Wicked Lies by Mae Doyle

Chapter 12

“What’s going on?” Harper hissed in my ear as I paused in the door to our homeroom. Behind us in the hall students rushed past us on the way to get to their classes, but everyone in our homeroom was already sitting. Watching the door. Waiting on me.

“It’s fine.” Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room, down the aisle to my desk, ignoring all of the faces turned toward me. I knew that Harper and Maggie followed me into the room to their desks, but I couldn’t pay attention to them right now. As soon as I sat down, all of my attention was on the giant pull-down screen at the front of the room.

My mom was on it. The sound was off, or there was no sound on the video, but she was walking around in the strip club, barely clad. Closing my eyes, I swallowed hard, but when I opened them, she was still there. The phone panned back and forth as it watched her, then suddenly the screen went black. Giant words, written in white, appeared.


There was a collective gasp from my two friends, but I still couldn’t meet their eyes. Jackie slowly turned around, resting his arm on my desk. I focused on it, how he’d rolled up his sleeve, how his muscles twisted and bunched as he leaned to talk to me.

“Your mom is pretty hot, Rosita. Word on the street is that she’s single now, so do you think that you could introduce me? I know that she knows Brett, but honestly, I think I’m more equipped to handle her, if you know what I mean.”

I snapped. Standing up, I swung for him, my palm open and headed straight for his cheek, but his reflexes were too fast and he reached up, grabbing my hand out of the air. I gasped as he squeezed my wrist, rubbing my bones together.

I mean, you could look at him and tell that he was strong, but I still wasn’t expecting him to be able to yank my arm out of the air like that. I didn’t think that he’d be able to twist my arm and sit me back down in my chair without breaking a sweat or raising an eyebrow.

“I hate you.” The words were hisses from my mouth, but he just laughed and shrugged.

“You may, but I bet that your mom wouldn’t. You look for a stepfather since good old daddy died, Rosita?” His eyes searched mine, but I refused to give him any satisfaction of knowing that he was breaking my heart. The heat from his fingers wrapped around my wrist was almost too much for me to bear, but I managed to pull my hand back and push it into my lap.

My other fingers encircled my wrist, caressing it while it throbbed, and I thought about what it felt like to have Jackie’s hand on me.

Amelia leaned over. “It’s no wonder that your mommy wanted to send you here, Rose. It’ll give her so much more time to focus on her clients. Tell me, do you think that she offers dance lessons, or does she only give private ones?”

“Eat shit, Amelia.” The words were out of my mouth before I can stop them, and while I got the satisfaction of her widening her eyes, they quickly narrowed back into slits.

“Alright, class!” Mr. Steton walked in, ignoring the screen behind him. The white words still blazed on it even though I tried to tear my eyes away, but he didn’t pay it any attention. “Settle down for announcements. Now that classes are really in full swing here, I’m sure that Mr. Taylor will have some wisdom that he wants to impart with us.” He leaned on his desk, his eyes sweeping over the class.

How could he sit there and know that this was going on right under his nose? Without any thought to what I was doing, I raised my hand. “Mr. Steton, can we please talk about what’s going on?”

He looked at me, raising one eyebrow. “Miss. Bennett, it’s almost time for announcements. If you have grievances, then they can wait until they are over.”

“But they can’t.” I stood up, pushing my chair back with a loud scraping noise that made everyone look at me. “You need to know what was going on in the room right before you got here. You were right outside! Did you not see?” I was grasping at straws, and I knew that, but I couldn’t stop the tumble of words from my mouth. “How can you stand by and be okay with this?”

He sighed. There was a lock of hair in his face that had slipped out of his bun, and he pushed it out of the way, tucking it behind his ear. I knew that he was speaking, but I couldn’t focus on what he said. My eyes fell to his wrist when he reached up and his shirt pulled away from his hand.

It wasn’t possible, but I saw it with my own two eyes.

He had on one of the same braided leather bracelets as the entire student body. My eyes flicked up to his face. He was still talking, but he looked bored. A loud beep interrupted him as the intercom clicked on for our daily announcements.

I tuned them out.

I tuned out all of the rest of homeroom. Maggie tried to pass me a note, but Kaleb intercepted it and ripped it into shreds before passing it on. By the time the confetti was handed to me, half of it was on the floor, and there was no way of knowing what it said.

I felt like I was in a daze. The bell rang for class change and I stood like everyone else, preparing to go to Spanish. Normally, Jackie walked me, but I brushed by him, ignoring when he called out my name. I was halfway down the hall to my room when I realized that everyone was staring at me.

Harper and Maggie had to go the other direction to get to their class, and it was only my footsteps echoing in the hall. The students all stood, books clutched to their chests, their backs against the lockers, watching me go.

“What? You guys want to take a picture so that it’ll last longer?” I spun in a circle, looking at them. My hips and legs screamed out in pain at the movement, but I didn’t care. Nothing mattered right now except for getting to the bottom of this.

“A picture sounds good, but a video sounds even better.” The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up at Jackie’s voice. He strolled up behind me, reaching out for my shoulder to turn me around. Even though I flinched at his touch, warmth coursed through his fingers. “You think that you could maybe let me take a video? Your mom was more than happy to oblige.”

“It was you?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Not me, Rosita, but it may have well been. Have you not figured it out yet? We don’t want you here. You’re not welcome here. You need to go, and things are only going to get worse for you. I know that Brett gave you until today, but you’re still here, so what’s your play?”

“My play?”

“Your plan, Rosita. How this is all going to go down. Pretty sure that there’s an easy way – that’s where you leave today, and there’s a harder way – and that’s where we encourage you to leave.”

“Is that what you call filming my mom at work and then showing it to everyone in school? Encouraging me to leave?” He shrugged, an infuriating move that only made me angrier. “Because maybe Brett didn’t tell you that I don’t back down easily. I’m not one to just give up, and I need Taylor Prep. More than you do, trust fund boy.”

His eyes widened. “Trust fund boy? I don’t think that you know who you’re dealing with here, Rosita. And, yeah, Brett told us a lot about what you were like when you were younger, but not a lot of it showed that you had backbone.” Reaching out, he ran his fingers lightly up my ribcage. It tickled and burned at the same time, and I had to stop myself from flinching away from his touch. “Or did you get titanium put in your spine as well as in your ribs?”

How did everyone here know everything about me? They all seemed to know about the accident, my dad, and then my mom. It felt like I couldn’t have anything private at Taylor Prep. “My spine was strong enough without it, Jackie.” It was a terrible comeback, and I already knew that I’d be thinking up a better one in the shower later that night, but it was all I could think of at the moment. Spinning away from him, I headed down the hall to Spanish.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. If that was how the students at Taylor Prep thought they were going to drive me out, then they would have to try harder. I could easily handle mean stares in the hallway and silence in the classroom.

Getting together with Maggie and Harper in class and at lunch broke up the day, but even they said that students in their classes had been acting weird. I hated that not only were they attacking my mom, but also my friends, but I didn’t know what I could do about it to stop it, if anything.

I wasn’t sure that anything would get them to leave me alone unless I left the school, and that simply wasn’t an option. Just like the rest of them, I saw Taylor Prep as a springboard to help me obtain the best future possible, but unlike a lot of them, I wasn’t thinking about just myself. I had to take care of my mom. I had to do whatever I could to make sure that she never had to work in a strip club again.

It didn’t feel fair that my dad had left me the insurance money from his death as long as I promised to use it for schooling here. My mom could have used it to pay for a house or make sure that she didn’t have to work again.

Now it was up to me, and I was going to be damned before I let a bunch of snotty rich kids ruin my life plans.