Immoral by Nicole Dykes

Note from the Author

I want to thank you for reading Ryan and Grady’s story. Man, I love them. They were so hard to let go! I really didn’t want it to end because their love is beautiful to me.

I want to live in a world full of acceptance, where love is never hated and no one has to hide. I hope you enjoyed their story.

I know some of it may seem exaggerated, and admittedly, I don’t know a lot about the inner workings of the sports/rockstar world, but it is fiction after all. And this sort of stuff does happen. No one should have to live in fear, whether perceived or real. Everyone should be free to love who they love.

I love MM romance, but I wasn’t sure I could write it properly. Hopefully I did them justice because Ryan and Grady will remain in my heart forever.

I want to thank Elle, Ari, and Emma for telling me I could do this and supporting me the entire time, even when I was a super cranky bitch and had to put myself in timeout. I love you all! But don’t be gross.

Thank you, Jeanna, for always being your most amazing self. And thanks to all my friends who have always been there for me. I want to thank my family for their love and support, especially my poor husband who had to deal with my cranky self in person.

I had this idea for a summer of standalones—four books in four months, and I’m the first one to tell you, I’m totally insane. I have two kids under seven and am a wife, daughter, sister, friend, and a total freaking nut.

But I’m almost there now!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this book and will consider leaving a review! Love you all so much! Thank you, and please, remember to be kind. Remember that love should never be made ugly.

Love hard, you all!
