, but not pushing her away. She wanted his fingers clutching her with careless abandon, and as she licked him again, she knew he was getting close.

He was already hard. And she felt powerful where she was, feeling the way his body responded to her and tasting the clean, masculine flavor of his flesh.

She took him into her mouth and sucked, and finally Andre's fingers dug into her hair and held on for dear life. If she could have smiled around his cock, she would have. But she turned her attention to giving him all of the pleasure that he had given her and then some.

It wasn't a competition. Not exactly.

But she still wanted to win.

Andre thrust against her, and if she hadn't expected it, she would've gagged. She couldn't exactly call herself an expert at giving head, but when it came to Andre, she was going to become a freaking professional.

And that's when she remembered she had hands and used them to help, stroking where her mouth couldn't reach and giving him the pressure that he needed.

He gasped out her name, and it might have been a prayer.

Her body was on fire with desire, even though she hadn't touched herself at all. She would've reached down to stroke her wet sex, but she was a bit concerned that the slippery tile of the floor would see her sliding off of her knees and down onto her ass.

Not exactly sexy.

She sucked even harder, and she was sure she had Andre on the edge. The hoarse cries coming from his mouth got even more desperate as did the way he thrust against her.

But the man had more self-control than he should have and pulled away with an almost pained gasp.

"It's my turn."